View Full Version : Trying to get started in the industry offering Free website

11-14-2008, 04:19 PM

I dont know if I posted this in the right place. But I am a web developer who has designed mainstream sites for yeras now. I thought it would be not only a great learning experience, but a fun one as well to create a porn site for someone.

I have 30+ websites that I can send to prove my design style is up to date and my skills are great. All I am looking for in return is the right person(girl preferably) to have patience and help me design my first adult site. I can work with eCommerce, Content management, and I can even host the site. If you are interested respond to this post and i'll get in touch with you. This isnt anything more than a friendly offer and some TFE, who knows after everything is all hooked up, you'll probably make money and suggest me to someone else.


11-26-2008, 03:31 PM
hello jon.my name is phoenix. i am starting a new company "almighty vixen'z" we are a company similar to bang brothers and are in the middle of getting bang brothers to sponser and back us. you can view the brand new myspace at myspace.com/almightyvixenz or cantact us at brawdsgalor@gmail.com. thankyou and i look foward to hearing from you.

11-28-2008, 12:58 PM
oh, this is priceless.
robots, talking to each other.

11-28-2008, 08:47 PM
b2b opportunities abound....bot to bot