View Full Version : Hot Women Will Cheat More

07-25-2009, 11:40 AM
From SexArise.com

University of Texas psychologists found that females with high concentrations of the hormone oestradiol - critical for sexual functioning in women - were likelier to tease, flirt, kiss and have a serious affair outside an established relationship than women with lower levels. READ More:

07-25-2009, 12:42 PM
with regards to their beauty I believe they are. More temptations.lol

07-25-2009, 02:04 PM
Now if we can just find a way to make an additive for white wine spritzers or coolers, man, bars could be popular again!

07-25-2009, 02:37 PM
Im just wondering where the link to Oprano is on that blog.

07-25-2009, 10:44 PM
"Roses are Red, Violets are Blue . . . I luv me some White Pussy, how about U?"

SexArise! Chick
07-26-2009, 12:13 PM
"Roses are Red, Violets are Blue . . . I luv me some White Pussy, how about U?"

LOL...nice poetry...


07-27-2009, 08:31 AM
It would seem obvious that women with a higher "sexual functioning" would cheat more.

07-27-2009, 11:12 PM
It would seem obvious that women with a higher "sexual functioning" would cheat more.
Its been my experience that women with strong libidos are the same as their male counterparts. A ticking time bomb.

07-29-2009, 12:37 PM
Women are no better than men when it coems to cheating....

It's simple.. can't keep your legs closed or your dick in your pants then don't get in a serious relationship.. or get out of it first if you wanna fuck someone else.

07-29-2009, 03:41 PM
Women are no better than men when it coems to cheating....

It's simple.. can't keep your legs closed or your dick in your pants then don't get in a serious relationship.. or get out of it first if you wanna fuck someone else.

Only if you prize monogamy.

Not all people do, you know. There is more and more in the news about consenting non-monogamy - not all people equate sexual monogamy with emotional fidelity. And not all people equate fidelity with a single partner.

07-29-2009, 04:04 PM
I fully agree with Liz. Carol and I have been married for 28 years and just haven't been sexually monogamous through any of it. Personally, the thought of sex with just one person for the rest of my life would totally depress me! That must just become so dreadfully boring after a while. I can see why so many people get divorced just due to that!

We always felt that if monogamy truly works for you, then that is great. Unfortunately, very few people are truly monogamous as the high rates of cheating and infidelity show. I know too many people who say they are monogamous and could never "Swing" yet cheat on their wives on a continuous basis.

But to each their own. Consenting open-minded couples tend to have as strong a relationship as any other couple, but without the worry of infidelity ;).

07-29-2009, 04:52 PM
As Woody Allens says....whatever works

07-29-2009, 05:18 PM
Only if you prize monogamy.

Not all people do, you know. There is more and more in the news about consenting non-monogamy - not all people equate sexual monogamy with emotional fidelity. And not all people equate fidelity with a single partner.

If a couple wants to swing, have an open relationship.. whatever it's all good. But in general when we talk about cheating it is understood that we are talking a monogamous relationship, which is what the large majority of marriages and relationships are. And if you are.. it's as simple as I said above... :okthumb:

07-29-2009, 05:20 PM
I fully agree with Liz. Carol and I have been married for 28 years and just haven't been sexually monogamous through any of it. Personally, the thought of sex with just one person for the rest of my life would totally depress me! That must just become so dreadfully boring after a while. I can see why so many people get divorced just due to that!

We always felt that if monogamy truly works for you, then that is great. Unfortunately, very few people are truly monogamous as the high rates of cheating and infidelity show. I know too many people who say they are monogamous and could never "Swing" yet cheat on their wives on a continuous basis.

But to each their own. Consenting open-minded couples tend to have as strong a relationship as any other couple, but without the worry of infidelity ;).

I have ZERO problems with that. None. I could likely do that as well with the right person. You aren't the type of people I am railing at. :) Not even close.

07-29-2009, 05:27 PM
Women are no better than men when it coems to cheating....

It's simple.. can't keep your legs closed or your dick in your pants then don't get in a serious relationship.. or get out of it first if you wanna fuck someone else.

I have ZERO problems with that. None. I could likely do that as well with the right person. You aren't the type of people I am railing at. :) Not even close.

Well, you understand why your original comment might be taken to indicate that "ZOMG MONOGAMY FTW!" right? *laugh*

07-29-2009, 11:12 PM
My girlfriend is hot and i hoped she doesn't cheat on me. She just moved to another state, so it would be easy for her to do that...

07-30-2009, 02:54 AM
I fully agree with Liz. Carol and I have been married for 28 years and just haven't been sexually monogamous through any of it. Personally, the thought of sex with just one person for the rest of my life would totally depress me! That must just become so dreadfully boring after a while. I can see why so many people get divorced just due to that!

We always felt that if monogamy truly works for you, then that is great. Unfortunately, very few people are truly monogamous as the high rates of cheating and infidelity show. I know too many people who say they are monogamous and could never "Swing" yet cheat on their wives on a continuous basis.

But to each their own. Consenting open-minded couples tend to have as strong a relationship as any other couple, but without the worry of infidelity ;).

Danny you bring up a good point.
I think this is even more so working in this business.
Ya gotta admit most of us fall outside the bell curve of whats considered normal in society.

07-30-2009, 08:11 AM
We always felt that if monogamy truly works for you, then that is great. Unfortunately, very few people are truly monogamous as the high rates of cheating and infidelity show. I know too many people who say they are monogamous and could never "Swing" yet cheat on their wives on a continuous basis. </snip>

I've seen this in some of this behaviour around me - I've watched friends in open relationships be chatting with someone, who is perfectly ok with fucking my friends... until they learn my friend's partner is *gasp* ok with it. It didn't bother Hootchie McQueen when she thought he was going to cheat, but if his SO is ok with it... well that's just weird, and she wants nothing to do with it. What the hell...?

That just confuses me.

Danny you bring up a good point.
I think this is even more so working in this business.
Ya gotta admit most of us fall outside the bell curve of whats considered normal in society.

Though I think it's important to remember that even in non-monogamous arrangements, cheating is possible, when honesty goes out the window.

07-30-2009, 10:55 AM
Well, you understand why your original comment might be taken to indicate that "ZOMG MONOGAMY FTW!" right? *laugh*

yeah.. I even considered changigng it when I first posted it but thought.. either they'll get my meaning up front or it'll be a good discussion point so i left it. :>))

07-30-2009, 10:57 AM
There is still cheating amongst Swingers. Many people in the Lifestyle have a rule where when they play, they only play together as a couple. But that doesn't stop one or the other from sneaking around! I see that all the time to.

Carol and I are a bit different than the average as we truly have a fully open relationship where each of us can do whatever, and whoever, we want without permission of the other. It's not something that really happens all that often (well, mainly for me), but we have had no problems in our relationship with it. We are the fist to say that what we do is not for everyone, but it does work for us.

Hell Puppy
07-30-2009, 09:55 PM
I'm very open minded, I'm for whatever way will get me laid.

07-31-2009, 08:41 AM
There is still cheating amongst Swingers. Many people in the Lifestyle have a rule where when they play, they only play together as a couple. But that doesn't stop one or the other from sneaking around! I see that all the time to.

Carol and I are a bit different than the average as we truly have a fully open relationship where each of us can do whatever, and whoever, we want without permission of the other. It's not something that really happens all that often (well, mainly for me), but we have had no problems in our relationship with it. We are the fist to say that what we do is not for everyone, but it does work for us.

I'm more familiar with the poly community than swinging, as I have more friends in the former rather than the latter, and I've definitely seen it go horribly wrong - but I've also seen it work beautifully. But the key, regardless of which iteration of non-monogamy one is working within, is honesty and communication.

If the couple in question isn't on the same page at all times, the potential for fallout is massive.