View Full Version : Top 10 Shirts to get arrested in

12-31-2008, 02:18 PM
After an all night drinking binge things went a little too far. You find yourself in jail holding up a sign and getting a picture you will never forget. As much as this bites, at least you aren’t these guys… or are you?

10. Never mention Sex in the pen
http://top10kid.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/mug3.jpg (http://top10kid.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/mug3.jpg)
9. Bambi: Kmart by day, Stripper by night
http://top10kid.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/mug9.jpg (http://top10kid.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/mug9.jpg)
8. Say that to the judge.
http://top10kid.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/mug7.jpg (http://top10kid.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/mug7.jpg)
7. Better hope you aren’t sharing a cell with one.
http://top10kid.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/mug6.jpg (http://top10kid.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/mug6.jpg)
6. He must have been busy…your whole life.
http://top10kid.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/mug4.jpg (http://top10kid.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/mug4.jpg)

See the top 5 here (http://top10kid.com/2008/04/14/top-10-shirts-to-get-arrested-in/?=rss)

01-01-2009, 04:19 PM
I was arrested wearing a 2600 shirt, ironically enough. I never got it back - perhaps the DEA wasn't willing to part with it eh?

The truth is, one rarely plans for being arrested. By definition, it's one of those things you kind of hope to be avoiding. It'd be like dressing in the morning so that a coroner cutting you up later in the day would stop and comment "wow, this dead guy's sportin' some cool duds."


01-01-2009, 04:52 PM
I was arrested wearing a 2600 shirt, ironically enough. I never got it back - perhaps the DEA wasn't willing to part with it eh?


Why would they keep your shirt?
Were they smart enough to know what 2600 was?
What did you go home in?

01-01-2009, 06:18 PM
Why would they keep your shirt?
Were they smart enough to know what 2600 was?
What did you go home in?
A Free Kevin teeshirt....

01-01-2009, 06:24 PM
A Free Kevin teeshirt....

01-01-2009, 09:18 PM
Why would they keep your shirt?

Bit of an inside joke - the DEA went through all the stuff in my truck, when I was arrested, and took anything they wanted. They were really honest about it, with one agent joking that my laptop was being used by his kids for homework. Oddly, I got most of my clothes back - except that shirt, and all the socks I had with me. Socks?

Were they smart enough to know what 2600 was?I know folks think that cops are dumb, but really it isn't (always) true - especially in the more specialized, higher-end agencies like the DEA or FBI. I never felt they were fools and didn't treat them as such, nor did they treat me in that way since I was a "criminal." Not that we were friends, but at least "professional respect" might be the right term.

What did you go home in?Hahaha! When your sentence is computed in years - not days - what you go home in generally isn't what you were arrested wearing. :blush: I actually left in a commissary-purchased sweatshirt - kept the damned thing for months until friends finally forced me to burn it in a solemn ceremony of freedom (don't tell them I still have my prison-issued plastic spork, for old time's sake :whistling).



01-01-2009, 09:22 PM
A Free Kevin teeshirt....

Niiiiice! :okthumb:

I actually met Kevin at this year's LAST Hope - he's a celebrity nowadays. He has bodyguards! Sheesh, talk about moving up the world eh? From solitary confinement for fear he'd "start a nuclear war by whistling into a payphone" to celeb - just goes to show. . .


01-01-2009, 11:36 PM
Niiiiice! :okthumb:

I actually met Kevin at this year's LAST Hope - he's a celebrity nowadays. He has bodyguards! Sheesh, talk about moving up the world eh? From solitary confinement for fear he'd "start a nuclear war by whistling into a payphone" to celeb - just goes to show. . .


Kevin is also Chief of Security for Oprano.


01-01-2009, 11:54 PM
^^ I do believe he's lost the mullet since the photo, however :-)


01-02-2009, 12:25 AM
^^ I do believe he's lost the mullet since the photo, however :-)


He said he was posing for Jesus pictures.