View Full Version : New blogs, more critiques please

Greg B
09-27-2008, 08:15 PM
Totally went blog crazy. First I found a theme that I could incorporate easily and accomodates graphics and cartoons. Practiced and studied SEO like crazy and friends and clients came in and gave me so many tutorials that I almost went study blind. Did 18-20 hour days for a week. I just couldn't put it down.

Bottom line is, I noticed that whenever I added a new post to my blogs the traffic surged. Rss subscribers increased etc.

So I built two new blog sites, www.pornisfunny.com and www.pornstartoons.com when I saw how successful they started to grow I revamped my main site www.gregboone.com into a blog format and noticed increases to the main page and tour page. Still have lots of work to do resizing graphics and landing pages.

On my main site I'm going paysite with CC Bill and that drops the entry price to accomodate the economic crunch. Also the blogging format allows me to update the latest in toon news and techniques that I teach at my site as well as upsell to software and services.

I write a fuckload of blog posts and articles for people I get new clients every week. I also set up blogs for clients who are writers and their stats are taking off. It's all about that text material that's unique and updated. It's really amazing.

Anyhow, on my pornstartoons.com site I picked my first porn star to do toons of. Every week I'll add more art and upsell to their programs. Might get them to do an interview or something.

On my pornisfunny.com site I figure I can interview people like Gonzo and upsell to his programs or Gabe at WEG Cash and upsell there too. Real funny interviews where the owners can tout their goods. With the growing number of rss subscribers I figure I can make great sales.

09-27-2008, 09:46 PM
Traffic is nice, but are they making enough money to justify the time spent?

Greg B
09-27-2008, 11:03 PM
Traffic is nice, but are they making enough money to justify the time spent?

I'd say so!!! ;)

The publicity my blogs are getting is unreal. Especially the mainstream ones.

What I'd like is more non oversaturated programs to promote. I'm hunting for new less popular stuff. Once it' saturated it's useless to try to promote them. I'm also finding that no matter what you put up people will peruse and buy. It's a matter of putting up stuff that either pays high or pays good and rebills.

09-28-2008, 11:53 AM
I really like the pornstartoons blog. Very good idea. If they are making good money you got your answer right there.

09-28-2008, 01:33 PM
What I'd like is more non oversaturated programs to promote. I'm hunting for new less popular stuff. Once it' saturated it's useless to try to promote them. I'm also finding that no matter what you put up people will peruse and buy. It's a matter of putting up stuff that either pays high or pays good and rebills.

One thing I learned is that if you put up a stick with shit on the end and a million people see it...someone will buy.

Dont understimate pimping out the mainstream for your own purposes.
I havent.

Greg B
09-29-2008, 12:52 AM
I really like the pornstartoons blog. Very good idea. If they are making good money you got your answer right there.

Thanks Enforcer! I'm very happy with the supportive messages about that blog that I'm getting. Seasoned webmasters who like it gives me a sense of accomplishment.

I worked for years in marketing and was always successful but wasn't applying what I know to adult because it was so easy to sell. Just put tits on it and it'll sell. In mainstream marketing the trick is putting tits on it without anyone knowing you did.

I've had quadruple the clicks to Katja's site via my blog and a huge number of feed subscriptions. People like it. Now if I can coax them to comment on the blog that would add extra SEO.

I've got everything I need now, major intensive training in SEO, css/xhtml last two weeks and now it's on to getting more quality traffic.

I've now got an equal number of mainstream blogs and adult blogs. The mainstream ones get some high profile exposure and responses. Just found out that Hillary Clinton's website responded to two stories of mine on one of my mainstream blogs. That totally cracked me up.

Gonzo's right about selling products it's just it takes far too long with the oversaturated stuff. 5,000 hits to make one sale is stupid. 1,000 hits to make a sale is somewhat acceptable.

09-29-2008, 03:09 PM
It looks like you made some changes on Porn is funny and for the better. Keep up the good work babe!