View Full Version : ot who has a iphone

04-25-2009, 10:04 PM
And if so are you happy with the reception? I have a e51 nokia the reception on this phone is amazing but the screen is too small for anything else.

Evil Chris
05-08-2009, 11:39 AM
iPhone is the way to go. Best phone I ever owned.

I bought a couple episodes of South Park for it so I have something to watch on the airplane. $1.99 per episode... not too bad.

05-08-2009, 11:47 AM
I don't have one, but I did do Carol's website for the iPhone. I borrow my daughter's iPod Touch to check everything, and it looks good. The videos we put out are actual iPhone specific video and not just a generic MPEG like so many others are doing. The iPhone users love it. If you have an iPod, just go to carolcox.com and you get automatically redirected to the proper page

Now I'm doing the same thing for the other Mobiles, like the Blackberry.