View Full Version : Spam message of the year

12-24-2008, 01:43 AM
I recieved this tonight at my AEBN address - enjoy.

From: Lady Agatha Shaw.
26 Kensington Court,
London, England.

I am the above named person but now undergoing medical treatment in London, England. I am married to Dr. Jim Shaw who worked with British Railway Commission in Chelsea England for over a decade before he died on 5th of July in the year 2003. We were married for fifteen years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for two weeks.

Before his death he made a vow to use his wealth for the down trodden and the less privileged in the society. Since his death I decided not to re-marry or get a child outside my matrimonial home.
When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $10 Million (Ten Million Dollars) in a Vault with a Bank here in Europe. Presently, this money is still there. Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next 150 days due to cancer problem. Though what disturbs me most is my stroke. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to an individual or better still a God fearing person who will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct here in. I want an individual that will use this to fund and provide succor to poor and indigent persons, orphanages, and above all the less privileged in the Society.
As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of my Lawyer. I will also issue you a letter of authority that will empower you as the original beneficiary of this fund, through my Lawyer. I want you to always pray for me. My happiness is that I lived a life worthy of emulation.

Whosoever that wants to serve the Almighty must serve him with all his heart and mind and soul and also in truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing for an individual for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act according to my specification herein. Hoping to hear from you.
Thank you and may the Almighty bless you.

This mail should be replied to my private email box:
E-mail: shawagathalady@aim.com

Yours sincerely,
Lady Agatha Shaw (Benefactor).

12-26-2008, 06:24 PM
African english schools are obviously improving.

12-26-2008, 07:21 PM
I got one the other day about being part of a class action settlement against Africa fraudsters, apparently they have a settlement and all the people that got taken by them would get money back, they just needed your full name, address, bank account number, and so on to make sure they had the right person.

12-30-2008, 01:31 PM
I got one the other day about being part of a class action settlement against Africa fraudsters, apparently they have a settlement and all the people that got taken by them would get money back, they just needed your full name, address, bank account number, and so on to make sure they had the right person.

Nice one:rolleyes:

12-30-2008, 01:53 PM
I got one the other day about being part of a class action settlement against Africa fraudsters, apparently they have a settlement and all the people that got taken by them would get money back, they just needed your full name, address, bank account number, and so on to make sure they had the right person.

Interestingly, I read a news story a few months ago that there IS a class action lawsuit being filed against the Nigerian government regarding their continued refusal to prosecute the scammers and fraudsters and lack of any sort of crackdown - and the Nigerian government's response was pretty much "well, the greedy fuckers deserve what they get."

12-30-2008, 02:25 PM
You have to figure that the scams are likely the single biggest industry in Nigeria these days, at least by sheer numbers of people trying to do it.

12-30-2008, 05:08 PM
i frequently get shit like that, perhaps i should start collecting them and publish a book :P

01-03-2009, 10:14 AM
Here is another good one, from "FedEX West Africa"<packages@fedexonline.com>:

Please contact us back with the below information for the delivery of your
cheque of $800,000.00 (Eight Hundred Thousand) usd.

1.First name:
2.Last Name:

email: fedexcourier@mail4me.com

FedEx Award Team.
Tel: +2347041824482

Not even trying to bait the hook just swinging it and hoping to snag onto something.