View Full Version : Something new?

05-04-2009, 12:15 PM
I know a bunch of us smoke - and frankly, I've always wondered why there aren't more tie-in products for what we peddle.

Sure there are dick pills and toys, but what about something else? What are your favourite add-ins/ tie-ons/ non-spank-bank tie ins?

I'm thinking this is pretty rad (http://www.blucigs.com/index.php?ref=38&cPath=0&affiliate_banner_id=25), actually. What are your thoughts?

I think it has some potential - particularly for mainstream.

05-04-2009, 12:37 PM
I tweeted about this just now.

05-04-2009, 12:54 PM
People probably dismiss smoking because it's something that is on a downswing ratehr than upswing. That said, it's still a big market and, as such, shouldn't be ignored.

05-04-2009, 12:58 PM
I'm actually going to give that Blu stuff a try, just to see what it's like.

05-04-2009, 01:02 PM
I'm actually going to give that Blu stuff a try, just to see what it's like.

I can tell you - I'm a smoker, and it's a damn good substitute. I've been smoking for... Oohhh, far too long to admit in public. These make a pretty decent fill in.

05-04-2009, 02:42 PM
Hmmmm...."cigarette" with a usb plug.
Now, why does that worry me?

05-04-2009, 03:23 PM
Hmmmm...."cigarette" with a usb plug.
Now, why does that worry me?

Silly thing, that's only to charge it ;)

The pack itself is pretty much like a normal pack of smokes.

05-04-2009, 03:37 PM
Silly thing, that's only to charge it ;)

The pack itself is pretty much like a normal pack of smokes.

Yes, I read the literature.
It just somehow, seems strange.
How far away is it from "dialing your nicotine level?"
Tracking it, etc, etc.
I can already think of a micro controller that would do, just that.
And it's available in SMD, so you could fit it in the cig.
As an Innovator, I naturally start thinking about these things.

I think, however, that unless a large tobacco company is behind this thing, (Which is likely,) the FDA is gonna lose their minds, and try to regulate it.

05-04-2009, 03:51 PM
Now, if they came up with a "cigarette" that would cure the addiction, you would have a product with a future.

05-04-2009, 04:20 PM
Big tobacco is already lobbying hard against it and already has Health Canada asking people not to sell it. They say they want to evaluate it first. They also say that it isn't something that can be used to quit smoking, yet they are all supportive of the Nicorette Inhaler! They both do basically the same thing, deliver nicotine in an inhalable format.

I'm just looking for something to get a hit of nicotine while I'm in the bar having a beer! Gets damn cold in Montreal in the winter...

05-04-2009, 05:27 PM
It does have a nicotine-free iteration as well - I have a few friends who quit smoking and are thrilled to have done... but they miss the action.

So they bought the "full flavoured, no nicotine" iteration. Not a bad compromise :)

05-04-2009, 05:27 PM
It does have a nicotine-free iteration as well - I have a few friends who quit smoking and are thrilled to have done... but they miss the action.

So they bought the "full flavoured, no nicotine" iteration. Not a bad compromise :)
Full flavored... it is about that time of the year...

Hell Puppy
05-05-2009, 03:48 AM
Come up with a cannabis version and you're onto something.

05-05-2009, 08:08 AM
Come up with a cannabis version and you're onto something.

I think cloves would do nicely too.

05-05-2009, 06:41 PM
Hey Liz, you could lobby for a change in local smoking regs. Get teachers to smoke in class and you might be on to something...

The authorities in Gong'an county had told civil servants and teachers to smoke 230,000 packs of the locally-made Hubei brand each year.
Those who did not smoke enough or used brands from other provinces or overseas faced being fined or even fired.
But the government has now backtracked from the policy, after a report in a local newspaper generated criticism.
A million people die from smoking-related diseases in China every year, but the local authorities were initially undeterred by the health risks.
"The regulation will boost the local economy via the cigarette tax," Chen Nianzu, a member of the cigarette market supervision team in Gong'an county, Hubei province, told the Global Times newspaper.
The paper said the measure was probably an attempt to shore up the Hubei brands against tough competition from cigarettes produced in neighbouring Hunan province.


05-06-2009, 10:32 AM
Now I read the Feds want to stop the sales of this saying its not legal.
FREE THE E CIGS ! ! ! Sign the petition


05-06-2009, 10:48 AM
Now I read the Feds want to stop the sales of this saying its not legal.
FREE THE E CIGS ! ! ! Sign the petition


Well, it's not all that shocking, really, is it?

I mean... Who holds those strings when we get right down to brass tacks, anyhow? Merck manipulated the approvals process for Vioxx(1), Pfizer did the same for its anti-psychotics(2), and it's no big secret that Big Tobacco holds some reigns over there.

We certainly wouldn't want the general populace to have access to things that might be helpful... ;)

(1) Citation:

(2) Pretty much every where on the web, print, etc.

05-14-2009, 12:30 PM

So I have to bump this 'cos I've been trying the Blu (http://www.blucigs.com/index.php?ref=38&cPath=0&affiliate_banner_id=26"%20target="_blank"get="_blank) lately, and I actually kinda dig it.

It sounds like complete propaganda, I know, but f'reals. I'm a pretty heavy smoker - a 22 year habit, at a pack a day (down from the 2 packs it used to be). And I haven't had a "normal" cigarette in 2 days. I have the pack I opened last week still sitting with cigarettes in it at my house.

I didn't PLAN to quit. Didn't really care to quit. And I sure can't say that's what they're for.

But... There's the simple honest facts. I got some to try, as a back up. And now... It's pretty much all I'm using. I've watched another heavy smoker and a non-smoker argue over who gets to use it.

... the only down side I've found so fat is that now I never have to take a break 'cos I can smoke in the office, the hotel, on the plane, in the restaurant. (http://www.blucigs.com/index.php?ref=38&cPath=0&affiliate_banner_id=26"%20target="_blank"get="_blank")

Hell Puppy
05-15-2009, 02:51 AM

So I have to bump this 'cos I've been trying the Blu (http://www.blucigs.com/index.php?ref=38&cPath=0&affiliate_banner_id=26%22%20target=%22_blank%22get =%22_blank) lately, and I actually kinda dig it.

It sounds like complete propaganda, I know, but f'reals. I'm a pretty heavy smoker - a 22 year habit, at a pack a day (down from the 2 packs it used to be). And I haven't had a "normal" cigarette in 2 days. I have the pack I opened last week still sitting with cigarettes in it at my house.

I didn't PLAN to quit. Didn't really care to quit. And I sure can't say that's what they're for.

But... There's the simple honest facts. I got some to try, as a back up. And now... It's pretty much all I'm using. I've watched another heavy smoker and a non-smoker argue over who gets to use it.

... the only down side I've found so fat is that now I never have to take a break 'cos I can smoke in the office, the hotel, on the plane, in the restaurant. (http://www.blucigs.com/index.php?ref=38&cPath=0&affiliate_banner_id=26%22%20target=%22_blank%22get =%22_blank%22)

On a plane you say?

Someone page Sweet T....or Kathi...

05-18-2009, 02:38 AM
i wish they can invent cigarette without smoke :D better say, its sounds like lollipop hehe

05-18-2009, 05:19 AM
i wish they can invent cigarette without smoke :D better say, its sounds like lollipop hehe

RJ reynolds did that in the 80's......
Called the "premier"
It was a disaster. Watch the movie "Barbarians at the gate" for a Hollywood version (Not too far off) of what happened.

05-19-2009, 03:42 PM
Geez I should start smoking again

05-21-2009, 08:27 AM
On a plane you say?

Someone page Sweet T....or Kathi...


Sorry it took me so long to get back here, Puppy, and respond. But... Yeh, I enjoyed it really a lot on my trips to and from LA over the last week.

I will disclaim and admit I was too much of a pussy to "smoke" in the cabin, but I did "smoke" in the loo with no ill effect/ alarm/ post-"smoke" freak out from cabin crew or other passengers.