View Full Version : Worried About Protecting Your Content ?

10-23-2009, 11:28 AM
Instead of hiring some self proclaimed expert consultant that has little more experience than the night shift at McDonalds... you could step up and do something about it.

This link comes from LAJ from Ynot.com and shows that instead of punishing your customers because of a few bad apples you can invest that time and money into doing something about it if your content is as valuable as you say it is.

Read about it here http://www.wp-board.com/

10-24-2009, 10:27 AM
I saw that site about 6 months ago and dropped him a note of encouragement. It's good to see the updates and follow through he is doing. If the broplayers would follow his lead, the landscape of adult internet sales would change dramatically imo.

10-25-2009, 02:28 PM
if all the big players had done that piracy would look very different today. But unfortunately our industry is very short sighted.

10-25-2009, 02:44 PM
Hey, that's what we need. A couple of these "Big Content companies" could take note here and spend some employee time on exactly that. Chasing down piracy.

If their content is really that valuable to them, the tools are available.

Or better yet, hire this guy, who seems to know what he's doing.

10-26-2009, 11:20 AM
Thats a great story, but who has that kind of time ? He is the perfect plaintiff though. And what he is doing will make his lawyer's life so much easier when he does file.