View Full Version : Acacia-Dead Long live the Joint Defense Group!

10-02-2009, 07:06 AM
Yes, it's Over.

Acacia was destroyed by the Brave and ballsy Adult industry Entrepreneurs, headed by Homegrown Video, Spike Goldberg, and others.

No thanks to all you rat bastards that sold out to acaia.

But lucky you...you'll benefit also.....or maybe not. we'll see.
You know who you are.

Those of you that were afraid to speak out, lest you be targeted by acacia, you managed to sneak by this one. But you should still feel like shit.
You can poke your little head out now.

And every damn one of you better give a thank you, a wave, or a head bow, to those that fought the battle you didn't.

The streaming patent mess is over. One shiny bit of good news!

Read all about it over at AVN:

"By Tom Hymes

SAN JOSE, Calif.—After six long years, the remaining family of “streaming media” patents owned by Acacia Media Technologies has been invalidated by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

Originally fought by several adult companies grouped under the Joint Defense Group—including Homegrown Video, New Destiny and Video Secrets—this latest and last challenge to Acacia’s patents involved a case brought by Acacia against leading satellite and cable companies Echostar, DirectTV, Time Warner Cable and CSC Holdings, Inc.........."http://business.avn.com/articles/36433.html?utm_source=avnonline&utm_medium=email&utm_content=more&utm_campaign=top_story_1


10-02-2009, 08:18 AM
All I can think of is the major (and not so major) companies that were stupid enough to pay instead of fighting an obviously stupid patent claim.

10-02-2009, 09:36 AM
All I can think of is the major (and not so major) companies that were stupid enough to pay instead of fighting an obviously stupid patent claim.
Epiccash - Pimpdogg
Matrix Content

And HGV wasnt the only one in on that fight either. But I know Spike spent hours on that thing and the company did suffer for trying to do the right thing.

10-02-2009, 12:43 PM
Here's a good article from the past:

The announcement came on behalf of a group of Acacia litigants who decided independently to challenge Acacia's streaming media patent claims. The group includes VS Media, Homegrown Video, TopBucks, GameLink, LightSpeed Entertainment, AEBN, Sunup Media, Webmaster Paradise, Adult Revenue Service, and others.


10-02-2009, 03:32 PM
All I can think of is the major (and not so major) companies that were stupid enough to pay instead of fighting an obviously stupid patent claim.

And, by paying, they helped to hurt the others in our industry,

Hell Puppy
10-02-2009, 11:00 PM
Our patent system is broken, only ones who win are the lawyers.

If you own a legit patent, you gotta enforce it with the courts. At the same time if you are one of these companies that buy up BS patents, you can target anyone using your patent and offer them the choice of licensing or being sued.

These things can be in court for years and tend to be very expensive to fight as you need specialized attorneys and experts.

It comes down to a business decision if you're targeted:

1) fight it in court
2) negotiate a licensing fee you can afford
3) stop using the invention in question

The less legit the patent is, the more affordable #2 will be and thus it will often be the best business decision. Used properly it's basically legal extortion.

10-03-2009, 12:16 AM
Oh yes...we know that quite well.

And then there is right and wrong. Like any situation, there are those that bend, and those that won't.