View Full Version : Man, what a workout!

Greg B
01-22-2009, 10:36 PM
I'm back Gonzo.

Had to finish that last round of health problems but finally got to the bottom of it and am handling it.

Took years but taught me that having a competent doctor is worth it's weight in gold and that big money doesn't mean the doctor knows what they're doing.

So if I haven't answered IMs and such bear with me while I catch up.

01-23-2009, 01:12 AM
Congrats on coming out the other side.

01-23-2009, 10:51 AM
Glad to hear you got those taken care of. I need to tirm up. Started hikiong for a year and had gotten to feeling better and then came to Charlotte where I dont know the area so well and only made it on a 2 mile all year that almost killed me.

Im actually thinking of going on a shorter hike this weekend since my legs are broken in from Vegas. Great weather for it.

01-23-2009, 12:10 PM
Glad you got your health problems taken care of...

01-23-2009, 12:17 PM
Glad to hear you got those taken care of. I need to tirm up. Started hikiong for a year and had gotten to feeling better and then came to Charlotte where I dont know the area so well and only made it on a 2 mile all year that almost killed me.

Im actually thinking of going on a shorter hike this weekend since my legs are broken in from Vegas. Great weather for it.

Wanna get trim? Here's what worked for me. I guarantee results. Six to eight months Jenny Craig. Walk three to four time a week for two hours....three to five miles....mostly up steep hills. Once a week have a real dinner and this time next year you will be wearing a whole new wardrobe. You can buy shoes with laces again.

01-23-2009, 12:23 PM
Wanna get trim? Here's what worked for me. I guarantee results. Six to eight months Jenny Craig. Walk three to four time a week for two hours....three to five miles....mostly up steep hills. Once a week have a real dinner and this time next year you will be wearing a whole new wardrobe. You can buy shoes with laces again.

I like this idea.
Im relocated out of the Park Avenue styled condo into a different place away from all the close by resturants. Hiking is for sure on my plan never occured to me to do Jenny Craig/Weight Watchers with a real dinner a week.

Portion control!

01-23-2009, 01:39 PM
Portion control!

That has always been my biggest dietary downfall. I eat a fairly balanced diet. i just eat too much.

I could stand to do the walking thing too, although there isn't anything in south Texas that even remotely resembles steep hills.

01-23-2009, 01:56 PM
I like this idea.
Im relocated out of the Park Avenue styled condo into a different place away from all the close by resturants. Hiking is for sure on my plan never occured to me to do Jenny Craig/Weight Watchers with a real dinner a week.

Portion control!

Dude, yeh - I know I may not be the BEST person since I eat like a piglet. But on the other hand - when I know I ma going to have a ginormous pile of food, I eat less at other meals. Like a WW points system.

I know for a lot of my friends, WW has done wonders for them - the accountability of a weekly weigh in and tracking their caloric intake via points or similar makes a huge difference. I have adopted some of the patterns and habits just by having been exposed to it a lot.

01-23-2009, 03:03 PM
I like this idea.
Im relocated out of the Park Avenue styled condo into a different place away from all the close by resturants. Hiking is for sure on my plan never occured to me to do Jenny Craig/Weight Watchers with a real dinner a week.

Portion control!

Its as hard as quitting smoking. But if you have the will power and desire, it works perfectly. Here is the bonus, the lighter you get the easier it is to walk up hills and stairs. When I first started, someone told me to pick up a concrete block and walk up a flight of stairs. It was a killer. A concrete block weighs 45 pounds. Figure out how much you want to lose and that is how many concrete blocks you won't be carrying around with you day in and day out. Imagine how hard your ticker is pumping to carry that concrete. That is what turned me.

Greg B
01-24-2009, 02:10 AM
Oh I found a great way to lose weight. It's all about calories in vs. calories out. No more complicated than that. Gonzo and I have talked about this over the years. Even wayyyyy back to like the great heart attack run on webmasters in late '98 if I recall. People weren't used to working at home alllll day and suddenly a bunch of webmasters ended up with heart attacks.

It was a scary time. I like to pump iron. That kept me out of health problems for most of my life. However, I don't smoke, drink, do drugs and my arteries are clean. I've never had any debilitating illnesses but you can have your body react to pollution that can fuck you up big time.

Also, processed foods are a no-no. You can't eat that shit it'll fuck you up. Processed sugar should be outlawed.

Now I've never had to lose fat before except the past year or so. I had to undo all the things I was doing to gain bulk for bodybuilding. So now I had to do the reverse and it fucking worked like a charm but you have to be strong. I tried the famous Master Cleanse diet. I lost 8-12 pounds in 8 days. I did it twice as a matter of fact in the past 4 months. You can get addicted to it. Check with your doctor though before you do it.

Being healthy is wonderful. I took it for granted because for 40+ years the worst I've had is a toothache or indigestion. Then something weird happens and you go through all sorts of terror and apprehension. Something simple the doctors overlook.

Jillian Michaels has a GREAT show on www.kfi640.com Sunday mornings at 9am Pacific time all about diet and fitness and weight loss that is SANE. She also does the Biggest Loser show. Jillian rocks. Just one episode of that show will square you on what you need to do to be healthy.