View Full Version : Breast Cancer Awareness month ...

10-09-2009, 10:22 PM
... where's the Adult Industry on this ... seriously, one way or another *most* of us make a buck from 'em so why isn't there a HUGE outpouring of support for Breast Cancer Awareness month ?!

Have I missed it ... if so please let me know, we're running a whole series of programs on ANYwebcam.com and I'd be more then happy to promote your efforts to support Breast Cancer awareness by let'n our members know what u'r doing ... ?

10-10-2009, 01:37 AM
... where's the Adult Industry on this ... seriously, one way or another *most* of us make a buck from 'em so why isn't there a HUGE outpouring of support for Breast Cancer Awareness month ?!

Have I missed it ... if so please let me know, we're running a whole series of programs on ANYwebcam.com and I'd be more then happy to promote your efforts to support Breast Cancer awareness by let'n our members know what u'r doing ... ?

I'll support as many breasts as you need supported.
Just line the girls up here.

(Sorry, I couldn't help myself.)


10-10-2009, 02:03 AM
(Sorry, I couldn't help myself.)

Please try harder next time. This really wasn't a good place to try to be funny. :hmm:

Back on topic... I've not seen anything organized put forward by the industry in general and that's a shame since women and breasts are such a visible part of this business.

My mother was a 16 yr survivor of breast cancer, before it recurred and took her at age 61. I contribute every year through Komen Race for the Cure. A friend and her daughter always participate in the Washington DC walk and I help sponsor them.

10-10-2009, 02:59 PM
My mother was also a breast cancer survivor who was in full remission for a couple of years. Unfortunately, it did come back and spread throughout her body. She passed away in July. We have supported the breast cancer cause in many ways for a number of years.

10-10-2009, 07:00 PM
Didn't get a lot of warning about this one ... ‘Sex at the Shore’ Benefit for Stephanie Swift (http://www.xbiz.com/news/113608)

10-10-2009, 11:31 PM
Didn't get a lot of warning about this one ... ‘Sex at the Shore’ Benefit for Stephanie Swift (http://www.xbiz.com/news/113608)

And that's typical. The Porn Valley segment of the biz tends to live in their own little world and make only a minimal effort to communicate with the rest of the industry.

I do recall reading about her diagnosis earlier this year. I hope they caught it early enough and treatment is successful. BUT, I wondered to myself at the time why doesn't she have health insurance?

10-12-2009, 04:19 PM
And that's typical. The Porn Valley segment of the biz tends to live in their own little world and make only a minimal effort to communicate with the rest of the industry.

I do recall reading about her diagnosis earlier this year. I hope they caught it early enough and treatment is successful. BUT, I wondered to myself at the time why doesn't she have health insurance?

I would defend the publishing segment of the industry here, although it's not my job to do so.

It's a very simple thing.....if one simply issues a "Press Release" of the event, I think they would find all the publications in the industry ready to announce it, as well as many in the mainstream news world. In this world of 24/7 constant stream news, you have 2 problems, too much news, and not enough news to fill the time slots.

Age old proven method, that;......Press release.
It's gotten EASIER in the digital age......not harder.

10-13-2009, 10:38 AM
Both my wife and I lost our mom's to this very terrible disease and while women's breasts are certainly an integral part to the industry as a whole, I don't think that the industry or the government for that matter should be looked upon to focus on it.

On an individual level I feel very confident that many members of the industry support this issue with both personal service and monetary contributions and that you might also discover that many of our leaders also show their support through corporate donations.

Sadly, like so many organizations worldwide that receive support from adult based benefactors it is done quietly, as advertising adult involvement doesn't always yield the best results in the main stream.