View Full Version : Man charged with Sexual Abuse of Chickens

12-15-2008, 07:28 AM
I can't make this stuff up, the real world is stupider than anything I could dream up!


THE star of top German TV show The Farmer Wants A Wife has been accused by animal rights charity Peta of sexually abusing his chickens.

Seventy-one-year-old nudist Hansi was shown using his finger to sexually stimulate his female birds on the final episode, broadcast on Monday night to 8.6million viewers.

He explained: “I do what the cockerel would usually do, only with my finger. It is like an orgasm for the chicken.”

The gruff farmer added: “Hansi is always happy when the chickens are happy.”


12-19-2008, 12:42 AM
Ok, wait. . . I'm confused as usual.

"Stimulating" a hen with his finger is "abuse" - but killing that hen and eating her is "farming?"

Now, I'm not much into killing chickens (vegetarian, for the most part) nor do I have a physical relationship with domestic fowl (canines and equines, but no birds and no cloven-hooved critters thanks! :) ). However, this whole fanatical obsession with branding any sort of sexual contact - of any sort - between species as "abuse" is childish and silly. Of course there IS abuse of other species that takes a sexual form, or at least claims to - the examples of 1970s "animal porn" where someone penetrates a hen, causing injury if not death. However, to say that ALL such contacts are abuse is a simple categorical error.

It gets to the point where collecting semen from a stallion, to ship elsewhere for fresh cooled breeding, is entirely acceptable - but if one does the exact same collection from the exact same stallion just "for fun" (for the collector and the stallion himself) it becomes "abuse." That's silly, and it trivializes the real abuse that should rightly be denounced.

Anyway, old-school farmers often thought of their critters not merely as "furkids" but also as adult, sexual beings. It doesn't mean they always respected them as such, but in terms of worldview they would never consider calling a cow an "it" or mistaking a mare for a stallion. To them, sexuality was part of their menagerie - good or bad. Nowadays, we've Disney-fied nonhumans to where they are imagined as asexual. That gets weird when it becomes abuse to touch them wrong - but quite acceptable to kill them.

As Dan Savage remarked, upon doing his about-face and accepting zooish relationships as potentially respectful, "I'd rather be screwed than stewed." Not exactly poetic, but he has a point.



12-19-2008, 02:24 PM
Ok is it just me, or is this just a weird conversation overall? I can't find jerking off a stallion or any other animal just "for fun" appropriate or acceptable. Hell, I think that artificial insemination thing is pretty creepy too!
Call me crazy if you want to.

12-19-2008, 02:29 PM
Ok is it just me, or is this just a weird conversation overall? I can't find jerking off a stallion or any other animal just "for fun" appropriate or acceptable. Hell, I think that artificial insemination thing is pretty creepy too!
Call me crazy if you want to.
.... white devil woman.

12-19-2008, 04:00 PM
Ok is it just me, or is this just a weird conversation overall? I can't find jerking off a stallion or any other animal just "for fun" appropriate or acceptable. Hell, I think that artificial insemination thing is pretty creepy too!
Call me crazy if you want to.

Crazy! You're absolutely crazy! :juggle01:

No, you're not crazy. The conversation is "weird." Lots of folks do think AI is creepy, so you are hardly alone. Those of us who have grown up around dogs and horses and been part of breeding and raising youngsters and that sort of thing all of lives sometimes have a hard time figuring out why "normal" people think it's all so "creepy." To us, it's just part of everyday life and never seemed weird or creepy or dirty or strange - but we're in a minority, and growing more so over time as folks in general are farther and farther removed from any connection with life outside of outer two-leggers. To them, "animals" are those cute drawings in Disney cartoon movies - not actual, living, complex beings like us.

Still, it really is true that humans aren't the only critters who reproduce sexually. Amongst the social mammals, in fact, our mating behaviors and general approach to reproduction at a biological and social level are quite consistent with everyone else. Yes, we think of ourselves as "unique" in 10,000 ways - though we have to keep changing the criteria to keep up with advances in cognitive ethology. I remember, as a youngster, being "taught" in high school biology that "animals cannot think, they only have instincts and no emotions." That was utter hogwash then, and has now been proven as such many times over.

Anyway, yes, it's "weird" to think that other creatures have sexual lives. Horses come in two genders: male and female - gasp! Dogs "breed" to make baby dogs, and they enjoy it - gasp! I'm still not sure how this got to be "weird, " simply to point it out, but you are correct - it IS weird in mainstream society. :rose:

Then again, saying it's ok to kill and eat something but not to touch it "in the special place" is sort of weird too - at a more fundamental level.



12-19-2008, 05:26 PM
I grew up on a farm. With horses. And dogs. And cats. etc.
Also, my entire family is vegetarian.
I STILL think jerking off an animal "for fun" is weird.

12-20-2008, 05:24 AM
Hmmm. . . if the worst thing I was ever called was "weird," I'd consider that somewhat of a miracle. Truth is, being "un-weird" was never high on my list of life goals.

Besides, weird is such a subjective concept - I must admit that many of the mating habits of straight, Normal folks seem utterly weird - even creepy - to me, personally. Still, I know that my own expectations about such things are hardly intended to be universal. It's one of those "to each his own" realizations.



12-23-2008, 10:47 PM
Congrats you 2 this is the most fucked up thread on here Ive read in a while.

12-24-2008, 08:48 AM
It amazing that a thread about fingering chickens could somehow find a way to be worse than it's original content.

I am impressed.

12-24-2008, 11:55 PM
You're very welcome - I consider it a skill.

While everyone else is trying to fit in and repeat the same stuff ad infinitum, I tend to stumble along and end up finding interesting places and people along the way. Not much of a way to "fit in with the crowd," then again that always seemed the province of the fearful to me. I'd rather be the one with dirt under my fingernails, engaged with the world around me - not hiding under a table trying to "be normal."

Still, it'll never cease to amaze me that pointing out basic facts about mammalian biology is "disgusting" to so many Normals. No wonder this planet is such a wreck - most two-leggers have insulated themselves so much from the real world that all they know about the rest of the living world is what they see on TeeVee. Scary.

Note: Disney is not reality. There is a world out there, other than human beings! Disgusting though it may be, it is as real as our own socially-constructed realities.

