View Full Version : Sticky Fingers - Your Only Warning

05-04-2009, 04:50 PM
Or Cryin Ryan or whatever your want to go by.

Stop contacting me about your personal problems with Erica under the guise of checking to see if shes ok.

Her parents know both this address and phone number.

If you want to retain your GFY street cred you will quit using this board as a threat platform. Your arrogant and authoritative tone in both print and voice doesn't intimidate me like a 21 year old girl.

I told once before I ignored your ICQs and blocked your number from calling mine that if you didn't start none there wont be none.

Your financial situation, family crisis, legal issues, driving record and past sexual fetishes are no concern of mine.

Do not persist in using this forum as a means of stalking and harassment.

05-04-2009, 05:41 PM
Cryin Ryan you really arent good at this.

Make sure you drive to the police department to file that missing persons report.

Ill send you a roll of masking tape to hold the sweet ride you had to hide at the Atlanta Forum like the big baller you are.

Make sure to renew your suspended license beforehand though and clear up that bench warrant and get some new insurance.

05-04-2009, 06:26 PM
Cryin Ryan

You should really focus on paying your rent.
Might I suggest working Craigs List a little harder?

How many roses will it take to pay the rent this month?

And threatening my family and home really isnt a wise move for a man that has a wife and 3 children in hiding from him in Japan.

05-04-2009, 06:47 PM
Stalker Psychotic Cryin Ryan

Please send the police to my home. We both need to file a cyberstalking complaint to go along with the one in Charlotte.

Think long and hard about your next private threat to me because the next one I will copy and paste it direct in this thread.

Go away.
Lose my number - stop emailing me and harassing me.

The girl wants to be left alone. Go troll myspace for another meal ticket.

I guess her bitch slapping you from one end of the complex to the other before your 7 hour ride back to Nashville all alone didnt knock any sense in your head.

05-04-2009, 07:18 PM
Dude you need help. Please send them though it will be good to catch up.

"They gave me the acworth info to call them. If she is fine you have 30 mins to have her contact me or they will at minimum do a welfare checkup on her. I AM NOT fucking around. You lied and showed deception by saying her parents knew how to reach her, when they didn't even know she was in Atlanta. 615 891 4263 have her call now. GBI told me to call right now. This isn't like her. Im calling to talk to them, then Ill call back and report her missing after I get advice from them. You can lie to me all you want, but try it with the police."

05-04-2009, 07:19 PM
Make sure to give her Dad that DVD for the ride down.

"Calling ga state police now going on record. Her family will back me up with the non contact. Calling GA police. File whatever charge you like. All it takes is her contacting me or her parents to stop this, yet you can't do that. Post whatever you like I don't give a shit. I don't stalk her. She is the one that contacts me 99% of the time. She tells me she is scared, and asks me what to do. I keep all the convos between me and her. She snuck so you wouldn't know she was talking to me.

Why did she keep calling me crying if things are all peachy down there? SHE BEGGED ME to come to NC to see her. BEGGED. Called me at midnight, and I drove from 3am till 10am to come see her. She also apologized to me for hitting me when I was there, and told me she couldn't sleep right after that. She begged me to forgive her, and told me she would fix everything and she was sorry. You DO NOT understand her mental state at all. And you DO NOT understand her issues. I have all these convo's so post whatever you want. She is scared and calls me crying, but you are a saint.

Lets go ahead and post more bs about me. I don't care. Her mom is crying about her and worried, and you sit here like a jackass lying to me. If anything happened to her..."

05-04-2009, 07:25 PM
"Calling them now. If you think it will be a boys club good luck. This is a serious matter."

05-04-2009, 07:57 PM
Isn't this all about a chick who is now 21 so even her parents can't get police involved??

05-04-2009, 08:18 PM
Talk about over playing your hand when your only holding a pair of 2's.
Your not on GFY and theres no Ice or Eric to go cry too.

"Hope she is there. You gave me no choice but to send the cops. I have to call them back in an hour for an update, so put your pants on and clean up."

Heres the case number so it will be easy for you. 09-45582
Officer D/S Zimmerman #656

BTW thats Cherokee Co Sheriffs department -GBI dont have an Acworth office.
I should know.

He says thanks for hooking him up with the white oak wood in my yard and he hopes to see you soon.

I especially enjoyed handing him the phone to talk to Erica's Mom even though it was rude to interrupt our conversation.

Grow a set of balls before you come over here to play and stick with selling your signature while you have a little street cred left.

05-04-2009, 08:20 PM
Isn't this all about a chick who is now 21 so even her parents can't get police involved??

Its a poor attempt of a chump trying to intimidate a 21 year old by calling and harassing her family and us so that he can pay his rent.

Hell Puppy
05-05-2009, 03:45 AM
This is starting to remind me of "woogie" from Something About Mary.

Hell Puppy
05-05-2009, 04:01 AM

05-05-2009, 04:22 AM

05-05-2009, 10:17 AM

LOL yeah seriously.

Women Call It Stalking (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqUp5StXomI)

05-05-2009, 10:25 AM
I think I know how Dorothy Stratton might have felt.

05-05-2009, 10:56 AM
I think I know how Dorothy Stratton might have felt.

LOL Gonzo nobody's gonna tape you to the "love seat" bench and mount you from behind after you're dead. I hope.

"No one knows for sure what transpired during their meeting, but blonde hair was found in Snider's fists. The only scenario that makes sense, was that Dorothy was sitting on a corner of the bed when Snider put the gun up to her cheek. She tried to shield her face with her left hand, thus destroying her left index finger when Snider pulled the trigger. A half an hour later, Snider turned the gun on himself, and fell on top of the shotgun. Kinda makes you wonder what he did for 30 minutes. No wait, I don't want to know. There were bloody handprints on Dorothy's buttocks. Oh yeah, Paul had ants crawling all over him too.

Near Dorothy, was the "love seat." According to police, it was set in a position for "possible rear entry intercourse." There was evidence that the seat had been used, and she had been fastened to it with medical tape."

More about Dorthy here (http://www.findadeath.com/Decesed/s/Dorothy%20Stratten/dorothy_stratten.htm)

05-05-2009, 11:07 AM
LOL Gonzo nobody's gonna tape you to the "love seat" bench and mount you from behind after you're dead. I hope.

"No one knows for sure what transpired during their meeting, but blonde hair was found in Snider's fists. The only scenario that makes sense, was that Dorothy was sitting on a corner of the bed when Snider put the gun up to her cheek. She tried to shield her face with her left hand, thus destroying her left index finger when Snider pulled the trigger. A half an hour later, Snider turned the gun on himself, and fell on top of the shotgun. Kinda makes you wonder what he did for 30 minutes. No wait, I don't want to know. There were bloody handprints on Dorothy's buttocks. Oh yeah, Paul had ants crawling all over him too.

Near Dorothy, was the "love seat." According to police, it was set in a position for "possible rear entry intercourse." There was evidence that the seat had been used, and she had been fastened to it with medical tape."

More about Dorthy here (http://www.findadeath.com/Decesed/s/Dorothy%20Stratten/dorothy_stratten.htm)

Leave it to you to find the crazy details.

From what Ive been told dude is a catcher not a pitcher though and he likes it in apartment parking lots not love seats.

05-05-2009, 11:21 AM
Leave it to you to find the crazy details.

From what Ive been told dude is a catcher not a pitcher though and he likes it in apartment parking lots not love seats.

Maybe he would like this shirt: :okthumb:
