View Full Version : From the Desk of Mike South

09-28-2009, 02:49 PM
Press Release:


We are proud to announce the formation of a new webmaster resource board, www.gofuckgfy.com (http://www.gofuckgfy.com/)

When asked why a new board was needed board co-founder Mike South had this to say:

"Last week gofuckyourself.com decided to slap adult webmasters across the face by accepting advertising from and skinning their site with ads from a company that runs tube sites that steal adult content. At that point I intentionally got myself banned for life by calling them what they are, sell outs and scumbags.

I wasn't alone, many of GFY's top posters and most influential webmasters pulled advertising and got themselves banned as well. I looked at this situation and I told DirtyWhiteBoy that we should fuck them back by starting gofuckgofuckyourself.com. At that moment we knew it had to be done. We bought the domains and quickly got gofuckgfy.com up and running.

Truth is DirtyWhiteBoy and Nate deserve all of the credit, they worked all night to make the board look and feel familiar to GFY users, even to the point that we can restore your post count.

We want all of GFY's participants to come join us and make this the industry's best resource board, after all it is the posters that make a board like this successful and we welcome you all."

Indeed gofuckgfy.com has barely been up twenty four hours and has already attracted such luminaries as Dean Capture and Gonzo and is already over 100 posts and growing by the minute.

Reading the rules on the board kind of sums up the atmosphere. The rules are "Use common sense".

Anyone having any questions please contact Mike South

email: mikesouth@mikesouth.com
http://www.gofuckgfy.com/images/statusicon/user_online.gif http://www.gofuckgfy.com/images/buttons/report.gif (http://www.gofuckgfy.com/report.php?p=126) http://www.gofuckgfy.com/images/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.gofuckgfy.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=126)

09-28-2009, 04:22 PM
Just registered over there for the hell of it. I do like the idea of the post count carry over from GFY as I found that anyone with a high post count isn't really in the business and doesn't know that much. After all, how can you have 10,000+ posts on a board and actually do real work! ;)

Unfortunately, I can already tell this will quickly go downhill as many of the people who registered on the board are just the trolls from GFY! I hope not for Mike's sake, but the initial postings are already just crap filled nonsense.

09-28-2009, 04:28 PM
Just registered over there for the hell of it. I do like the idea of the post count carry over from GFY as I found that anyone with a high post count isn't really in the business and doesn't know that much. After all, how can you have 10,000+ posts on a board and actually do real work! ;)

Unfortunately, I can already tell this will quickly go downhill as many of the people who registered on the board are just the trolls from GFY! I hope not for Mike's sake, but the initial postings are already just crap filled nonsense.
Im hoping they establish it as a place for all of the content shooters to hang out.

Hell they got Dean on there.

09-28-2009, 06:18 PM
Just registered over there for the hell of it. I do like the idea of the post count carry over from GFY as I found that anyone with a high post count isn't really in the business and doesn't know that much. After all, how can you have 10,000+ posts on a board and actually do real work! ;)

Unfortunately, I can already tell this will quickly go downhill as many of the people who registered on the board are just the trolls from GFY! I hope not for Mike's sake, but the initial postings are already just crap filled nonsense.

over 51k in posts on gfy and my wifes site celebrated its 9 th anv and Ive been in the adult biz since I was 20 Im 45 yrs old. GFY changed radically from when I started posting there. It went from where the industry hangs out to where very few of the industry hangs out. its sad but oh well, I got paid well for my sig and was with tcg for 5 yrs. It rocked I got free money for something I did anyway gfy replaced the water cooler for me.
I stopped because it wasnt fun anymore and it all seemed very mean spirited.

09-28-2009, 07:04 PM
Tony, it become the "you are in or you are out" club. Jackasses like Metaman can post insults, lies, and such all the time with impunity, and others get banned for much, much less.

It isn't a fun place, unless you are a bro, and then you are probably making money off an illegal tube site and the skin doesn't bother you. :)

09-28-2009, 09:45 PM
I would love to post Mike. I can log in but that is as far as I get.

09-28-2009, 10:50 PM
Nice job to Mike and crew....

09-29-2009, 01:36 AM
Hey.....isn't linking another webmaster board a bannable offense?

ooops. wrong board

09-29-2009, 03:22 PM
thanks yall we really started it as a fuck you to gfy and it kinda grew faster than we expected.

I dont really care if its all business or not, and really dont expect it to be but I would like it tobe a good resource in that you can ask questions or whatever and get real answers.

We are already getting requests to skin the board and we dont even have a clue what to charge LOL

personally im ok with mixing business with some fun and i generally let things like this live or die on their own and we dont have a rule about other forums, matter of fact we believe theres a place for all of us and truth is we all benefit by helping each other out.

I am pleased to start seeing some legit business threads popping up there

gonzo...hit me up when ya get a chance

09-29-2009, 05:33 PM
thanks yall we really started it as a fuck you to gfy and it kinda grew faster than we expected.

I dont really care if its all business or not, and really dont expect it to be but I would like it tobe a good resource in that you can ask questions or whatever and get real answers.

We are already getting requests to skin the board and we dont even have a clue what to charge LOL

personally im ok with mixing business with some fun and i generally let things like this live or die on their own and we dont have a rule about other forums, matter of fact we believe theres a place for all of us and truth is we all benefit by helping each other out.

I am pleased to start seeing some legit business threads popping up there

gonzo...hit me up when ya get a chance

Uh oh.
Are you mad for me calling Top bucks out?
Or did you find me recommending a strong sell for Playboy stock on the yahoo forum?

Hell Puppy
09-29-2009, 09:52 PM
Mike has a desk?!!?

09-29-2009, 10:38 PM
Mike has a desk?!!?
He has a truck! Thats a desk isnt it?

09-30-2009, 01:06 AM
Mike has a desk?!!?

He has a hat....