View Full Version : No more external cross bills?

Hell Puppy
08-03-2009, 09:29 PM
Netbilling sent out a memo today that they are putting the kybosh on external (company to company) cross sells.

08-03-2009, 10:04 PM
Netbilling would only be doing so if they were getting pressure from higher up the food chain.

I guess there won't be quite as many bags of money floating up on the shore.

08-03-2009, 11:12 PM
I guess this means that DeeCash will have to merge all their sites under one company to keep up the good work. I have to think that Visa and Mastercard finally woke up and realized that people are playing an ugly shell company game, using multiple names, multiple acquirers, and multiple cross sales to soak people's credit cards for the maximum possible.

Netbilling is very likely taking a directive they have gotten from above and applying it without much joy, as it will likely cut down the transactions they process as a result. Don't be shocked to see the other major billers come down with the same rules sometime in the near future. Then we get to see which group of playahs suddenly are out of cash.

08-03-2009, 11:46 PM
It will be interesting to see if CCBill and Epoch make any similar announcements.

The playahs all had to have seen this coming. It was pretty clear where things were headed when MC made their statement last year regarding cross merchant sharing of cc data.

08-04-2009, 01:25 AM
"The Mighty" will be so very sad.... SON!

Im thinking Florida could be the last hurrah for may. even more so than last year.

And for the first time I wont be going. Look at the site and you can see the turn they are making to "consumerize" it.

Look at the lack of seminar topics and entertainment. My guess is that AVN will drop this show ASAP/

08-04-2009, 11:55 AM
Oh . . . . . The humanity! :boohoo:

08-04-2009, 03:12 PM
The guy from ftc says if you have a prechecked cross sale that is a problem. You listen and after he says that there is an awkward silence in the room.

Hell Puppy
08-04-2009, 10:15 PM
"The Mighty" will be so very sad.... SON!

Im thinking Florida could be the last hurrah for may. even more so than last year.

And for the first time I wont be going. Look at the site and you can see the turn they are making to "consumerize" it.

Look at the lack of seminar topics and entertainment. My guess is that AVN will drop this show ASAP/

I predict Florida is the cost cutting show this year. The people there to do business are all going to be looking to shave some costs off their operating expenses. Unless you are in a position to undercut your competitors, gonna be a bad show to be a service provider I think.

Likely a good show to hire someone at though for those few actually looking to expand.....or cost reduce the payroll.

08-04-2009, 10:23 PM
The last Summer Internext I attended was in '06. The sponsor/vendor reps outnumbered webmasters by about 3 or 4 to 1.

With all the reps that have been downsized, and programs that just aren't sending anyone, webmasters may outnumber reps for the first time in ages.

08-04-2009, 10:27 PM
The last Summer Internext I attended was in '06. The sponsor/vendor reps outnumbered webmasters by about 3 or 4 to 1.

With all the reps that have been downsized, and programs that just aren't sending anyone, webmasters may outnumber reps for the first time in ages.
So what you are saying, is the sky is really falling this time?

08-04-2009, 11:15 PM
So what you are saying, is the sky is really falling this time?

I don't think the sky is falling, but it's most definitely changing. It was already starting to happen over the last several years, but the bottom falling out of the economy has increased the pace. Show sponsors aren't simply looking to make a big splash any longer, they need to see some ROI on those dollars.

Shows are going to have to change in order to survive. But those changes have to make sense in ROI terms not only for the show operators and sponsors, but also for those that attend.

I think Cybernet has a better grasp of that concept than any of the others right now. It will be interesting to see which ones survive into 2010.

08-05-2009, 12:28 AM
Toby, my feeling is that Internext in Florida may be the first one to go. It's a long backhaul from the other coast for most of the players and hitting florida in the middle of the heat and hurricane season isn't exactly attractive. With the loss of the show floor, it is pretty hard to keep that whole thing going (and justify the $300 price tag for a badge).

They keep working on that show and trying to make it go, but it keeps getting harder, I think. The last time I went was, hmm, 3 years ago? 4 years ago? I have a very hard time jusifying spending out probably $1500 in a few days, when so little of the buisness done there is aimed at what I do anyway.

08-05-2009, 08:38 AM
Toby, my feeling is that Internext in Florida may be the first one to go. It's a long backhaul from the other coast for most of the players and hitting florida in the middle of the heat and hurricane season isn't exactly attractive. With the loss of the show floor, it is pretty hard to keep that whole thing going (and justify the $300 price tag for a badge).

They keep working on that show and trying to make it go, but it keeps getting harder, I think. The last time I went was, hmm, 3 years ago? 4 years ago? I have a very hard time jusifying spending out probably $1500 in a few days, when so little of the buisness done there is aimed at what I do anyway.
Miami used to be a great show because it had so many of the girls around to do shoots. The $300 price tag killed that off combined with locking the hotel down.

I have some of my best show memories from there as well as some of the worst. The year I flew down between 2 hurricanes to attend is certainly worth mentioning.

08-05-2009, 09:37 PM
Miami used to be a great show because it had so many of the girls around to do shoots...

All the indie solo girls being there was probably the most valuable part of that show for me. It's far easier for them to trust you, give you access to content etc. when you're speaking face to face.

08-05-2009, 09:50 PM
If it wasn't for being in my backyard and getting in for way less than full price I doubt I would be going although it is my favorite show though I rarely go to shows.

08-05-2009, 11:15 PM
If it wasn't for being in my backyard and getting in for way less than full price I doubt I would be going although it is my favorite show though I rarely go to shows.

Oh come on Cleo, you have to admit that staying at the Stratosphere and war driving for wireless and coffee in Vegas was fun ;)

08-06-2009, 02:33 PM
"The Mighty" will be so very sad.... SON!

Im thinking Florida could be the last hurrah for may. even more so than last year.

And for the first time I wont be going. Look at the site and you can see the turn they are making to "consumerize" it.

Look at the lack of seminar topics and entertainment. My guess is that AVN will drop this show ASAP/
I have noticed that 12clicks and his girls are not very active at the moment. Could he be circling the waggons and hoping he won't lose his "fortune" to this cc round up? Maybe he will be heading for Spain or Gibralter or somewhere equally as inaccessible.