View Full Version : which one would you pick?

07-08-2009, 10:39 PM
I gave my wife my acer monster laptop,she is using it as a desktop replacement.I love it but its 64 bit and some of the scripts I use dont play well with 64 bit. The pro about this laptop is its very upgradable you can add a second hard drive and the cpu can be upgraded all the up to a quad core. If I bought another I would have to either vista 32 or win7 32 on it right off the bat. Acer has the 32 bit drivers for that computer.

or this one


this one has xp on it and if I ever want to go to 64 bit I can put 8 gig of ram on it.

Of the two which would you pick? Also how big of fan of extended warranties are you?

07-08-2009, 10:45 PM
Both the links you posted go 404 Tony :(

Anyway, lately I have been happy with just my little netbook.


07-08-2009, 10:52 PM

Hell Puppy
07-08-2009, 10:59 PM
I'm not a big fan of desktop replacement notebooks as a general rule. I like my notebooks to be portable and just powerful enough to do what I need to do while travelling, shooting, or whatever. Something light accompanied by an external hard drive for redundancy (i'm paranoid til pics and vids exist in at least 3 places) usually does it for me.

Now if you just like to be able to move around the house, I could see how a desktop replacement notebook might appeal.

Otherwise, a desktop is much cheaper, more upgradeable and can have a lot more horsepower especially in the video department.

I will say that the notebook i'm on now, which is a fairly well loaded 15" hp, is running 64bit vista. I have more blue screens of death and crashes on this thing in a week than I had in 2 years on my previous XP based notebook. I have already pre-ordered Windows 7 just to get Vista the hell off this thing as soon as possible.

If you have to buy something now, make sure it comes with a free Windows 7 upgrade.

If Win7 doesn't improve things, I'll either move to a macbook or a netbook.

07-09-2009, 03:19 AM
I'm not a big fan of desktop replacement notebooks as a general rule. I like my notebooks to be portable and just powerful enough to do what I need to do while travelling, shooting, or whatever. Something light accompanied by an external hard drive for redundancy (i'm paranoid til pics and vids exist in at least 3 places) usually does it for me.

Now if you just like to be able to move around the house, I could see how a desktop replacement notebook might appeal.

Otherwise, a desktop is much cheaper, more upgradeable and can have a lot more horsepower especially in the video department.

I will say that the notebook i'm on now, which is a fairly well loaded 15" hp, is running 64bit vista. I have more blue screens of death and crashes on this thing in a week than I had in 2 years on my previous XP based notebook. I have already pre-ordered Windows 7 just to get Vista the hell off this thing as soon as possible.

If you have to buy something now, make sure it comes with a free Windows 7 upgrade.

If Win7 doesn't improve things, I'll either move to a macbook or a netbook.
I just rebuilt my computer and added vista. I can boot up in xp or vista and have not used xp at all. I love vista and have never had a problem. It performs superbly. I have never had speed and stability like this. So far so good and I am not a huge ms fan. I will be adding Linux next week as well on a virtual machine and perhaps hackintosh just to play. Fingers crossed on vista.
I'm with hp on the portability of laptops. The smaller and lighter the better.

07-09-2009, 12:48 PM
I just ordered a new Dell desktop with all that fancy new Intel stuff and 24GB of triple-something memory! I have the upgrade to Windows 7 included.

We have Vista on four machines at home (one for each kid, and one "test" box). I hate Vista! It's just a poor man's Mac Leopard. A couple of months ago, I ran some comparison testing, just for the hell of it. I have XP on this old P4 box I'm using right now and Vista on a Intel Dual Core fairly new PC. Both machines are running 8GB of Ram. I have Adobe Premiere on both and loaded up the same video sequence in each, and then ran a side by side rendering. The XP kicked Vista's ass! The Vista PC is supposedly close to 3X faster than my XP box, but the bloated system uses up so much resource, that it's actually slower in real time rendering.

I've seen Windows 7 doing similar stuff, and it's a lot faster.

For coding, I still use Linux (I've been a UNIX user for close to 25 years as part of my previous life as an Engineer), and for video I use a Mac, but for everything else, I still use a PC. All the various platforms are networked to a large file sever I have that is still running Windows 2000 (now with 12TB of mirrored drives! 2 more TB being added this weekend).

For a laptop, I am still using my old IBM ThinkPad running Windows 2000 that I bought in 2001. I'll probably be picking up a NetBook at some point in the near future.

Evil Chris
07-09-2009, 02:21 PM
Computers just piss me off! ;)

A mid-range HP laptop does everything I need nowadays. Vista.
I'm completely underqualified to dive into the guts of any machine after a P4. haha...

I've become a pure user.

As long as I have my basic tools (FTP, mail, browser, editor, Photoshop, etc...) I'm good.

07-09-2009, 02:41 PM
Evil Chris and I had this exact conversation yesterday evening while enjoying beers on the terrace at the pub!

07-09-2009, 05:22 PM
I don't get it. Vista renders way fast and I am super video intensive and aware of my speeds and it blows XP from here to hell and back. Hmmmm.

07-10-2009, 09:36 PM
I went with this one it was $699 for the whole deal and since the hp laptop is business class it comes with a 3 yr warranty and I can get the free win 7 upgrade on it if I want. Im very happy :)http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=4915070&sku=H24-17028&SRCCODE=WEM1973CV&cm_mmc=Email-_-Main-_-WEM1973-_-laptop

Hell Puppy
07-11-2009, 02:20 AM
I went with this one it was $699 for the whole deal and since the hp laptop is business class it comes with a 3 yr warranty and I can get the free win 7 upgrade on it if I want. Im very happy :)http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=4915070&sku=H24-17028&SRCCODE=WEM1973CV&cm_mmc=Email-_-Main-_-WEM1973-_-laptop

that's a good buy.

07-12-2009, 12:58 AM
If it had blueray Id be in!