View Full Version : Is GW Bush the worst president ever?

10-10-2008, 10:23 PM
He thumbed his nose at the world and prosecuted and unaffordable, unwinnable war. He stole an election. He ran the country into the brink of a depression (hopefully only the brink). And now, after all that jingoistic bs, he is begging the rest of the world to help save the US economy. It gives a whole new meaning to "your either with us or against us". And the funniest thing is that these morons are now trying to blame this whole mess on Clinton and Carter....damn that can't even be taken seriously since he has been in power for 8 years. Time enough to "fix" any "problem".

Any opinions on this clown? You can clearly see my bias but I was curious if any of you actually a:support Bush or b:ever supported Bush.

Hell Puppy
10-10-2008, 10:27 PM
He thumbed his nose at the world and prosecuted and unaffordable, unwinnable war. He stole an election. He ran the country into the brink of a depression (hopefully only the brink). And now, after all that jingoistic bs, he is begging the rest of the world to help save the US economy. It gives a whole new meaning to "your either with us or against us". And the funniest thing is that these morons are now trying to blame this whole mess on Clinton and Carter....damn that can't even be taken seriously since he has been in power for 8 years. Time enough to "fix" any "problem".

Any opinions on this clown? You can clearly see my bias but I was curious if any of you actually a:support Bush or b:ever supported Bush.

I'll say this. I'm not a proponent of "W". But at the same time, I am very doubtful that we would be any better off at this point with Gore or Kerry at the wheel.

10-10-2008, 10:45 PM
He is the worst president without question. Him and his administration...

Never voted for the guy as he is and always has been an idiot in my opinion. I could never understand how anybody voted for him the first time not to mention they re-elected him.

It looks as if we are having a repeat of the falsified voter registration again this election. We really need to abandon the electronic voting without a paper trail and go back to paper voting and make sure the votes are all hand counted.

The current corrupt election process sickens me.

Unfortunately we have two pathetic candidates to choose from this election cycle, and the sheep are all lined up and ready to pull the handle.
I wish people would wake the fuck up.

Oblamo or Grandpa.....choose your poison. Lose, lose if you ask me.

I feel we should not have bailed out Wall Street. Let the market take the hit and right itself. The greedy bastards should be forced to take the pain.
Maybe, just maybe they would learn from their mistakes.

10-11-2008, 04:33 AM
Let's not forget prior to his election a) Daddy Bush went to war to save Dubya's oil company in Qatar and b) brother Jeb Bush before he was governor and rigged the Florida election was the major cause of the destruction of the savings and loan institution. c) and then there was the rest of Daddy's Bush's administration.

History will rightly have it that the Bush family, the three of them, did more to destroy America than any other family in the history of this country. And yes, W will be the worst president. It took 30 years for the Democrats to balance the budget and W got it back to that point in two. And now with the Wall Street bailout on top of the price of the Iraq war (which is still costing I think I read a billion a week or was it a day) .... Yikes.

Seriously, gas below $2.50, a balanced budget, a strong dollar, the start of the commercial Internet, no war .... we will all look back at the Clinton days as the Golden Years of our lives and the last time America was the alpha dog of this planet.

10-11-2008, 09:58 PM
'We're in this together,' Bush tells G-7 leaders (http://money.cnn.com/2008/10/11/news/economy/bush_group_of_seven/index.htm?postversion=2008101108)


what a wimp. Live by the sword....then ask for help when you turn out to be the biggest fuck up in history.

I really do wish Mike AI would chime in on this. But I think hell might have to freeze over or another levy break in La.

10-11-2008, 10:43 PM
Worst just doesn't being to cover it.

10-11-2008, 11:12 PM
What happened to all the whippo right wing radical conservatives that used to be all over these boards beating their chests? Seems they are all hiding under their tin foil hats and cringing with embarrassment. And so they fucking should. Conservatism is for morons. It doesn't work. Never has. Never will. Its right up there with the right to bear arms.

10-11-2008, 11:40 PM
Then again, I saw some pretty short brained people at some of the McCain rallies in the last couple of days getting all out of shape. These would be the same yahoos that think dubya is still doing a wonderful job and is keeping American strong.

Anyone else thinking Obama might see something closer to landslide levels of votes (60%)?

10-11-2008, 11:46 PM
It will be interesting to see what the perception is after 15-20 years have past.

Hell Puppy
10-12-2008, 12:03 AM
If you look at history, the longest reigning empires have all been either monarchies or dictatorships.

Watching the sheep amuses me. They wanted to impeach Clinton. All he wanted was a blow job.

Now things are bad, Bush not only gets blamed for things he deserves, but everything else that people find wrong with their lives and the state of the world as well. Things have now started to actually impact their lives enough that their hatred for Bush carries over to other people. Poor Sarah Palin, she had no idea what she was stepping into, but all of that Bush hatred got transferred onto her immediately.

I'm with Toby, though it make take more like 50 years to see it all in perspective and what really caused what and who (hopefully) fixes it.

Economic cycles take at least 10 years.

Again, yell all ya want, like Bush or hate him, he isn't the one who invented the subprime mortgage. In fact, on his watch the republicans tried to reign it in and were shot down by those who think people are entitled to things rather than have to earn them.

10-12-2008, 01:08 AM
The history books usually refer to the major events of a presidency, and rate it based on the end results. Bush took over a country with a booming economy that was safe, at relative peace, with the NASDAQ at 5000+ and the Dow at 11,000 and everything was pretty much all right.

The last 8 years have been pretty much endless shit. While it can be argued that much of what happened wasn't specifically his fault, it happened and continued to happen under his watch.

Today, the NASDAQ is at 1649. The Dow is at 8451. Thousands of soliders have lost their lives and tens of thousands more have been injured fighting a foreign war, all over WMD that just were not there. The US is teetering between recession and depression, and risking losing it's super power position in the world, sliding back to third (or maybe fourth) behind the likes of China and Russia.

So yeah, when the history books are written, he will likely be the guy who mislead the US from feast to famine, from financial success to financial ruin, from super power to also ran. This will be the time in history where "everything changed for the worse".

Hell Puppy
10-12-2008, 03:47 AM
Did any of you guys ever actually study History? Economics? Business?

Or are you just going based on what your spoon fed by the media in between TMZ and Entertainment Tonight?

Bush inherited the dot com bubble. The Dow and NASDAQ were loaded with way overvalued companies. Companies valued at billions upon billions of dollars when they hadn't yet made a buck, aren't cash flow positive and have no idea when they will be.

Is 9/11 Bush's fault somehow? Seems same group attacked the WTC in 1993, Clinton's watch. He also opted to NOT grab Bin Laden in 1998 when he had the opportunity. Remember the USS Cole was on his watch as well. The U.S. was under attack by Al Qaeda BEFORE Bush came to power.

And then there's the mortgage crisis, again, please try to keep up. The problem here is subprime mortgages and a housing price bubble. That started in the 90's as well. And it was the Democrats who repeatedly shot down reform while Bush was in the White House.

Again, I'm not a fan, I think both parties suck. I'm a Libertarian if anything. But I hate to see ignorance propogate.

10-12-2008, 10:27 AM
How did he get elected? lol Or is that question opening up a big can of worms?

10-12-2008, 12:17 PM
Hell Puppy, it isn't ignorance, it's the things that I think will end up being used "15-20 years past" to explain his Presidency. It's in the same manner that many of us forget the things that lead to the 55MPH speed limit and other issues that crowded up and killed the Carter Presidency. History only tends to record what you had to start with, what you had at the end, and measures you as a result of those things.

I think the history books will show a President that was manipulated and played by the muslim that oppose the US and what it stands for. A man who was manipulated by his own staff and party, and in the end was lead into a trap of his own making. As a result, all Americans and many in the world today suffer.

I am confident that he will be considered one of the worst, things couldn't be much worse as we head into his last 100 days.

Oh yeah, as a side note, blaming the "democrats in the 90s" and the "guy before him" is a bullshit answer, suggesting that Bush has no control and no input for the last 8 years. That's just a lie created to cover up for this president's absolutely horrible record.

10-13-2008, 01:50 AM
Did any of you guys ever actually study History? Economics? Business?

Or are you just going based on what your spoon fed by the media in between TMZ and Entertainment Tonight?

Bush inherited the dot com bubble. The Dow and NASDAQ were loaded with way overvalued companies. Companies valued at billions upon billions of dollars when they hadn't yet made a buck, aren't cash flow positive and have no idea when they will be.

Is 9/11 Bush's fault somehow? Seems same group attacked the WTC in 1993, Clinton's watch. He also opted to NOT grab Bin Laden in 1998 when he had the opportunity. Remember the USS Cole was on his watch as well. The U.S. was under attack by Al Qaeda BEFORE Bush came to power.

And then there's the mortgage crisis, again, please try to keep up. The problem here is subprime mortgages and a housing price bubble. That started in the 90's as well. And it was the Democrats who repeatedly shot down reform while Bush was in the White House.

Again, I'm not a fan, I think both parties suck. I'm a Libertarian if anything. But I hate to see ignorance propogate.

Clinton inherited a trillon dollar debt. And balanced the budget within 8 years. Bush inherited a balanced budget and ...

I could do a dozen of those right back at ya, HP. My point is you're good at saying the bad things Bush inherited, but you're a) not mentioning the gold he got and turned to shit or b) the shit he got that he turned into megafuckingshit. So don't play ignorant yourself now. :whistling

Plus, Afganistan was retalitory for 9-11. Iraq was finishing up the clusterfuck Daddy Bush didn't end and making it into a bigger clusterfuck. And that was his only reason for that war; if you really believe it was for 9-11, then you're smoking something. :)

Hell Puppy
10-13-2008, 02:40 AM
Clinton inherited a trillon dollar debt. And balanced the budget within 8 years. Bush inherited a balanced budget and ...

I could do a dozen of those right back at ya, HP. My point is you're good at saying the bad things Bush inherited, but you're a) not mentioning the gold he got and turned to shit or b) the shit he got that he turned into megafuckingshit. So don't play ignorant yourself now. :whistling

Plus, Afganistan was retalitory for 9-11. Iraq was finishing up the clusterfuck Daddy Bush didn't end and making it into a bigger clusterfuck. And that was his only reason for that war; if you really believe it was for 9-11, then you're smoking something. :)

it's still all about the cycles.

i would contend that whoever was elected in 1992 was bound to have a good economic ride.

likewise, whoever was elected in 2000 was bound to inherit one hell of a shit sandwich economically.

10-13-2008, 11:57 AM
it's still all about the cycles.

i would contend that whoever was elected in 1992 was bound to have a good economic ride.

likewise, whoever was elected in 2000 was bound to inherit one hell of a shit sandwich economically.

No, sorry, not exactly true. If Clinton was a "tax and spend liberal" he would have taxed the crap out of that good economic ride until it died, and the poor people would be eating steak instead of bologna. Things were on the upswing, yes, but poor management or agressive moves would have killed it dead.

On the other side, Bush came into an almost perfect situation. He could have eased taxes slightly for everyone, and the economy would have continued on it's merry way. But the same people that brought you voodoo economics decides to screw the pooch, and in doing so, made America weaker than it had been. 9/11 blew a hole in the US economy, and Bush then let loose the dogs of war and they chewed the economy's feet out from under it.

It's all about choices. The economic conditions are NOT set in stone, they can aided or hindered by the administration. GWB has engaged the US into a number of costly wars (that are likely not even needed) which has turned the US from a prosperous nation to one bailing out it's banks and other financial institutions. Not bad for 8 years.

97 days. Can you guys get him to leave sooner?

10-13-2008, 12:39 PM
I'll say this. I'm not a proponent of "W". But at the same time, I am very doubtful that we would be any better off at this point with Gore or Kerry at the wheel.

I gotta disagree with ya HP...

We would be much better off if Gore or Kerry was in office. In fact we SHOULD be finishing up with Gore's 2nd term right now.

There is no way either of those guys would have lied to America and congress saying that Iraq was an imminent threat and that Saddam was involved in 9-11.

Because of bush we are a trillion $ in the hole, are involved in a war over a lie, and hundreds of thousands of people are dead as a result.

And that is just ONE of bush's fuckups...

Our grandchildren will be feeling the effects of this piece of shit and his admin of crooks.

I'll take this one step further. Not only is bush the worst president ever... 500 years from now he'll most likely STILL be holding that title.

10-13-2008, 12:50 PM
So who really made money out of this administration? Can you spell Haliburton kids. Have people forgotten March 2007?

U.S. oil services firm Halliburton Co. (http://www.halliburton.com/) is shifting its corporate headquarters and chief executive from Houston to Dubai in a move that immediately sparked criticism from U.S. members of Congress.

Halliburton Chief Executive Dave Lesar, speaking at an energy conference in nearby Bahrain, said he will relocate to Dubai from Texas to oversee Halliburton's intensified focus on business in the Mideast and energy-hungry Asia, home to some of the world's most important oil and gas markets.

"Halliburton is opening its corporate headquarters in Dubai while maintaining a corporate office in Houston," spokeswoman Cathy Mann said. "The chairman, president and CEO will office from and be based in Dubai to run the company from the UAE."

Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., called the decision to move as "an example of corporate greed at its worst."

President Cheney knew what he was doing. He saw the writing on the wall. Stole trillions and moved the company out of reach of US Tax laws.

And that was hardly a blip. Very few noticed or cared.

10-13-2008, 06:52 PM
Bob Woodward said Nixon had a higher amount of negatives.

10-13-2008, 07:36 PM
Bob Woodward said Nixon had a higher amount of negatives. Phewy! Woodward is just being nostaligic about his own glory days with Bernstein is all.

Let's face it. "Only Nixon could go to China." A decade and a half later Nixon was considered a wisened elder statesman. Is anyone really going to think of Dubya that way in 2020? Will they be naming airports after him and talk about putting him on coin? Or will he be considered in the same light of Daddy's famous vice prezzy, Dan Quayle? I say the latter.

10-13-2008, 07:54 PM
Phewy! Woodward is just being nostaligic about his own glory days with Bernstein is all.

Let's face it. "Only Nixon could go to China." A decade and a half later Nixon was considered a wisened elder statesman. Is anyone really going to think of Dubya that way in 2020? Will they be naming airports after him and talk about putting him on coin? Or will he be considered in the same light of Daddy's famous vice prezzy, Dan Quayle? I say the latter.
Nixon wasn't stupid. He was just a crook. GW Bush is stupid as well as a crook. That is the fundamental difference.

10-14-2008, 01:48 AM
They are all crooks. Nixon just happened to get caught!

You have to be a megalomaniac (in the truest definition) to want to run any country, let alone something like the US. Anyone who wants the POTUS job has to be slightly unbalanced and with an ego so large, they truly believe they are above the laws of the "common man". I kinda hate all politicians.

I'm also a "Social Libertarian" (but not in the Marxist way) in that I believe Government should stay out of our business and we should be able to do as we like as long as we don't infringe on others. I also believe we should help our neighbours when they need it, hence the Social aspect. Very simplistic statement in two sentences

10-14-2008, 08:34 AM
Does he win a prize if he is?

Don't fret so much guys ... it's all part of the master plan ... his failure sets up the quiet invasion. It was all in the plan. Pay attention. Brush up on your Koran.

10-14-2008, 03:01 PM
Does he win a prize if he is?

Don't fret so much guys ... it's all part of the master plan ... his failure sets up the quiet invasion. It was all in the plan. Pay attention. Brush up on your Koran.

Damn, just when I got though learning German and Chinese!

10-22-2008, 07:38 PM
We probably will not know for many years now exactly how bad

10-23-2008, 01:22 PM
Interesting question with a complicated answer - things look so bad to all of us right now - and I believe it will actually be the NEXT president who determines GW's 'legacy.' Not that that will be a consideration for the winner in 12 days, but surely how Obama or McCain extricate us from the wars and economic collapse, and handle future US foreign and domestic policy will determine not only how they are assessed, but how history views GW as well.

As a free-thinking American weighing all the options, it amazes me how people can put the blame for current conditions on one person, or even an administration. Our legislative branch has the lowest approval rating in history - now in the teens significantly below that of Bush - and while we can debate the Iraq war until the end of time and will never know the true details, the current economic collapse can be fairly placed on the Capitol steps and Wall Street, with some concomitant blame shared by the executive branch. It appears to me there are many more Democrats benefitting from the debacle, from special considerations to tens-to-hundreds of millions of dollars and so far no indictments...and I am not convinced either presidential candidate will pursue the culprits who have raped our institutions and destroyed our financial infrastructure - and who among us has time to be an activist and organize to push an agenda against the thieves? They ALL make sure we are so busy scrambling to pay for gasoline and heath care that we don't have time to rebel! ...and that won't change regardless of who is victorious on November fourth...

10-23-2008, 03:35 PM
Webbilling, I have to say that while your points are well taken, they seem to in some way attempt to suggest that either 8 years in the whitehouse isn't enough to make a difference, or that Dubya spent all that time asleep on the switch.

I saw a video posted today at the zoo that had some commentatory (non-news person that works for a news channel) indicating that the current financial crisis specifically in housing was Clinton's fault. I had to laugh, only because even if President Clinton more than 8 year (probably 10+ years ago) somehow unilaterally ordered Freddie and Fanny to take loans with less requirements, didn't Dubya and his bunch just have 7+ years to change that policy? There is nowhere that is says "you cannot over rule the previous President".

It reeks of Karl Rove style bullshit, republican't blame every one else politics, where no matter how long the republicans are in power, the fault always lies with the one democrat in the room. It would be interesting to go back to the Clinton era and see who was running the house and senate. Wait, not important - when Clinton was in apparently the President had all the power in the world, but when Bush was in, he was somehow hamstrung by the house and senate.

Anyone else notice that the term "liberal" isn't upsetting enough people this election, so the republican'ts are down to using "socialist"? What's next, "marxist" or "communist"?

I don't have to wait for history to be written, W gets my vote as the worst so far by a significant margin. At least when he is done, Chenney can finally take his hand out of Bush's ass and stop using him as a puppet.

10-23-2008, 03:41 PM
Rove is so slimy, I agree.

10-23-2008, 03:47 PM
I'm with Alex on this. Bush had lots of time. He managed to do the opposite of what a conservative should do. He over spent. He over governed. He had tons of time to change the sub prime situation. Just remember, when Clinton was in power, we all made money. The world was a better place. America was a super power. That is all gone. Blame Bush.
These new clowns, palin and mccaine are a joke.

Here is something to chew on. GW Bush is hiding out. He seems to have vanished. Why? Because everyone hates him for bringing this disaster to fruition. I don't just blame Bush. I also blame the American people for electing him not once, but twice. When everything was still rosy, this board was full of wankers who claim to be smart businessmen who pounded the Bush and war drum like America had the right to be the World's policeman. They even crowed over his famous air craft carrier landing bullshit. That is also what got us all in this pile of doggy doo doo.
The American people need to smarten up in this election or that will be it for the New American Century. What a crock that was.
Its time to show the world that America isn't the bully and moron its been for the last 8 years.