View Full Version : 'Adult' in Chile ?

10-11-2009, 08:37 PM
Hi all ... who's seen the new incentives being offered by Chile to try and get Tech Entrepreneurs into the country (http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/10/10/chile-wants-your-poor-your-huddled-masses-your-tech-entrepreneurs/) ?

The Chilean government has put together an incredible slate of incentives for technology-based companies that export their products. The government wants you to invest $500,000 over 5 years, but is pretty flexible about how you do this.

So what do you get for your $500,000? To start with, they’ll give you a visa. You can stay as long as you want – even permanently. You need to submit a business plan but you have a lot of latitude for what’s an acceptable business. Any type of high tech products, medical or biotech products, or green or cleantech products get the stamp of approval, as does software or even online gaming or social network software. ...

But first, you want to check out the country, right? The government will give you 60% of your due diligence costs, or up to $30,000, to visit and explore Chile. And they’ll grant you another $30,000 to launch your company in Chile. If you work from one of their tech centers, the government will pay for 5 years of rent (up to $1 million) or split the costs if you want to locate elsewhere in this gorgeous country.

How about workforce incentives? Chile has you covered. The government will pay you (as an approved entrepreneur) up to $25,000 for the first year of “training costs” for any locals you hire. By the way, Chile has some excellent engineering schools so it’s not terribly difficult to pick up a good Java or C# programmer. They typically make $15,000-30,000 per year ...

What do you guy's think of the incentives ?

Does anyone have any experience working / living in the country ?

And most importantly, does anyone know how 'liberal' and/or supportive the Government / Legislation of Chile is of the Adult Industry ?

10-14-2009, 07:35 AM
I have no idea what the laws on adult are, but I'm sure from a tech pov, they would probably be relaxed. It's usually only shooting that causes problems in some countries.

It's a beautiful country!