View Full Version : Russia supports Palin....this is hilarious

10-11-2008, 01:21 PM
Savage animal slaughterer that she is, it’s apt that Sarah Palin has now brutally plunged a razor-sharp knife into the very heart of the seemingly invincible doubts concerning her capacity to be Vice-President of the United States. Wielding her chutzpah with the awe-inspiring deftness with which she employs her gun or rifle when hunting defenseless wolves or moose, she appeared on 20/20 and left our skepticism writhing on the ground in agony, immersed in its own blood and gasping its last.
http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif http://english.pravda.ru/img/idb/palin.jpg And let Sarah Palin become POTUS http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif http://english.pravda.ru/img/ar/blue.gifBREAKING NEWS http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif Every U.S. citizen holds 86,000 dollars of national debt (http://english.pravda.ru/topic/debt-516/) http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif The demise of America (http://english.pravda.ru/topic/America-120/) http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif Hypocritical West stands up against Russia (http://english.pravda.ru/topic/russia-604/) http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif http://english.pravda.ru/img/idb/linkz/soyuz-2.jpg (http://english.pravda.ru/photo/report/rocket-3866) Stunning photos of Russia's Soyuz booster rocket (http://english.pravda.ru/photo/report/rocket-3866) More... (http://english.pravda.ru/photo/report/rocket-3866) http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif http://english.pravda.ru/img/0.gif Given her virtuoso performance with Charlie Gibson a few nights ago, John McCain might as well croak now and get it over with. She’s ready for the presidency. All the cynics who dared to question her qualifications to become VP now have about as much credibility as card-carrying members of the Flat Earth Society.
Sarah Palin is the person we need (and deserve) to lead us on our incessant quest for global hegemony and in our ongoing orgiastic gang rape of the Earth. A former beauty pageant contestant noted for her fierce competitiveness who would easily qualify as a MILF in the pornography industry and who takes great pride in her capacity to stick her head up her ass and go for it instead of “blinking,” this “lipstick pitbull” embodies nearly all that we worship in a nation fueled principally by narcissism, arrogance, willful ignorance, and belligerence. She may lack the obscene wealth that also triggers our reflexive genuflection, but she will acquire that in time.


10-11-2008, 01:53 PM
She said they were her neighbors.

10-11-2008, 04:23 PM
She only lives 4373 miles away. I guess they can shoot the shit across their backyard fences, eh?

10-11-2008, 04:36 PM
Nothing Russia would like more than a country run short term by grandpa, sadly replaced with a pitbull in lipstick who's entire foreign policy experience involves pointing her finger over there and saying "look, that's russia".

Russia is on the rise, and a weak opponent is a great way to rise faster.

10-11-2008, 08:44 PM
Nothing Russia would like more than a country run short term by grandpa, sadly replaced with a pitbull in lipstick who's entire foreign policy experience involves pointing her finger over there and saying "look, that's russia".

Russia is on the rise, and a weak opponent is a great way to rise faster.
I have been banging this drum for years. Putin is more than formidable. This "pit bull" would be chewed up and spit out. I am not even sure if Obama can stand up to him. He is in the process of purchasing Iceland at the moment which will give Russia a military base half way to Boston.
The United States and its allies including Canada and Europe willl need to stand firm. This will necessitate the need for the United States to realize its position in the world, not as the world's only super power. The president of the US is not the most powerful man in the world nor the leader of the "free" world. George Bush totally fucked the "new American Century" myth.
It is time for reality, pragmatism, and when American Thanksgiving rolls around, a little humble pie with that free range turkey.
If no one believes this, just wait.

10-11-2008, 10:42 PM
For the most part, while Russia is much stronger today than it was, they still have little intention of getting into it directly with the US, the west, or even with China. They are picking their spots very carefully, pushing a bit right now because the US is dramtically over committed in Iraq and other places and really couldn't even put up a half hearted feint in Georgia. The US quite simply doesn't have 50,000 or 100,000 pairs of boots to put on the ground anywhere right now, so the Russians are expanding.

Putin has been laying the groundwork for years, getting the gas and oil production going and taking a dominant market position in gas going into many western countries in Europe. It's the same strategy that Iran and other countries have used against the US, basically sucking all the money out of the target and using that money to build a stronger force to beat them up later. IMHO, this entire financial crisis has been built up and created intially by the run up in oil prices, which the muslim / arab producer countries, Venezuela, and Russia have been more than happy to watch happen, knowing it would cause incredible pain the US. I don't think any of them realized just how much pain it would cause. It's almost like the tossed a financial fire cracker that set of a nuclear bomb.

Palin is so far out of her league, that it is pretty much game over if she gets into a position of power. We may actually be seeing the true decline of the western empire.

10-11-2008, 10:54 PM
I don't think any of them realized just how much pain it would cause. It's almost like the tossed a financial fire cracker that set of a nuclear bomb.Yeah, this is a financial 9/11.
The smartest politician in the world....Vladimir Putin

I lived three years in Moscow. I have had a lot of encounters with the KGB. Putin is KGB. I believe I have a very good handle on how they work. It is so freeking obvious that Putin has sucker punched the USA. This ain't Leave it to Beaver and we don't need no June Cleaver at the moment. I think Hillary Clinton as Sec of state might pull this shit out of the fire. A little education and intelligence and some down right devious poker playing is our only hope.