View Full Version : Seriously Bad Password Trading Site - ALERT!

07-09-2009, 05:37 PM
Hey guys...

I just reported this guy to CCBill myself, via email and phone, but checkout what this sneaky fucker is doing.

http://passpedia.com/ - click on Latest 100 on the left hand menu bar...

He's posting REAL passwords to sites, THEN adding an affiliate link to get people to sign up if the password is deactivated!

You all might want to check and see if your site is here, or if you're a processor, ram this guy's affiliate account down his fucking throat.

I had noticed an uptick in banned passwords to my site, and lo and behold, here's the culprit.

Thought I should let all you guys know!


07-09-2009, 05:48 PM
This asshat has been posting on adult boards under the name teencat. He just got outted and banned over at ADX over this exact issue.

07-09-2009, 06:09 PM
I am being called retarded on GFY for posting about it.

07-09-2009, 06:14 PM
I am being called retarded on GFY for posting about it.

Linky? Not sure if it's worth it, but I'll put in a word.

07-09-2009, 06:15 PM
I can't post links yet...


EDIT: Yay... it worked.

07-09-2009, 06:55 PM
Hey! They are the good guys and doing us all a great service. It even says so! They say, "passpedia is here for paysite owners to get those passwords removed". ;)

I also like, "Passpedia is now in testing phase, we are filling database and optimizing server for seo purposes. Around the end of summer 2009 we are going to post public announcement on webmasters boards around the internet."

07-09-2009, 06:59 PM
I can't post links yet...


EDIT: Yay... it worked.

Damn, they'll let anyone in here :headwall:

07-09-2009, 07:22 PM
Damn, they'll let anyone in here :headwall:


check this shit out: gfy.com/showthread.php?t=907500

07-09-2009, 08:52 PM
Hey! They are the good guys and doing us all a great service. It even says so! They say, "passpedia is here for paysite owners to get those passwords removed". ;)

I also like, "Passpedia is now in testing phase, we are filling database and optimizing server for seo purposes. Around the end of summer 2009 we are going to post public announcement on webmasters boards around the internet."
Oh boy at least I have another troll alert... course summer is almost over!!!

Hell Puppy
07-09-2009, 10:06 PM
Another asshat who thinks he's discovered the golden goose by bringing in tons of traffic by giving away the farm.

Unfortunately, there are other asshats out there who will take the action and cycle it off to dating sites, etc. And he's in Czech so you cant touch him even if you wanted to.

Only person I ever know of who actually went after a pw trader was Brad Shaw. Kudos to him for standing up to it, but I'm pretty sure in the end it cost a ton of money, time and hassle and did nothing to fix the problem.

As long as the industry is willing to cannibalize itself, there will always be asshats.

07-10-2009, 01:07 AM
Well, I posted this in the gfy thread and the adx thread so i guess i'll post it here to.

Here is a list of all the sites he has in his database.



07-11-2009, 12:42 PM
Only person I ever know of who actually went after a pw trader was Brad Shaw. Kudos to him for standing up to it, but I'm pretty sure in the end it cost a ton of money, time and hassle and did nothing to fix the problem.

As long as the industry is willing to cannibalize itself, there will always be asshats.

Absolutely. I kind of laugh when I see someone post "here's a password site" because I'm
thinking "yeah, and we have tens of thousands of others in our database - what's your point?"
People say "go check to see if your site is listed here". What, and then check the other 50,000?
Of course we DO check all 50,000, but we do that with a script, not by posting and manually
checking one at a time.

I totally agree going after individual password sites will never fix the problem. Putting pressure
on sponsors to not support password sites helps keep them from getting totally out of control,
only because sponsors know they risk losing a lot of business if they support ANY password
site, not one specific site.

Other than that, I think the way to go is first to have a good defense, like Strongbox, so that the
password sites don't have YOUR passwords, and encourage other sites to protect themselves
so that the password sites have fewer passwords to any good sites. Then, on offense, we take
a more clandestine "special ops" kind of approach. Just like legit webmasters need each other
in order to flourish, and talk amongst themselves, the bad guys have their own forums and their
own important business relationships. Infiltrating and disrupting the network is where it's at
offensively, I think. We try to cause the password sites to fight amongst themselves to to not
trust each other. We feed the hackers false technical information and keep an eye on what they
know and what types of attacks they are wanting to try.

The problem with the clandestine work is that it doesn't make any sense for any one webmaster
to put in the time it takes to be trusted by the important bad guys. That's best done by a third
party, working on the behalf of the webmaster community as a whole. But since it's clandestine
no one in the webmaster community knows what's being done and since the work benefits all
adult webmasters together no specific webmaster is going to pay us for this kind of work. If you
do want to support this kind of work, I suppose what you can do is buy your defensive systems
from the company which is taking the lead in fighting the password thieves and the rippers.

07-11-2009, 12:56 PM
Check this shit out....from another board....
http://888chan.org/i/res/102655.html (http://888chan.org/i/res/102655.html)

http://insurgen.info/wiki/Operation:_Burning_Pool (http://insurgen.info/wiki/Operation:_Burning_Pool)

http://imageboard.nekoarc.net/i/res/380.html (http://imageboard.nekoarc.net/i/res/380.html)

Hell Puppy
07-11-2009, 05:22 PM
I use pennywize, totally seamless to the user, doesn't make them jump thru any additional hoops to get in. And although it doesn't prevent people from sharing the password, it ensures that they get very little usage out of it, and I get alerted that it's being done. It also prevents them from ripping the entire members area if you so desire by locking them out after a defined amount of data has been transferred.

07-11-2009, 05:24 PM
Over the years, I have had the most success with Phantom Frog and the IP based system.

Hell Puppy
07-11-2009, 05:29 PM
Check this shit out....from another board....
http://888chan.org/i/res/102655.html (http://888chan.org/i/res/102655.html)

http://insurgen.info/wiki/Operation:_Burning_Pool (http://insurgen.info/wiki/Operation:_Burning_Pool)

http://imageboard.nekoarc.net/i/res/380.html (http://imageboard.nekoarc.net/i/res/380.html)

No idea what I was supposed to see there. The interface was so frantic that it thrashed my eyes, made me bang my head and hurt my neck, so I had to leave without reading.

It does remind me another problem that is as bad or worse than password trading sites. And that is pirate boards. I say worse because they will often post entire rips, links over to rapidshare, etc. Makes them a bit tougher to control, detect and shut down. You pretty much have to actively look for your content and be the pain in these guys ass to get them to leave your sites alone. DMCA is your only friend there.

And yes, again, the only way to ever get a handle on these would be to get sponsors to quit paying them. Rapidshare is another problem altogether, they're outside the u.s. and work on a membership model, you cant touch them even if you eliminate their sponsors. Again you can only hope to be such a pain in their ass that they quit posting your stuff to avoid hearing from you.

07-11-2009, 05:40 PM
Its a bit murky, but it seems to be an attack being planned on a british website called tac and another called Janeys web.

07-15-2009, 07:19 PM
Passpedia is now in testing phase, we are filling database and optimizing server for seo purposes

Maybe I'm confused but, what does his obvious pass sharing activity have
to do with SEO?

Over the years, I have had the most success with Phantom Frog
and the IP based system.

Thanks for the vote Rhetorical!

After having viewed the threads about Teencat on other boards, one
interesting point I noticed is the concern that webmasters have about
legit members being blocked out even by such pathetic pass sharing as
Passpedia creates.

That's precisely the reason why PhantomFrog has the Automated Member
Support (AMS) feature. There is absolutely no reason why any legit
member should ever be locked out of the member's area they are paying
for. AMS provides 24/7 access to legit members and none to leechers.

When password abuse is detected, the password is changed. The next
time the valid member tries to login, Frog uses their email address to
validate their identity and issues them a new password directly via email.
This strategy breaks the cycle of password abuse and frees up the
webmasters to do more important work than replacing stolen passes.
More importantly, that's one less lost rebill for you and your affiliates
since site access was never interrupted.

It doesn't hurt that Frog has consistently outperformed ProxyPass and
Pennywise in password abuse detection. Prove it to yourself by installing
our Free Trial leaving ProxyPass or Pennywise enabled.

