View Full Version : Pedophile Web Operator Warns Parents

11-25-2008, 08:18 AM

Kentucky- The I-Jam Conference, a kickoff to a three-year effort to expand cyber safety in Kentucky, began Monday with a sobering message from a 22- year-old man who operated a child porn site for five years during his teens.

Justin Berry spoke to teachers, law enforcement and youth workers who are attending the conference in Lexington.

"I was harmed and abused in way that is difficult to discuss," Berry told the audience. He was lured into child porn between the ages of 13 and 18 before becoming a federal witness. Berry says he is not proud of his shameful acts. He says he was degraded, faced pain and danger, while being showered with money and gifts. "They worked on me until I was what they wanted me to be."

He says it is not enough for a parent to install safeguards on their child's computer and limit access. "Be a parent, time, communication, day after day, not just once a week, once a month. Not just installing the software and figuring that's my end all fix. It's time every day being a parent."


11-25-2008, 08:36 AM
"Be a parent, time, communication, day after day, not just once a week, once a month. Not just installing the software and figuring that's my end all fix. It's time every day being a parent."

What a novel concept! :rolleyes:

11-25-2008, 10:42 AM
What a novel concept! :rolleyes:

Sadly, these days it is. The expectation seems to be that teachers and TV should be doing the majority of parenting. "Oh he was such a GOOD boy" - til little Billy takes out the neighbor with a 12 gauge.