View Full Version : Bible Society targets porn lovers at Sexpo

02-25-2009, 04:56 PM
Australia- [news.com.au]BIBLE Society Queensland members plan to attend Sexpo to hand out 5000 copies of the originally titled "Jesus Loves Porn Stars" Bible.

Five members of Bible Society Queensland plan to target visitors to Sexpo by handing out 5000 copies of the originally titled "Jesus Loves Porn Stars" Bible.

But Bible Society director Steve Davies said it was a sad fact that the porn industry would lose 45 per cent of its clients if Christians stopped consuming their products.

"These are devastating statistics we simply cannot afford to ignore," Mr Davies said.

"So while we connect with visitors at Sexpo, we're also addressing the 'elephant in the pew' in our churches, by putting pornography on the agenda."

He said despite the provocative title, the Bible was designed to help people shed their porn addiction and seek "meaningful relationships".

"We're not saying Jesus loves pornography, but he loves porn stars the people, just as he loves all people."

As well as handing out bibles outside the exhibition, the Bible Society will also have its own stand at Sexpo promoting "true love".

"The reality is Aussies everywhere are looking for long-term relationships. The porn industry is looking for long-term customers," Mr Davies said.

"Too often pornography addictions kick in, which can have a devastating effect on people's sexual, emotional and relational well-being."

Sexpo organiser Rob Godwin said he had no issue with the Bible Society's activities at the show.

"As a Christian myself, there is room in our life for a healthy adult life. It's about having the freedom to choose what you want in your sex life," Mr Godwin said.

Mr Godwin said the Salvation Army would also have a stand at Sexpo.

"We don't discriminate against anyone, straight or gay, Christian or non-Christian," he said.

The bible blitz on Sexpo is the first in the event's Australian history.

02-25-2009, 05:47 PM

gotta love the bible thumpers.. they do make life interesting..

02-25-2009, 05:54 PM
Didn't I see those people at AEE in Vegas?

02-25-2009, 05:56 PM
Didn't I see those people at AEE in Vegas?
Craig was trying to tell me I was making the problem worse with that damn RealTouch.

03-03-2009, 02:15 PM
Christians would no longer live normal lives without porn.