View Full Version : Niche Sells?

02-09-2009, 08:22 AM
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We've all said it and Ive seen it but really...

Do yall think theres a big market for niche?

Im talking the bug crushing,blood play, chloroforming shit you see floating around out there in the netherworld. Just below the radar but frequently enough that you know it is still out there.

Whats your favorite niche?
Whats the wierdest thing youve seen make sales?

02-09-2009, 01:00 PM
There's no doubt niche and micro niche sells. Some of it I would never promote but some I would. I wouldn't promote the three you mentioned there but others are a possibility.

02-09-2009, 01:32 PM
There's no doubt niche and micro niche sells. Some of it I would never promote but some I would. I wouldn't promote the three you mentioned there but others are a possibility.

How about long tounges?
CHicks with tattoos?
Girls with the white ooze when getting banged?

02-09-2009, 02:24 PM
maybe, yes, no.

02-09-2009, 03:34 PM
maybe, yes, no.
Ill have a new thread that may be of interest tomorrow.

02-09-2009, 04:07 PM
In the immortal words of Chico Esquella, "Niche has been bery bery good to me." :)

02-09-2009, 04:13 PM
Well. I look at it this way..

I can't understand the bug fetish at all so wouldn't promote it, plus it's weird. Blood play is of no interest to me at I wouldn't want to take the risk. Wouldn't touch cholorforming with a 1000' pole. Long tongues I can imagine how to promote it but am not sure there is a big enough market to do sustained promotion. Tattoos can be very sexy so that's an easy one to say yes to. The white ooze, again not wrapping my brain around that one.

Of course it's all moot as I don't have any traffic/content sites but that doesn't stop me from sharing an opinion. :>)

02-09-2009, 07:29 PM
I think the one that I could never "get" was balloons :blink: that said, at least it's not nasty.

02-09-2009, 07:38 PM
Tattoos can be very sexy so that's an easy one to say yes to.

I totally agree. :okthumb:

Hell Puppy
02-09-2009, 10:25 PM
Depends on what you mean by "sells"...

Try to imagine adult maturing to the level of retail, we're getting pretty close. You cant compete with Wal-Mart, Kmart, Target, Macys, Lowes, Best Buy, Home Depot, etc. They have it all and the economy of scale is on their side.

However, the little guy can set himself up a small shop somewhere off the beaten path where rent isn't so high. He can then afford to sell things that either are too low volume, too high quality/expensive or too specialized to be of interest to wally world. But if he can tap into that audience that is looking for those things, he can make himself a good living because they're never going to get it at a big box retailer.

Niche sites are much the same as the little specialty shop. Does niche sell? If you're a small outfit, it can provide you a nice comfortable living. Several people on this board really fit into this category. If Oprano has a niche of it's own these days, that's probably it.

Now, if you're the big mega site, and you're being asked does niche sell, you might as well being asking Wal-mart why they dont carry any tube type amps in their electronics department. It's not worth the pain in the ass, and their time, energy, floor space, and bandwidth is better suited to stuff that appeals to the great unwashed since that is their customer base. And if they were to try they would try to mass produce it, which shows a basic lack of understanding of that customer. This all parallels niche markets in adult.

02-10-2009, 12:06 AM
this is something I know a lot about. You have to think of niche as boutique and it becomes very clear. I make an exceptionally good living out of niche. Even in this crappy recession, we do well when many are panicked. The reason is customer loyalty. They just can't find what we do anywhere else. If you walk down any busy street, there is the big window displays and the neon signs and every so often you will see a little wooden sign for a small business upstairs or down the alley. That is us. Extremely high profit margin and very low overhead. We sell to focussed customers who know what they want. What we do is the future of the internet porn business for those who don't want the headaches of running a large corporation with tons of staff and offices and overhead etc. Its not for everyone, but it is very profitable. We have had leggycash dot com up an running for a couple of years now ant the guys that do well only do about ten sales a day, but like I said, we are small. But the main focus of what we do is word of mouth in a small (by internet standards) community of loyal customers. We still have a couple of members who have never missed a payment since 97. Niche sells? I would say that is not even an issue.

02-10-2009, 12:25 PM
. . . We still have a couple of members who have never missed a payment since 97.
That's impressive as hell! I'm sure not too many of the "Big Boy's" could say that.

02-10-2009, 12:49 PM
I think the one that I could never "get" was balloons :blink: that said, at least it's not nasty.

Funny you should say that, and thank goodness most "don't get it". It keeps the competition away! :okthumb: It's one of our best niches. Jill interacts with her balloon customers and, according to them, is one of the best at understanding the appeal and capturing it in scenes. Here's the part where I have the urge to reveal the secret, but I will resist and zip my trap.

Niche marketing is what has kept us in this biz. Our niche content outsells our "mainstream amateur" content by about 400% in each niche, and we do a few, with more on the development board. Man I need a 25 hour day ...

02-10-2009, 12:56 PM
this is something I know a lot about. You have to think of niche as boutique and it becomes very clear. I make an exceptionally good living out of niche. Even in this crappy recession, we do well when many are panicked. The reason is customer loyalty. They just can't find what we do anywhere else. If you walk down any busy street, there is the big window displays and the neon signs and every so often you will see a little wooden sign for a small business upstairs or down the alley. That is us. Extremely high profit margin and very low overhead. We sell to focussed customers who know what they want. What we do is the future of the internet porn business for those who don't want the headaches of running a large corporation with tons of staff and offices and overhead etc. Its not for everyone, but it is very profitable. We have had leggycash dot com up an running for a couple of years now ant the guys that do well only do about ten sales a day, but like I said, we are small. But the main focus of what we do is word of mouth in a small (by internet standards) community of loyal customers. We still have a couple of members who have never missed a payment since 97. Niche sells? I would say that is not even an issue.

Good post, very true to our biz also. The only thing I can add is that Jill still does camshows with guys from 10 years ago. They have followed her from cam platform to cam platform. They like her, they can't find a girl that does it like her, they stay loyal to her. The live interaction is how we started and what keeps us in.

02-10-2009, 07:32 PM
Some great stories in this thread... good biz knowledge too...

02-10-2009, 08:06 PM
I've been selling niche content for 14 years now & have to say it still sells better than anything else when it comes to selling licensed content even my affiliate marketing efforts do better when it comes to niche fetishes as long as its quality traffic which is hard to come by. Speaking of Niche content are their any content providers in opranos I have some order of lisensed content to fill on the stocking niche and some girl on girl which isn't so nichy but still sells well. Content producers please pm me & read our blog we made to tell everyone what we do. Hoping to start some new business on opranos and still like to shoot the shit to! But lately I'm more interested in making money as I'm sure you all are to in these troubled times.

pm me for more info...

02-11-2009, 12:49 PM
hey dave, walk around the corner and we can talk....when I get back from this road trip.

02-20-2009, 01:25 AM
Well I've been farting around with niche content for quite some time now and the profits are worth the embarracement and shame. hahahaha :okthumb:


02-20-2009, 08:34 AM
Well I've been farting around with niche content for quite some time now and the profits are worth the embarracement and shame. hahahaha :okthumb:


The biggest sellers seem to be that kid of thing on ClipClinic.

The whole office has been meserized with a clip we got last week.
This guy fucks himself with a tiny vibe in one scene and youd think he was taking a telephone pole.

The next clip hes in this bathtub that looks like a toilet bowl and your treated to him shaving his nuts with a cowboy hat and stogie.



02-20-2009, 09:38 AM
The next clip hes in this bathtub that looks like a toilet bowl and your treated to him shaving his nuts with a cowboy hat and stogie. Max must really need the money

02-20-2009, 09:39 AM
Max must really need the money

This looks like it was filmed in a trailer not a jail cell.

02-20-2009, 10:56 AM
The next clip hes in this bathtub that looks like a toilet bowl and your treated to him shaving his nuts with a cowboy hat and stogie.

I can imagine what’s going through his mind; “Steady . . . Steeeeeady!” :unsure:

02-20-2009, 11:09 AM
I can imagine what’s going through his mind; “Steady . . . Steeeeeady!” :unsure:

Green Guy asked for a link on Facebook when I said I was watching home movies.

Hes sorry he asked.

03-09-2009, 04:09 PM
i'm working with home made