View Full Version : Old Content

09-26-2009, 01:56 PM
Do you think that there is a point at which old content sort of becomes new..I mean that its been around a while and probably most people viewing porn sites today have either forgotten it or are too young to have ever seen it? Is that possible? Cuz I want to use the ton of old content I have and not sure how or if I should.

09-26-2009, 02:34 PM
It depends on what you're going to use it for. Fashions, hair styles, room decor etc. can look pretty dated even if the surfer has never seen the content before. That's of course is assuming that the originals are at a resolution that's even usable today.

09-26-2009, 03:29 PM
It depends on what you're going to use it for. Fashions, hair styles, room decor etc. can look pretty dated even if the surfer has never seen the content before. That's of course is assuming that the originals are at a resolution that's even usable today.

Good points. I have a lot of Indian content which I believe was exclusive when we bought it..for some reason we never used it. And I found CDs of vintage content which look interesting. There's also a couple of external hard drives full of content with reseller rights...lots of stuff to figure out...so much work.

09-26-2009, 04:35 PM
Do you think that there is a point at which old content sort of becomes new..I mean that its been around a while and probably most people viewing porn sites today have either forgotten it or are too young to have ever seen it? Is that possible? Cuz I want to use the ton of old content I have and not sure how or if I should.
Several paysites are on the whats old is now new recuycle plan. Id say go for it. And theres alwasy a demand for good vintage content.

09-26-2009, 04:47 PM
I'm not sure if it's really the same thing, but we "recycle" our old content. But, we don't just throw it up as it was. We have a couple of hundred video scenes that were done prior to 2000 when the average video was only 320 X 240 and compressed to the max for dial-up users. I grab the old master tapes, and do a complete new edit in high quality formats, then re-release it as a "Carol Cox Classic". The members just love it. We have so much old content that I do a "Classic" video every week. At that rate, I have 6 r 7 more years of content ;)

But we still shoot 2 to 3 new scenes every week, and in High Definition, so it isn't as if we are trying to just get by on old stuff.

09-27-2009, 04:11 PM
I'm just drowning in everything here..boxes and boxes of content, crammed full external hard drives, full paysite designs never used..dozens of notebooks of ideas for future projects..Drav even wrote a novel which I may edit in the future and see if i can get it published .

I can use about ten more hands to help sort all this out. How do you guys manage all of your stuff? lol

Hell Puppy
09-27-2009, 06:03 PM
Resolutions are the largest challenge.

If you're users have gotten used to looking at things in full screen and you throw up and old 320x200, they're going to notice. Danny has the right approach, if you have like a solo girl that's been around a while, it can be nostalgic. You "feature it" since you cant "fix it".

Stills are same way, depends on the quality and what the users are expecting.

Now I would say that old stuff still has value for free sites...yes, I said free sites. Remember those? give away the old low-res shit to upsell 'em to HD and high res.

09-28-2009, 01:38 PM
Isn't there the new 2257 laws to also worry about. Not sure if at what stage old content si considered grandfathered in so it's only the old laws that apply but that's something that needs to be looked at I imagine.

09-28-2009, 02:28 PM
Consider yourself lucky to have that amount of content, albeit old, there is still use for it. I'm in the same boat myself, but as was said, finding the right venue to feature it is key.

As far as sorting through it all, roll up your sleeves lad and dig in, it's just labor intensive stuff, but aren't most things in this biz...

09-28-2009, 02:37 PM
Consider yourself lucky to have that amount of content, albeit old, there is still use for it. I'm in the same boat myself, but as was said, finding the right venue to feature it is key.

As far as sorting through it all, roll up your sleeves lad and dig in, it's just labor intensive stuff, but aren't most things in this biz...

You're right. I've gone through some of it, usually work on the extra stuff weekends when I dont have any deadline intensive stuff to do. Right now my office is such a mess I hate it.

09-28-2009, 04:49 PM
We have all the requirements for 2257 for all our content. We started record keeping back in 1994, and not even for 2257, just to protect ourselves. Luckily, everything we had already done fit in perfectly with the 2257 requirements.

Now all I need to do is find a Hi-8 and VHS-C camera to play back some of that really old stuff! :D

09-28-2009, 05:31 PM
We have all the requirements for 2257 for all our content. We started record keeping back in 1994, and not even for 2257, just to protect ourselves. Luckily, everything we had already done fit in perfectly with the 2257 requirements.

Now all I need to do is find a Hi-8 and VHS-C camera to play back some of that really old stuff! :D

My really old content is all betacam. Gotta find a bvw and dust it off. I find old content useful if presented as "nostalgia", but then again, my entire business is based on nostalgia. If you have any serious stocking content I might be interested in it, Electra

09-28-2009, 08:13 PM
My really old content is all betacam. Gotta find a bvw and dust it off. I find old content useful if presented as "nostalgia", but then again, my entire business is based on nostalgia. If you have any serious stocking content I might be interested in it, Electra

If I have any I'll let you know. I'll sort some more this weekend.

09-29-2009, 12:04 AM
I just added quite a few sets back to my members area that were "lost" for awhile after a drive failure...it's crazy but I got some fanmail from members on it like it was brand new...one who had sent a fanmail about the same update 2 years ago and he didn't even remember it. Silly boy :)

I definitely think most paysites can use their older content, or spin some of it into a separate site to come "free with your membership", do your own members area plug-ins, etc.

09-29-2009, 12:18 AM
I like keeping all the content on the site and not recycle especially when we live in a world where people are offering 50 sites for $19.95 a month.

09-29-2009, 12:38 AM
I don't consider it recycling at all, and we don't try and push any of it off as if it's new. I just mix in re-editted older stuff with the new scenes that we do, and the members love it. Keep in mind that our old stuff was all shorter scenes rendered at 320X240. I now do a "Director's Cut" and give them a much longer scene at a much higher quality. I bump the stuff up to 768X576 and at a high bitrate.

BTW, we offer 80+ sites for $19.95 a month ;)

09-29-2009, 12:46 AM
I don't consider it recycling at all, and we don't try and push any of it off as if it's new. I just mix in re-editted older stuff with the new scenes that we do, and the members love it. Keep in mind that our old stuff was all shorter scenes rendered at 320X240. I now do a "Director's Cut" and give them a much longer scene at a much higher quality. I bump the stuff up to 768X576 and at a high bitrate.

BTW, we offer 80+ sites for $19.95 a month ;)

I wasnt talking about you. :) But I heard before about recycling content. I also have customers that go for a while and come back and those who have been around for years. I dont want to get the emails wasnt this up before? 80 sites for $19.95 damn lol We are two sites for $29.95 and probably adding a third in 2010.

09-29-2009, 01:23 AM
We tell the members when we put an update up that has either been up in the past or is currently still available, but in the old formats. There are loads of sites, especially in the Amateur niche, that should be doing the same thing. Like us, they have lots of older content that was put out at lower resolutions due to people being primarily on dial-up in the past.

Keep in mind that when we launched Carol's website back in 1994, a 33.6k modem was the standard. We had to tailor our content to fit those dial-up speeds. That meant reduced images and very small low quality video. But we still have all that raw material! We're not doing the really old stuff (mainly Hi-8 video) as I have hundreds upon hundreds of mini-DV tapes to get through that will keep me busy for years!

If you have older videos on your site that are still sitting at 320X240, and you still have the masters, the members will actually love to see a re-edit at high qualities and larger sizes.

09-29-2009, 03:04 PM
I feel your pain Electra lol . I have boxes of old tapes I've been putting off reworking like Danny was saying above. I figure it is about 3 or 4 years worth of updates. Most of it is on VHS-C tapes from '98 and '99. For some reason I really like the way that stuff looked. It will be interesting to re-render it at a higher resolution ... one day.

09-29-2009, 08:32 PM
I feel your pain Electra lol . I have boxes of old tapes I've been putting off reworking like Danny was saying above. I figure it is about 3 or 4 years worth of updates. Most of it is on VHS-C tapes from '98 and '99. For some reason I really like the way that stuff looked. It will be interesting to re-render it at a higher resolution ... one day.

That's what I keep saying...one day, lol I would love to get into some of the new projects we were working on but I just can't seem to find the time.

10-11-2009, 01:32 AM
bumpin ^_^