View Full Version : Where is Jeff Miller...JMM

09-28-2008, 11:21 PM
I had a great time bitch slapping your suitcase pimp ass before, and I am looking forward to doing it again.

Here is what Jeff Miller, scumbag rip off artist, said about me. Now I kinda dance a jig because this guy never had a clue about business, but was willing to crow it loudly to the world. Not to mention his little foray into the "Asian" market. Hey Jeff, care to step up and prattle about your beautiful wife again...and again...and again. At least I know something about business which you don't have a clue about. Tell me one more time about your Jewishness and how that is impressive. Not.

Hell Puppy
09-29-2008, 12:55 AM
Here is what Jeff Miller, scumbag rip off artist, said about me. Now I kinda dance a jig because this guy never had a clue about business, but was willing to crow it loudly to the world. Not to mention his little foray into the "Asian" market. Hey Jeff, care to step up and prattle about your beautiful wife again...and again...and again. At least I know something about business which you don't have a clue about. Tell me one more time about your Jewishness and how that is impressive. Not.

my guess is he owes way too many people money to stick his head out.

09-29-2008, 01:23 AM
my guess is he owes way too many people money to stick his head out.
Im sure some idiot will pop up and tell us hes top notch - he made sure all his friends got paid....

09-29-2008, 01:32 AM
Im sure some idiot will pop up and tell us hes top notch - he made sure all his friends got paid....
Well he was a star on Oprano for awhile. Maybe a few of his friends will stand up for him. If they are not crying in their beer over all the money they don't have or the debts they are drowning in. Come on back fellas. Maybe even peaches will surface after posting tons of rich money making advice around the boards. Oh yeah, and all the washed up Australians looking for work.

09-29-2008, 05:07 AM
Please someone, remind me to fuck people over.

John Epp turned into a major crook.

Diamond Jim had his real estate thing.

JMM became evil.

Seems I'm one of the few "good guys" from the early days who still hasn't fucked people over and raped them with a hot poker, so do remind me to put that on my list if you will: "Succumb to the Dark Side".

09-29-2008, 08:40 AM
Well he was a star on Oprano for awhile. Maybe a few of his friends will stand up for him. If they are not crying in their beer over all the money they don't have or the debts they are drowning in. Come on back fellas. Maybe even peaches will surface after posting tons of rich money making advice around the boards. Oh yeah, and all the washed up Australians looking for work.
Cockroaches hide when the lights come on.

09-29-2008, 08:42 AM
Please someone, remind me to fuck people over.

John Epp turned into a major crook.

Diamond Jim had his real estate thing.

JMM became evil.

Seems I'm one of the few "good guys" from the early days who still hasn't fucked people over and raped them with a hot poker, so do remind me to put that on my list if you will: "Succumb to the Dark Side".

Im sure others will tell you they are all ok because they paid their friends.

I say fuck em. They are thieves.

09-29-2008, 03:27 PM
Im sure others will tell you they are all ok because they paid their friends.

I say fuck em. They are thieves.

If you can't afford to pay your debts, you can't afford the house you live in. You can't afford your daughter's education, the car you drive and you sure as fuck can't afford a big white cowboy hat.
A crook is a crook is a crook. And in this case a busted broke crook.

Hell Puppy
09-29-2008, 10:50 PM
Maybe we need an adult industry bailout.

It could pay for all of the cars and houses before they go back from those who snorted up their profits.

09-30-2008, 02:28 AM
Maybe we need an adult industry bailout. Or a telethon! :clapping:

09-30-2008, 09:03 AM
Or a telethon! :clapping:
Wheres Dokk when you need him?

10-01-2008, 12:31 AM
and the colored girls go bump de bump de bump de bump de bump.

Ok, Jeff, where the fuck are you with your vitriolic crap and flat out lies? We all know your board tracker has gone nuts, but you are obviously a flat out pimp coward. Tell us about pimping out your wife while you were slagging me off and I have never done that...ever. But you have.