View Full Version : Convert avi to mov?

01-20-2009, 03:47 PM
Anyone have a program they recommend? I searched and found a lot of free ones, but just thought I would check with the board before installing something ... always a little nervous about those "free" programs. I am on a PC, by the way. Thanks in advance.

01-20-2009, 04:16 PM
Pinnacle Studio 12 will do it for you and more. Its cheap. Have a look at pinnaclesysdotcom

01-20-2009, 04:56 PM
Im looking for the same solution but for a mac that converts to multiple formats even.

01-20-2009, 09:40 PM
thanks for the response ... I'm still using Pinnacle 9 on one of my machines, lol, but they did not cover the mov format at that time. I went and checked another machine I have with Vegas Video on it and low and behold, it does output to the mov format. Problem solved. You might want to check that out Gonzo. It outputs in TONS of formats.

Now I just need to install Vegas on my main workhorse machine I guess. Been needing to get better with that video editor anyway. Thanks again.

01-20-2009, 10:04 PM
thanks for the response ... I'm still using Pinnacle 9 on one of my machines, lol, but they did not cover the mov format at that time. I went and checked another machine I have with Vegas Video on it and low and behold, it does output to the mov format. Problem solved. You might want to check that out Gonzo. It outputs in TONS of formats.

Now I just need to install Vegas on my main workhorse machine I guess. Been needing to get better with that video editor anyway. Thanks again.
I love it when that happens....good luck.

01-20-2009, 10:35 PM
I hope your main workhorse machine isn't running Vista. Last I heard Vegas wasn't Vista compatible and Sony wasn't planning to make an update available. That's been some time ago, so perhaps things have changed in the interim.