View Full Version : AVN "consolidates" Magazines

06-08-2009, 09:39 PM
<quote>AVN Media Network, Inc., the largest and most respected trade journal for the adult entertainment industry, announced plans to consolidate four of their six print publications into one monthly trade magazine.

"We are simply acting responsibly in a tumultuous market. This move reflects a trend of consolidation in the adult entertainment market itself, and allows us at the same time to return to our roots," explains Darren Roberts, AVNs CEO. </quote>

Basically, they are taking 4 (out of 6) publications and turning them into one, cutting their title count in half overnight.


06-08-2009, 09:46 PM
<quote>AVN Media Network, Inc., the largest and most respected trade journal for the adult entertainment industry, announced plans to consolidate four of their six print publications into one monthly trade magazine.

"We are simply acting responsibly in a tumultuous market. This move reflects a trend of consolidation in the adult entertainment market itself, and allows us at the same time to return to our roots," explains Darren Roberts, AVNs CEO. </quote>

Basically, they are taking 4 (out of 6) publications and turning them into one, cutting their title count in half overnight.


The did the same thing with avnonline.com

Hate to say it but it makes Xbiz look pretty strong.

06-08-2009, 11:20 PM
I think you might even see more changes with AVN by the end of the year.

I am really curious to see how Erotica-LA does this weekend.... I suspect it will be filled with 10x10 booths of teeth whitening and tattoo parlors.

06-09-2009, 11:48 PM
<quote>AVN Media Network, Inc., the largest and most respected trade journal for the adult entertainment industry, announced plans to consolidate four of their six print publications into one monthly trade magazine.

"We are simply acting responsibly in a tumultuous market. This move reflects a trend of consolidation in the adult entertainment market itself, and allows us at the same time to return to our roots," explains Darren Roberts, AVNs CEO. </quote>

Basically, they are taking 4 (out of 6) publications and turning them into one, cutting their title count in half overnight.


Sure they are just doing what the car manufacturers are doing. Dancing as fast as they can to stay in business. They are less necessary than the producers of content and are a luxury in a business that can't afford luxuries at the moment. I never read them. I just pick up the odd article published in Oprano. Not necessary for success and that is all I care about in this recession. Its kinda the same with shows. If I had a business based around shows, I would be very nervous. They were a luxury based around a party, based around doing business. But to be lean and mean...there are pms on boards, icq....and even kids....telephones to get business done without forking over five grand. I mean this as no offense to those who run shows, but as a pure business observation. Just think of this as a way to put our business into perspective, every time gas goes up ten cents, it takes forty million out of the economy. How much of that could have been spent in porn. If any one of you mother fuckers tells me your business is rockin, your either lucky or lying. You just can't fight those kind of stats. Just let the wall stree trained monkeys ruin the economy again by jacking the price of oil when reserves are at an eighteen year high, demand is totally soft, and there is an over supply even with an opec throttle. A bunch of capitalists out to fuck you in the ass again. But apparently a lot of you like this form of financial masochism. Greed is not good. It should never drive an economy because it does not work. Fuck Mr. Gecko. Bottom line, any luxury supurflous to profit in porn, is taking a big hit. Perez hilton is a quicker and more entertaining read.
Rant over Peace Out

06-10-2009, 10:47 AM
bump to avoid this elven crap

06-10-2009, 12:50 PM
Sign of the times to be sure....

06-11-2009, 01:19 PM
I think we'll find this to be an issue (no pun intended) of editorial defficiency, as opposed to economics.
Not quite sure how this will all play out.

AVN/Teddy communications lost an awful lot of its "Key" editorial people