View Full Version : Jump You Fuckers.....

10-10-2008, 12:52 PM
About says it all, really

10-10-2008, 01:31 PM
WoW...pretty bold statement there! Do you think that they will listen?

10-10-2008, 03:35 PM
The Wall Sheep might do anything.

Hell Puppy
10-10-2008, 11:00 PM
Nothing good comes from the entire market continuing to plunge as it has. Most people who are happy to see people losing fortunes on the market suffer from wealth envy.

Reality is the Warren Buffets and Bill Gates of the world aren't going to have their lives impacted. Now meanwhile, tens of millions of people who have worked hard all their lives and have retirement accounts are watching their net worth tank and face probably having to work a few more years at best. At worst, they may be losing homes, etc.

How would you like to be recently retired right now? Thought you had enough to live rest of your life on, maybe travel a bit. Now instead it's time to check out that Wal-mart greeter position.

All of this trickles into the economy....or out of it.

We're not immune, especially B2B in this business. Much like Toby, I have some things I was ready to pull the trigger on that would've had me buying quite a bit of goods and services within the biz....it's on hold til we find the bottom. I spend what I have to, but that's some design work, coding work, hosting, content purchases, etc that would've been made and now are on hold. My outlook changes when we start getting down near 2002 lows.

10-13-2008, 12:59 PM
Most people who are happy to see people losing fortunes on the market suffer from wealth envy.
Perhaps, but did they actually have those fortunes in the first place? Or was it worthless paper that could be used to borrow real money? I think that is the root of the problem. I don't think it is wealth envy as much as a sense of justice kicking in. Wait until these guys try to write off the "losses" they supposedly suffered on their income tax. I am not sure how sympathetic the IRS will be.

10-15-2008, 04:57 PM
Now's a great time to BUY stocks. That's how I see it.
Just bought GM AND Ford.

10-15-2008, 08:06 PM
Now's a great time to BUY stocks. That's how I see it.
Just bought GM AND Ford.
good luck to you on that. I mean it. Bet on the Volt.

10-15-2008, 08:27 PM
Good luck to you EJ. If Ford manages to sell their Mazda interest you might get a nice bump.

Hell Puppy
10-16-2008, 01:17 AM
Now's a great time to BUY stocks. That's how I see it.
Just bought GM AND Ford.

That's ballsy.

I bought some healthcare stocks with good dividend yields while they were "on sale".

10-17-2008, 04:38 PM
Good luck to you EJ. If Ford manages to sell their Mazda interest you might get a nice bump.

I'm 100% sure they are a good bet.
The Government will never allow GM or Ford to fail.
And since GM is at it's lowest since 1962, it's a good time to buy NOW.
Especially if it's money just laying in cash, earning 2%