View Full Version : What do you guys do for fun?

12-14-2008, 09:41 PM
Today they opened the mountains around here and my old lady insisted that I drag my lard ass off the couch. Two feet of powder and life is good.

12-15-2008, 09:28 AM

That looks like that "snow" shit my honey keeps talking about.

12-15-2008, 09:36 AM
Two feet of powder and life is good.

Can you ship me some of that? I'd like it delivered in mid-August. ;)

That's one of the great things about Vancouver, and Portland too. Only a minimal amount of snow in the city most winters, but a relatively short trip to that two feet of powder.

12-15-2008, 10:13 AM
Today they opened the mountains around here and my old lady insisted that I drag my lard ass off the couch. Two feet of powder and life is good.

I heard about 3000 people showed up at Mt. Baker on Sunday morning.

12-15-2008, 12:21 PM

That looks like that "snow" shit my honey keeps talking about.
You have no idea of what you are missing. Its what I have missed the most whenever I have lived in a hot climate. When its ninety degrees every day, snow is very appealing.

12-15-2008, 01:16 PM
I read threads like this and wonder who the heck it is that is in this business:


It's fun and relaxing!

12-15-2008, 03:14 PM
You have no idea of what you are missing. Its what I have missed the most whenever I have lived in a hot climate. When its ninety degrees every day, snow is very appealing.

I do know what I am missing, and I am a-ok wiht that *laughing*

You have to understand: when it's 90 F every day, I am happiest. I rarely am uncomfortably hot, but often find myself in multiple layers when temps fall below 60. On the other hand - ppl like me make it nicer for ppl like you :)

12-15-2008, 04:13 PM
I do know what I am missing, and I am a-ok wiht that *laughing*

You have to understand: when it's 90 F every day, I am happiest. I rarely am uncomfortably hot, but often find myself in multiple layers when temps fall below 60. On the other hand - ppl like me make it nicer for ppl like you :)

She only misses cheese.

12-15-2008, 05:20 PM
She only misses cheese.

Always. You got some for me?

12-15-2008, 09:53 PM
Always. You got some for me?
Head Cheese

12-15-2008, 10:05 PM

That looks like that "snow" shit my honey keeps talking about.

Snow rocks.. It's only about -26 to -30 degrees with wind chill here last night!! :okthumb:

12-16-2008, 12:05 AM
people that don't "get" snow have no idea. I got so bored of two season living...either rainy or dry....or hot or hotter. That is about all there is if you don't have winter.

Hell Puppy
12-16-2008, 03:11 AM
I do know what I am missing, and I am a-ok wiht that *laughing*

You have to understand: when it's 90 F every day, I am happiest. I rarely am uncomfortably hot, but often find myself in multiple layers when temps fall below 60. On the other hand - ppl like me make it nicer for ppl like you :)

here's the thing, with the heat, you can only take off so much.... then you've got big sweaty balls and big sweaty asses all over your furniture, and they're still hot. this also leads to the WRONG kind of cheese.

i can always find a way to get warm. layers are good. and i dont mind peeling layers when it's time to generate some natural heat.

12-16-2008, 09:03 AM
here's the thing, with the heat, you can only take off so much.... then you've got big sweaty balls and big sweaty asses all over your furniture, and they're still hot. this also leads to the WRONG kind of cheese.

i can always find a way to get warm. layers are good. and i dont mind peeling layers when it's time to generate some natural heat.

Oh, believe me - I know the arguments. My honey is a HUGE fan of being chilly, this "seasons" business, and so on. Actually, just about everyone I know tries to convince me I am on the wrong side of this. *shrug* I like what I like, y'all prefer what y'all prefer - 's what makes things interesting. It'd be boring as shit if we all liked the same things.

12-16-2008, 09:04 AM
Today they opened the mountains around here and my old lady insisted that I drag my lard ass off the couch. Two feet of powder and life is good.

As to Rhet's original question: I pretty much am a fan of sitting on my tush and reading/ knitting or heading out to a dance club.

I tell you guys I am boring.

Evil Chris
12-16-2008, 11:07 AM
For fun?

Summertime.... BBQing on my deck, playing with my son in the backyard, a bit of gardening, playing softball in the local old-timers league, golfing.

Wintertime.... Going to Habs games, playing in the snow, playing Guitar Hero (love that game), watching movies...

I don't ski anymore.

12-16-2008, 01:18 PM
Ok.. in regards to the actual question,....

Playng poker, going to Packers games at Lambeau Field, playing Civilization IV, playing Everquest 2, I'm a certifiable tv junkie and like watching movies and reading books.

12-16-2008, 02:20 PM
What I like to do for fun is ...ummmm... read books and socialize with different people from around the world and travel! I have been a very chill person lately and right now my past time has been scribbling in coloring books and talking on the phone a lot...kinda lost my voice for a few days...but it is back! Kinda of.. lol