View Full Version : The latest domain name scam ?

03-22-2009, 01:54 PM
Been getting these messages all weekend.
Anyone else?

Dear sir,
we are interested to buy your domain AGUYANDHISMAC.COM and offer 65% of the appraised market value.
As of now we accept appraisals from one of these leading companies:
Should you already have an appraisal please forward it to us.
We appreciate your business,
R. Thomas
DNR, Inc.

03-22-2009, 02:02 PM
I may have, but my spam bot is probably feasting on them.

03-22-2009, 02:13 PM
I got a bunch of them, particularly aiming at 4 letter .com domains and similar (one offer was $50 for an 11 year old 4 letter .com - what a fucking joke). My feeling is that they may be looking to get an email reply in a way that they can try to use the headers to fake out a transfer on unlocked domains, or an attempt to find controlling email addresses that are no longer valid (expired, which is great for scooping up domains, just register the email address domain and accept the mail).

I also think they are doing the same thing that came when 2257 came up a couple of years ago: Fishing for people getting out of business who might be willing to sell their domains cheap, with the intention of turning around and selling them at a higher price right away. Plenty of people are going out of business right now, there is actually some potential out there to score big on the cheap.