View Full Version : Any iPhone Users?

03-30-2009, 04:51 PM
If anyone here uses an iPhone or an iPod Touch, do me a favour and go to carolcox.com on it. I just redid the entire front end of Carol's site for the iPhone and I want to get some feedback.

It is very graphics light on purpose, but I have links to all the recent teaser video and picture content. There is also all sorts of text for the guys who love to read!

I'm also doing mobile pages for other devices, but still have to work out the various userAgents and what mobile devices handle what type of video. It's a real pain!

03-30-2009, 08:18 PM
Nice job! Everything works perfectly, really easy to read, and the videos look great. :-)

I like it when sites have a little link to the non-mobile version as well at the bottom -- the browser on the iphone is VERY good and most sites that work in firefox work well on it, but that's up to your intentions with it I spose. Looks great, I personally LOVE porn on the iPhone! :)

03-31-2009, 01:31 PM
Apple rock!!!