View Full Version : If you read one post all year this is the one

09-30-2009, 02:17 AM
Ive dismissed all pinned threads to draw attention to this one.
This was posted over on Souths new board and I will put the link to the thread at the bottom which I encourage each and everyone to go post feedback to DamageX

Its amazing what can be said in a short few days when the people move away from the noise of those with hidden agendas and starved for attention/streeet cred.

I take no credit for this ... this is all Damage X

1. This is not a legal or even operational problem. It's a marketing problem. Porn has become commoditized, fucking is fucking and as long as people see that happening they can rub one out. Meaning most of them won't be caught dead paying for it, as long as they can get it for free (and they can).

2. You can't put the shit back into the horse and cartels never work. I learned this with TGP2. I was one of the founding members and stuck it out pretty much to the bitter end. In fact, I was one of the few still marketing TGP2 to the webmaster community while most of it had all but died off. "Great idea, it will never work though!" Turns out they were right. Why? Because the easiest way to compete is to cut price, as very few are even familiar with any other methods to compete. So people kept cutting price (giving out more content for free).

The stealing issue aside, this is why full-movie tubes like Choker's and others operate. They may still give away the farm, but they get to sell other stuff to make it work their while.

3. There's NO WAY IN HELL anyone in this industry will be able to LEGALLY get the likes of PornHub/Tube8 shut down in the next 4-5 years or so, unless these sites no longer turn a profit. See, they should've been nipped in the bud, instead of bitching and moaning about their stealing. Now they're too big and I could pretty safely bet large amounts of money on the fact that Brazzers have enough legal firepower to keep a suit tied up in courts for YEARS to come. In the meanwhile they'd keep on stealing your content and profit from it, while you'd get stuck paying for someone to DMCA them day in and day out.

4. Stop dealing with thieves? Sure, I'm all for it. In fact, anyone who knows me well enough also knows that I've turned down profitable deals time and time again, simply because I either didn't believe in the product/service or it wasn't honest enough for my taste.

That aside, I've also run into the issue that I simply cannot motivate others to stop dealing with thieves, especially in situations where the money they make by dealing with thieves helps pay their rent or put food on the table. As an example, how many here (or among people you know) continue pushing PPS proggies with hidden double pre-checked crosses? You can't impose your morals on people, they need to grow their own. And growing morals is hard as fuck when making rent depends on your next paycheck.

This, again, is a marketing problem, in the sense that morals don't put food on the table, money does.

To sum it all up... Again, it's ALL a MARKETING problem. How's that? People will ultimately keep on looking out for THEIR best interests, as they see them. Some may take a long-term approach, some may take a short-term one. The real issue for just about everyone involved is when enough take a short-term approach to profit to fuck things up for the rest. And we all know this keeps happening all the time in this industry.

Solution? Come up with ALTERNATIVES for them to use, to satisfy their short-term needs, which aren't as detrimental to the industry as a whole as what they're using now. Abstination from "dirty" profits isn't a solution, at least not for the competition. If they're ruthless enough they'll eventually end up putting you in the poorhouse without a second thought. Which, from a business perspective (you know, responsibility primarily towards shareholders), IS THE WAY IT SHOULD BE.

In other words, as long as there's dirty stuff that can be done without much risk and it pays better than honest things you can do, IF I DON'T DO IT SOMEONE ELSE WILL. Trust me on that one, you've all seen it happen over and over.

Anyway, so much for me ranting. Hopefully this makes sense. http://www.gofuckgfy.com/images/smilies/smile.gif



09-30-2009, 08:30 AM
A much more in depth explanation of what many of us have been saying all along. You can't compete directly with tubes/torrents/etc, and they're not going away.

The only way to compete is to offer your customers something tubes don't or cannot.

Greg B
09-30-2009, 11:52 AM
There's an old saying that not only does the cream rise, the scum does too. Without a collective effort of responsible webmasters, ISPs etc. then won't shit get done. Crime thrives on the web and porn is an area that people love to watch but no one wants to admit they get their hands dirty. Porn only hits the news wires when some official or celebrity gets busted in association to it. Pornmeisters complaining about crime in it's industry is like to the press and authorities like the bear robbing the honey bee hive complaining about the bee stings.

Putting an ethical system into any system is tough as we can see with our own global economic infrastructure. It's rife with crime. Our societies are coming apart at the seams because no one is obeying the laws and ethics that are the foundation of how they are suppose to operate. If we can't shore up our own governments how are we going to handle the porn industry?

Should webmasters uniteand police the biz? There are millions of sites now globally and many coming from countries that have no laws and oversights. Content theft and malware and worse are common practice. However, there are things we can do but it calls for the majority of us to band together and be a royal pain in the ass to those sites that conduct criminal activity and keep at them until they have no place to run and no place to hide.

It has to be a collective effort that alerts the surfers regarding these sights and use any means necessary to do so. Once the surfers are aware, they'll get viral about it as well. It may not be an ultimate solution but it would be such a thorn in the side of webmasters who are crooks that it would keep them on their toes.

You have to understand that there are millions of people who are in dire straits trying to survive and don't give a rat's ass about rules and regulations and ethics. Some are literally under the gun of gangsters and they have to steal or die from lead poisoning or a chronic case of constant kicked ass. There are brutal people in this world and you have to deal with that.

So instead of bickering amongst ourselves it's time, high time to form a collective of responsible webmasters who know how to attack and defend and take no prisoners in the process.

Greg B
09-30-2009, 11:58 AM
Oh, and one more thing. When GFY allowed members to libel me on a constant basis the staff there did nothing. Only a handful of webmasters came to my defense. When GFY was exposed no one lambasted them but stood there and let it happen to more webmasters. Now that there's been a major fucking of cosmic proportions these same lame assed webmasters want to get all ethical about things. Even owners of major companies that I helped get started and promoted. I don't forget so easily and have my own shitlist. To those that laid down with dogs and got fleas, pardon the pun but go fuck yourself. Gonzo was one of a handful of professionals that stood up and his hands are now clean which is why I'm posting this here.

10-01-2009, 01:18 AM
A much more in depth explanation of what many of us have been saying all along. You can't compete directly with tubes/torrents/etc, and they're not going away.

The only way to compete is to offer your customers something tubes don't or cannot.

Yes, indeed.

Hell Puppy
10-01-2009, 10:13 PM
Translation: it's a bitch to try to sell sand in a desert.

10-03-2009, 06:32 AM
Translation: it's a bitch to try to sell sand in a desert.

Sell the oasis.

10-03-2009, 02:15 PM
Translation: it's a bitch to try to sell sand in a desert.

You know, they built Las Vegas in a desert.

Sell them something they want, and didn't expect.