View Full Version : fellow georgia people

06-05-2009, 08:34 PM
How big of deal is this?

I sold a car today, I signed the title. The guy calls me , I signed the buyer side instead of the seller side. How big of a pain in the ass is this?


Hell Puppy
06-05-2009, 11:14 PM
usual disclaimer: i'm not a tax commissioner or dmv worker not do i play one on tv, yada yada yada...

But I do know in Georgia the Bill of Sale is the key document, you dont even need the registration if you're selling a car 1985 or older.

so my hunch is if the bill of sale is in good order, there's likely not much of a problem. tag office should be able to give either you or the buyer the scoop.

SexArise! Chick
06-06-2009, 09:14 AM
That's a bitch. Everyone makes mistakes right.

06-06-2009, 09:16 AM
Umm, maybe just sign as the seller too, sell it to yourself, get another title made, and then sell it?

06-08-2009, 08:05 AM
Lucky you....in PA you'd be in for a hurtin'

06-08-2009, 11:14 AM
I know in NJ that if you mess up on the title at all, including misspelling the name or addresses you would have to get a new title.

06-08-2009, 12:06 PM
I know in NJ that if you mess up on the title at all, including misspelling the name or addresses you would have to get a new title.
Hey 12clicksmichelle, not to hijack a thread, but you ignored the question on wtf you would get a tat if it wasn't for art. That just whizz by? Quick answer and we can return to the regular scheduled thread

06-08-2009, 01:12 PM
Hey 12clicksmichelle, not to hijack a thread, but you ignored the question on wtf you would get a tat if it wasn't for art. That just whizz by? Quick answer and we can return to the regular scheduled thread

I missed that. I usually don't shy away from any tattoo discussions. Not sure I understand the question though.

06-08-2009, 11:31 PM
I missed that. I usually don't shy away from any tattoo discussions. Not sure I understand the question though.

You said:
People that truly understand and appreciate tattoos don't get them as a fashion accessory. Anyone who gets a tattoo to be in style or because their friends have them is an idiot.

what's to truly understand and appreciate? Its semi permament body sketching that tends to drip after a few years and strawberries turn inot carrots and dolphin into eels. I have yet to see anything beyond decent hot rod airbrushing. Not a lot of Monet's and van Goghs or even Warhols scribbling on tits and asses and tramp stamping for a living. However, I have noticed that the latest crop of young actors that Hollywood is currently hatching seem to eschew this form of body modification. And if this trend continues, all you inked up folks gonna look like you be wearin' mullets you just can't shake. Back to the sailors and marines getting them legless paralytic drunk in some exotic foreign port with a tart on each knee and an anchor on their arm....where they belong. But that's, at the moment, perhaps the ever so slight minority opinion. But feminists came and went. The red baiters and flag burners came and went. The hippies came and went. The punks came and went. This too shall pass and date you like a permanent leisure suit. So that twenty grand face lift won't have a prayer of hiding your age. You'll be wearing it like a bar code. Tattoos make my life a misery in photo shop getting the fuck rid of some chickees idea of art....whether is celtic, japanese, indian or whatever this years flavor of the month is. You might have guessed where I stand on tattoos.

06-09-2009, 09:14 AM
You said:

what's to truly understand and appreciate? Its semi permament body sketching that tends to drip after a few years and strawberries turn inot carrots and dolphin into eels. I have yet to see anything beyond decent hot rod airbrushing. Not a lot of Monet's and van Goghs or even Warhols scribbling on tits and asses and tramp stamping for a living. However, I have noticed that the latest crop of young actors that Hollywood is currently hatching seem to eschew this form of body modification. And if this trend continues, all you inked up folks gonna look like you be wearin' mullets you just can't shake. Back to the sailors and marines getting them legless paralytic drunk in some exotic foreign port with a tart on each knee and an anchor on their arm....where they belong. But that's, at the moment, perhaps the ever so slight minority opinion. But feminists came and went. The red baiters and flag burners came and went. The hippies came and went. The punks came and went. This too shall pass and date you like a permanent leisure suit. So that twenty grand face lift won't have a prayer of hiding your age. You'll be wearing it like a bar code. Tattoos make my life a misery in photo shop getting the fuck rid of some chickees idea of art....whether is celtic, japanese, indian or whatever this years flavor of the month is. You might have guessed where I stand on tattoos.

So basically you had no question you just felt the need to shove your opinion down my throat. I got my first tattoo at 17 and I am 35 now. All of my work still looks as good as the day I got it. I don't give a rats ass about "dating myself" which actually shows your absolute ignorance about the true tattoo culture or the history of the practice. I got my work FOR ME not for anyone else. And as someone that is involved in an industry that is often judged and vilified by a large part of society I find your judgmental attitude a little surprising though I probably shouldn't.
There are plenty of people out there that go to shitty artists or get shitty designs. Then again there are people that do shitty jobs and or make shitty decisions in all situations.
You don't like tattoos then fine don't like them. I'm not going to try and change your mind. But I also wouldn't make broad statements about something I obviously know nothing about.
Oh and seeing peoples tattoos and not liking them does not mean you know what the true tattoo culture is about. Spend sometime with some true artists, go to tattoo conventions and talk to people that have been involved in that industry for years and you might find you have something in common with them.

06-09-2009, 10:19 AM
So basically you had no question you just felt the need to shove your opinion down my throat. I got my first tattoo at 17 and I am 35 now. All of my work still looks as good as the day I got it. I don't give a rats ass about "dating myself" which actually shows your absolute ignorance about the true tattoo culture or the history of the practice. I got my work FOR ME not for anyone else. And as someone that is involved in an industry that is often judged and vilified by a large part of society I find your judgmental attitude a little surprising though I probably shouldn't.
There are plenty of people out there that go to shitty artists or get shitty designs. Then again there are people that do shitty jobs and or make shitty decisions in all situations.
You don't like tattoos then fine don't like them. I'm not going to try and change your mind. But I also wouldn't make broad statements about something I obviously know nothing about.
Oh and seeing peoples tattoos and not liking them does not mean you know what the true tattoo culture is about. Spend sometime with some true artists, go to tattoo conventions and talk to people that have been involved in that industry for years and you might find you have something in common with them.

So basically you had no question you just felt the need to shove your opinion down my throat
You still did not answer the question. You danced alll around it, but you didn't answer it. I have filmed whole documentaries on body modification, scarification, implants...like devil's horns...have travelled through Papua New Guinea and seen the locals tattooed from head to foot and I am sure they have never been to a tattoo convention. I have watched drunken lager louts from England get huge tatoos all over themselves in Thailand where you know they are using bogus ink and it WILL run and turn into a mess. Tattoos on models are an affront to their business skills because they force their shit on me to photo shop and in videos it is even more difficult. But like I said, I may take this opportunity to rant a little, but you take this opportunity to dodge the question again. How the fuck can tattooing be anything but a fashion statement unless you are a primitive and it means something religious or you walk around mostly naked and it is your distingquishing statement of past and/or family. Walking around NYC with a spider web across your face is just plain threatening....gangland tatts are threatening....but most are a dispirate collection of unimitiaged mistakes. OK, so you tell me the deeper meaning of your tatts and the vibe of a convention of like minded walking canvases.

06-09-2009, 10:40 AM
You still did not answer the question. You danced alll around it, but you didn't answer it. I have filmed whole documentaries on body modification, scarification, implants...like devil's horns...have travelled through Papua New Guinea and seen the locals tattooed from head to foot and I am sure they have never been to a tattoo convention. I have watched drunken lager louts from England get huge tatoos all over themselves in Thailand where you know they are using bogus ink and it WILL run and turn into a mess. Tattoos on models are an affront to their business skills because they force their shit on me to photo shop and in videos it is even more difficult. But like I said, I may take this opportunity to rant a little, but you take this opportunity to dodge the question again. How the fuck can tattooing be anything but a fashion statement unless you are a primitive and it means something religious or you walk around mostly naked and it is your distingquishing statement of past and/or family. Walking around NYC with a spider web across your face is just plain threatening....gangland tatts are threatening....but most are a dispirate collection of unimitiaged mistakes. OK, so you tell me the deeper meaning of your tatts and the vibe of a convention of like minded walking canvases.

To get a tattoo because you see a celebrity with a tattoo or all your friends get a certain tattoo is following a trend or what the current trend. My point is there are plenty of people that get tattoos because it holds a much deeper meaning for them. When I started getting tattooed it was no where near as popular with females as it is today. All of my tattoos have a very deep meaning for me as they are for most of the people I know who are into tattooing. For example on my left arm I have flowers, doves and a stained glass window with a purple ribbon for pancreatic cancer and my mothers name in her handwriting. I got this tattoo in the last year of my mothers life. The flowers are some of her favorite and the doves also represent my mothers spirit. I chose to get the tattoo while my mother was still alive because it was in celebration of her life and how bravely she faced fighting pancreatic cancer and how until her last days she lived her life to the fullest. It was also very therapeutic experience for me to help me deal with my anger and grief over the situation. All of my tattoos have great meaning for me. My work also has the added meaning that my best friend is my tattoo artist, she is amazingly talented and I am honored to have her work on my body. Some of my work is easily visible and some of it isn't. Bottom line I got my work because it means something to me. I am very proud of the artwork I have on my body but I also don't feel the need to show it to everyone.

06-09-2009, 10:43 AM
And let me ask you this.... why do care so much? If your not into tattoos don't get one. You don't want to work with tattooed models then don't. There are a hell of a lot of girls out there without tattoos.

06-09-2009, 10:50 AM
what's to truly understand and appreciate? Its semi permament body sketching that tends to drip after a few years and strawberries turn inot carrots and dolphin into eels. I have yet to see anything beyond decent hot rod airbrushing. Not a lot of Monet's and van Goghs or even Warhols scribbling on tits and asses and tramp stamping for a living. However, I have noticed that the latest crop of young actors that Hollywood is currently hatching seem to eschew this form of body modification. And if this trend continues, all you inked up folks gonna look like you be wearin' mullets you just can't shake. Back to the sailors and marines getting them legless paralytic drunk in some exotic foreign port with a tart on each knee and an anchor on their arm....where they belong. But that's, at the moment, perhaps the ever so slight minority opinion. But feminists came and went. The red baiters and flag burners came and went. The hippies came and went. The punks came and went. This too shall pass and date you like a permanent leisure suit. So that twenty grand face lift won't have a prayer of hiding your age. You'll be wearing it like a bar code. Tattoos make my life a misery in photo shop getting the fuck rid of some chickees idea of art....whether is celtic, japanese, indian or whatever this years flavor of the month is. You might have guessed where I stand on tattoos.

While I feel pretty ok with where we left the conversation in the other thread, there are a lot of pieces here I take exception to.

Not least of which is your use of "eschew" when I think you mean "embrace." The next generation seems to be increasing their acceptance of body mods as a form of expression - when you look at the 18 year olds and so on tattooing themselves with some regularity. Which is pretty much the opposite of "eshcewing" something.

I also disagree with the assertion that most of the groups you mention have "come and gone" - they simply became common place enough that media attention was no longer enamoured of them. Feminists, hippies, and punks are all still around - the media stopped covering them is all.

06-09-2009, 10:50 AM
And let me ask you this.... why do care so much? If your not into tattoos don't get one. You don't want to work with tattooed models then don't. There are a hell of a lot of girls out there without tattoos.

And let me ask you this.... why do care so much?

Answering a question with a question doesn't cut it. It means you have no answer and the bullet has now officially entered your foot. I keep answering you, and you do your pr 101 first lesson bullshit. I care when a girl shows up, invarialbly lying about just a "little" tattoo that is, of course always hidden in her promo shit, and it costs me time and money to fix it. Why do they always hide them? Because they now photographers hate them. So, answer the freeking question or move on, because the silence is more eloquent than the bullshit.

Hell Puppy
06-09-2009, 09:56 PM
nice thread jack....

06-09-2009, 11:19 PM
nice thread jack....
It was, but the question was answered and now the thread has taken a twist and turn like any conversation. Unlikely Miss 12clicksmichelle will respond. The 12 clicks bunch including Ron are famous for drive by drivel and moving on. Wait and see if she answers....ever. Every good convo diverges with a little JD or controversy. You know that.

Hell Puppy
06-10-2009, 02:03 AM
It was, but the question was answered and now the thread has taken a twist and turn like any conversation. Unlikely Miss 12clicksmichelle will respond. The 12 clicks bunch including Ron are famous for drive by drivel and moving on. Wait and see if she answers....ever. Every good convo diverges with a little JD or controversy. You know that.

You've always had an interesting way of starting conversation. ;)

And taking on both Michelle and Liz at this point....well, if you get your ass kicked by those two, I dont know if that's a really a loss because you might enjoy it.

06-10-2009, 10:05 AM
you've always had an interesting way of starting conversation. ;)

and taking on both michelle and liz at this point....well, if you get your ass kicked by those two, i dont know if that's a really a loss because you might enjoy it.

06-10-2009, 10:07 AM
While I feel pretty ok with where we left the conversation in the other thread, there are a lot of pieces here I take exception to.

Not least of which is your use of "eschew" when I think you mean "embrace." The next generation seems to be increasing their acceptance of body mods as a form of expression - when you look at the 18 year olds and so on tattooing themselves with some regularity. Which is pretty much the opposite of "eshcewing" something.

I also disagree with the assertion that most of the groups you mention have "come and gone" - they simply became common place enough that media attention was no longer enamoured of them. Feminists, hippies, and punks are all still around - the media stopped covering them is all.

Not least of which is your use of "eschew" when I think you mean "embrace."

Had I meant to say embrace, I would have clearly written embrace. No, Lizz, I meant what I said, which is why I said it. BTW, I am still waiting for the 12 clicks mob drive by miracle explanation.....but I could hold my breath until I turn blue before that chick will tip up with something sensible.

06-10-2009, 10:17 AM
Had I meant to say embrace, I would have clearly written embrace. No, Lizz, I meant what I said, which is why I said it. BTW, I am still waiting for the 12 clicks mob drive by miracle explanation.....but I could hold my breath until I turn blue before that chick will tip up with something sensible.

I believe I answered your question. If you have any other points you would like to discuss please bring them up. And please let me know when did I piss in your cheerios that you feel the need to be insulting towards me. If we have a difference in opinion then that is fine. I feel no need to change your mind, I also don't see the need to insult people or make such broad generalizations if they see things differently than I do. If you have a problem with my boss that is between you and him.

06-10-2009, 10:23 AM
Answering a question with a question doesn't cut it. It means you have no answer and the bullet has now officially entered your foot. I keep answering you, and you do your pr 101 first lesson bullshit. I care when a girl shows up, invarialbly lying about just a "little" tattoo that is, of course always hidden in her promo shit, and it costs me time and money to fix it. Why do they always hide them? Because they now photographers hate them. So, answer the freeking question or move on, because the silence is more eloquent than the bullshit.

Maybe you didn't see the post preceding the question you want to focus on To get a tattoo because you see a celebrity with a tattoo or all your friends get a certain tattoo is following a trend or what the current trend. My point is there are plenty of people that get tattoos because it holds a much deeper meaning for them. When I started getting tattooed it was no where near as popular with females as it is today. All of my tattoos have a very deep meaning for me as they are for most of the people I know who are into tattooing. For example on my left arm I have flowers, doves and a stained glass window with a purple ribbon for pancreatic cancer and my mothers name in her handwriting. I got this tattoo in the last year of my mothers life. The flowers are some of her favorite and the doves also represent my mothers spirit. I chose to get the tattoo while my mother was still alive because it was in celebration of her life and how bravely she faced fighting pancreatic cancer and how until her last days she lived her life to the fullest. It was also very therapeutic experience for me to help me deal with my anger and grief over the situation. All of my tattoos have great meaning for me. My work also has the added meaning that my best friend is my tattoo artist, she is amazingly talented and I am honored to have her work on my body. Some of my work is easily visible and some of it isn't. Bottom line I got my work because it means something to me. I am very proud of the artwork I have on my body but I also don't feel the need to show it to everyone.

If a model lies to you about having ink I can understand why that would upset you. But again it is your choice whether or not to use them.

06-10-2009, 10:43 AM
Maybe you didn't see the post preceding the question you want to focus on

If a model lies to you about having ink I can understand why that would upset you. But again it is your choice whether or not to use them.

My bad, I missed your explanation of your totems. As far as the models, when they show up, its too late. The shoot is booked. The facilitities are paid for, and I am stuck with another freeking pussy tat or something hidden under the hairline, and that all costs money. If everyone is so proud of these things, why are they hidden? I, for one, am happy to see this fashion waning.

06-10-2009, 10:58 AM
My bad, I missed your explanation of your totems. As far as the models, when they show up, its too late. The shoot is booked. The facilitities are paid for, and I am stuck with another freeking pussy tat or something hidden under the hairline, and that all costs money. If everyone is so proud of these things, why are they hidden? I, for one, am happy to see this fashion waning.

I have art work that is easily visible and some that isn't. I have a piece on my hip that was placed there because it fit well for that space and the lines of my body. I get my artwork for me so I don't really care if its visible all the time.
I agree with you that the "fashion" fad of tattoos will fade. But the people that get tattooed because they believe in it as an art form, because their work means something to them and is a form of expression will always be there. And I also believe that as it becomes more accepted in society that people that may have held back from getting tattooed because of work or family will start getting tattooed in larger numbers.
I will also say this, I have been involved in the tattoo culture since I was 17 and have never regretted any of the work I have gotten done. But I have also seen people that have taken it too far IMHO. Too me there is a difference between modification and mutilation. Where I draw the line is different from where other people draw the line. And I do find it stupid when people get artwork on a whim or choose a subject matter that is not meaningful. Just because something is your favorite thing this year does not mean it will be your favorite 5 years from now. I also cringe when people say "but it only cost me $$$" When marking your body permanently you should definitely do your research and go to a recommended artist even if it does cost a little more.