View Full Version : How many use the different sidebar feature?

01-27-2009, 02:59 PM
Since I'm new to the board and nobody knows much about me I thought I'd share a helpful tip to those who make blogs. Notice I said blogs, not splogs. For those who just throw up a dozen splogs a day my advice will not help you.

But if you have a big blog and are trying to make it grow, one problem is you run out of space for links. After getting 30 links in a row, nobody wants to see theirs lost in your list. That's where the different sidebar trick comes in.

Most niches have sub-niches. Let's say you have a lesbian blog. You have categories for strap-on lesbians and Asian lesbians. What you do, is make your Asian lesbian category have it's own sidebars. Now, you can put only Asian lesbian banners up in there, and have another list of trades with Asian lesbian sites!

If you do this right you can have hundreds of links going to your blog, yet only short link list on each page. I myself do this one better by making several WP installs on the same domain and using them all on the same site.

So that's my little tip for bloggers out there. I prefer to make only a few, very large blogs, more like a full site, than hundreds of splogs. Hope you find this helpful. ;)

02-09-2009, 10:03 AM
Since I'm new to the board and nobody knows much about me I thought I'd share a helpful tip to those who make blogs. Notice I said blogs, not splogs. For those who just throw up a dozen splogs a day my advice will not help you.

But if you have a big blog and are trying to make it grow, one problem is you run out of space for links. After getting 30 links in a row, nobody wants to see theirs lost in your list. That's where the different sidebar trick comes in.

Most niches have sub-niches. Let's say you have a lesbian blog. You have categories for strap-on lesbians and Asian lesbians. What you do, is make your Asian lesbian category have it's own sidebars. Now, you can put only Asian lesbian banners up in there, and have another list of trades with Asian lesbian sites!

If you do this right you can have hundreds of links going to your blog, yet only short link list on each page. I myself do this one better by making several WP installs on the same domain and using them all on the same site.

So that's my little tip for bloggers out there. I prefer to make only a few, very large blogs, more like a full site, than hundreds of splogs. Hope you find this helpful. ;)

Solid tip!
Blogs do work. The trick is updatin them with profitable and infomative information thats not spam.