View Full Version : RIP Blockbuster Video stores

11-25-2008, 07:46 PM

Blockbuster Video's brick-and-mortar locations collectively died today at age 23 after a long battle with ondemanditis; the final blow came with the announcement that its parent company plans to launch Blockbuster OnDemand -- a subscription service that will allow users to download DVD-quality films from the Internet direct to their TV sets. Services will be held simultaneously in the Foreign Films, Horror, and New Releases aisles, where movie lovers in search of elusive Tara Reid direct-to-DVD flicks will wail and gnash their teeth. Burial should take place over the next decade, as folks who have yet to upgrade from VCR to DVD (or those other ridiculously expensive and certain-to-be-obsolete-in-five-years technologies) discover the unique joys of on-demand video through their cable providers and via services such as Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Blockbuster OnDemand. Survivors include a host of local mom-and-pop video shops, John Travolta, and several hundred delicious popcorn-making machines.

Hell Puppy
11-25-2008, 09:06 PM

Blockbuster Video's brick-and-mortar locations collectively died today at age 23 after a long battle with ondemanditis; the final blow came with the announcement that its parent company plans to launch Blockbuster OnDemand -- a subscription service that will allow users to download DVD-quality films from the Internet direct to their TV sets. Services will be held simultaneously in the Foreign Films, Horror, and New Releases aisles, where movie lovers in search of elusive Tara Reid direct-to-DVD flicks will wail and gnash their teeth. Burial should take place over the next decade, as folks who have yet to upgrade from VCR to DVD (or those other ridiculously expensive and certain-to-be-obsolete-in-five-years technologies) discover the unique joys of on-demand video through their cable providers and via services such as Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Blockbuster OnDemand. Survivors include a host of local mom-and-pop video shops, John Travolta, and several hundred delicious popcorn-making machines.

i haven't set foot in a video store since the early 90's.

11-25-2008, 10:29 PM
their are many people that still go to the video and dont have a high speed connection. Believe it or not.

Hell Puppy
11-26-2008, 12:28 AM
their are many people that still go to the video and dont have a high speed connection. Believe it or not.


Did they ever fix the issue where you could never find a new release until it had been out for at least 2 weeks?

That and the place was always infested with unattended children who slobber on themselves. They dont allow dogs, but lots of kids I've seen cause more trouble in a public establishment than any dog I know. Breaking stuff, annoying people, shitting in the middle of the store.


Oh, and my favorite, the rednecks who have to discuss every movie they've seen as well as their opinion of what they think every movie they pick up will be like. "I LIKE THAT THAR TOM HANKS, RUN FORRREST RUN!!!"


This is the same reason Amazon loves me at Christmas.

11-26-2008, 08:42 AM
their are many people that still go to the video and dont have a high speed connection. Believe it or not.

Ultimate in irony?

I'm one of 'em. I like going to the video store, and I do have high-speed connection.

For folks like my Mom - who is on dial-up still (it's all that's offered in her part of her town) - this is brutal news. It's really easy for us to forget how many people out there are still in the techno "dark ages."

11-26-2008, 09:32 AM
Since I haven't looked myself I'll have to assume that stores like Wal-Mart still offer DVD rentals? You can even rent videos at some McDonalds here. These places won't have anywhere near the selection, but without BB's competition that segment of there business may become more viable.

11-26-2008, 10:16 AM
I still prefer to watch on my tv over the computer and linking the two, quite frankly, sounds like a real pain in the ass for the vast majority of people.

Hell Puppy
11-26-2008, 05:30 PM
I still prefer to watch on my tv over the computer and linking the two, quite frankly, sounds like a real pain in the ass for the vast majority of people.

Easier than you think and getting easier all the time. AppleTV, especially if you have a Mac. If you have PC, Xbox360 will do the job.

But, there's another option still. Use your flatscreen TV as a second monitor on your PC.

For that matter, my normal widescreen monitor for my desktop is much larger than the televisions I watched growing up.

Hell Puppy
11-26-2008, 05:33 PM
Since I haven't looked myself I'll have to assume that stores like Wal-Mart still offer DVD rentals? You can even rent videos at some McDonalds here. These places won't have anywhere near the selection, but without BB's competition that segment of there business may become more viable.

I haven't been looking but haven't noticed as much of that recently. I remember back in college, you could rent videos from a couple of pizza places. Gotta like that, bring me pizza and a movie.

But the vendo rentals and such are kinda like the Quickie Mart, it's not an alternative to a grocery store, never will be. But it's a convenience.

My guess is if Blockbuster starts killing brick and mortar one of two things happen. Either they have enough business intelligence information to know which stores are making money....certainly one in an area underserved by broadband likely would be. Or if they want to eliminate that business all together, you'll see a re-emergence of the family owned video stores that they put out of business in the early 90's.

Hell Puppy
11-26-2008, 05:35 PM
Ultimate in irony?

I'm one of 'em. I like going to the video store, and I do have high-speed connection.

Adult video stores dont count.

12-01-2008, 11:01 AM
Adult video stores dont count.

You're kinda missing my point here.

We often forget that while broadband access and tech savvy people are on the rise, there are many, many more who don't have access to it, and have no desire to learn how to hook up their 20 year old telly to a 386.

We live in a fairly rarefied environment, in which we all understand what you're saying - we may choose to not move to Apple TV or what not, but we know what you're talking about. And while we may have Blackberries or iPhones, the majority of folks are using a 4 year old LG and have zero interest in upgrading.

12-01-2008, 04:08 PM
I am one of those who have zero interest in upgrading. I want my phone to make phone calls and that is about it. Perhaps net access when travelling which I am looking into at the moment.
I enjoy going down to my local video store where they have a ton of old English tv shows, wierd and wonderful erotica from the twenties and beyond, student films, hard to find movies and a lot of independent stuff.
I also find the staff knowledgeable and I enjoy going there. I could also buy wine on the internet, research it an all, but when I talk to the folks in my local wine store, they are very good at suggesting wines for my needs.
There is something still very valuable in human interaction that goes beyond efficiency. Hell, it would be possible to keep yourself amused with nothing but delivery food and goods, internet downloads and any number of ways to cocoon. Pertty soon you would only be meeting and hanging out with porn people and too much business is well......too much business.
Even when I worked in television, I would seek out ways to get away from it once in awhile, and let me tell you when you work in entertainment that is hard.

12-01-2008, 05:19 PM
Adult video stores dont count.
She works in the worlds largest adult video store and eats cheese all day long.

12-01-2008, 05:24 PM
She works in the worlds largest adult video store and eats cheese all day long.
I assume you have a lock on your office door?

12-01-2008, 05:26 PM
I assume you have a lock on your office door?

She tries to peek in my window to see what Im watching daily.

12-01-2008, 06:00 PM
She works in the worlds largest adult video store and eats cheese all day long.

Didn't she say she didn't work in porn? I must be missing something here.

12-01-2008, 06:08 PM
She tries to peek in my window to see what Im watching daily.
It might be prudent to do a periodic check for limberger behind the heater.

12-02-2008, 08:41 AM
Didn't she say she didn't work in porn? I must be missing something here.

... I don't think I sed I don't work in porn - 'cos I kinda embrace my status as a cuddly smut peddler.

On the other hand, Gonzo is kinda known for his non sequiturs.

12-02-2008, 10:10 AM
I like my local BlockBuster. College town with college movie nerd employees. I can go there and talk to people who are into movies about movies. I can't speak for anyone else, but honestly the last thing my life needs is even less contact with live human beings :huh:

12-02-2008, 11:04 AM
I am one of those who have zero interest in upgrading. I want my phone to make phone calls and that is about it. Perhaps net access when traveling which I am looking into at the moment.
I enjoy going down to my local video store where they have a ton of old English TV shows, weird and wonderful erotica from the twenties and beyond, student films, hard to find movies and a lot of independent stuff.
I also find the staff knowledgeable and I enjoy going there. I could also buy wine on the internet, research it an all, but when I talk to the folks in my local wine store, they are very good at suggesting wines for my needs.
There is something still very valuable in human interaction that goes beyond efficiency. Hell, it would be possible to keep yourself amused with nothing but delivery food and goods, internet downloads and any number of ways to cocoon. Pretty soon you would only be meeting and hanging out with porn people and too much business is well......too much business.
Even when I worked in television, I would seek out ways to get away from it once in awhile, and let me tell you when you work in entertainment that is hard.

I pretty much agree with every point here :okthumb:

12-02-2008, 11:55 AM
... I don't think I sed I don't work in porn - 'cos I kinda embrace my status as a cuddly smut peddler.

On the other hand, Gonzo is kinda known for his non sequiturs.

Yes it is his trade mark. And all this time I thought you were a banker. :yowsa:........J/K

12-02-2008, 01:58 PM
Yes it is his trade mark. And all this time I thought you were a banker. :yowsa:........J/K

*cracking up*

Nope, got out of that just in the nick of time, didn't I? ;)

12-02-2008, 04:33 PM
Yes it is his trade mark. And all this time I thought you were a banker. :yowsa:........J/K
Did I read that you are coming to Internext in a RV?

12-02-2008, 04:37 PM
Did I read that you are coming to Internext in a RV?
Well, we have booked a pad at the Circus Circus trailer park on the strip. Livin the life.

Time to get outta Dodge and start my Ribs Over America Tour and Road Trip. First stop, Las Vegas next stop? No freeking idea.

12-02-2008, 05:29 PM
...next stop? No freeking idea.

I think I was through there once. :rolleyes:

Feb & March are nice in south Texas. Moderate temps and the humidity isn't bad yet. Holler if you're in the neighborhood

Hell Puppy
12-03-2008, 12:08 AM
She works in the worlds largest adult video store and eats cheese all day long.

How ironic, since you work in the worlds largest adult video store and cut the cheese all day long.

Hell Puppy
12-03-2008, 12:18 AM
You're kinda missing my point here.

We often forget that while broadband access and tech savvy people are on the rise, there are many, many more who don't have access to it, and have no desire to learn how to hook up their 20 year old telly to a 386.

We live in a fairly rarefied environment, in which we all understand what you're saying - we may choose to not move to Apple TV or what not, but we know what you're talking about. And while we may have Blackberries or iPhones, the majority of folks are using a 4 year old LG and have zero interest in upgrading.

Oh I get it, but I'm just wondering which side is the majority.

My dad is one of those who doesn't care to go too high tech. Not because he cant. Hell, he's be on the internet and had a website longer than anyone here with the exception of myself, GonZo and Danny Cox. And he still updates it.....via dial up.

His TV? Rabbit ears all the way. I keep telling him the FCC is gonna make him at least buy a converter in February. He'll deal with that when he has to...or stop watching TV. He has DVD instead of VHS only because I bought him a player as a gift a few Christmas' back.

I have caught him eyeballing the G1 Google phone though. Currently he has some simple nokia voice only jobbie....i dont think it even has a camera, but he does text a little bit.

I just wonder if there's more of him or more of me out there. Likely the majority of the populace lives some place inbetween.

12-03-2008, 11:46 AM
I like my local BlockBuster. College town with college movie nerd employees. I can go there and talk to people who are into movies about movies. I can't speak for anyone else, but honestly the last thing my life needs is even less contact with live human beings :huh:


If I had less than I do now i would be considered a Goraphobe!! LOL

12-03-2008, 12:02 PM
Oh I get it, but I'm just wondering which side is the majority.

My dad is one of those who doesn't care to go too high tech. Not because he cant. Hell, he's be on the internet and had a website longer than anyone here with the exception of myself, GonZo and Danny Cox. And he still updates it.....via dial up.

His TV? Rabbit ears all the way. I keep telling him the FCC is gonna make him at least buy a converter in February. He'll deal with that when he has to...or stop watching TV. He has DVD instead of VHS only because I bought him a player as a gift a few Christmas' back.

I have caught him eyeballing the G1 Google phone though. Currently he has some simple nokia voice only jobbie....i dont think it even has a camera, but he does text a little bit.

I just wonder if there's more of him or more of me out there. Likely the majority of the populace lives some place inbetween.

Well, I did find this (http://www.fb.org/index.php?fuseaction=newsroom.focusfocus&year=2008&file=fo1103.html)article, which indicates that even urban populations aren't fully high-speed, and this (http://rtc.ruralinstitute.umt.edu/RuDis/RuDemography.htm#*How) demonstrating totals of populations as a whole. I've not got time to fiddle with the math fully, but... Looks like bigger chunks than we think about fall into "not really all that upgraded."