View Full Version : Adult Tube Sites and Servers

08-15-2008, 10:43 PM
Hi everyone,

I’m just about to venture into the world of adult tube sites, I was meant to do this at the beginning of the year but got delayed. Anyway, I suppose it’s a bit naive to think I can just step straight into the game without any real experience but it’s my intention to more or less copy other tube sites, maybe even steal their shit. (if that’s allowed of course)

My question has to do with servers. I don’t really know anything about them and someone told me I would need a dedicated server to run a site like YouPorn, RedTube, YouLeak, PornHub, Tube8 etc. I looked to see what the main sites use to host the sites – RedTube uses Choopa, prices are incredible, over $2000 per month for a good spec. Same goes for YouPorn, they are with Softlayer and cost as much. YouLeak and Tube8 are even more strange because the server is their own name. How much must this cost!!!

I’ve spent a lot of money up to now getting a script written and I might not even be able to use it because of the ludicrous server costs! Am I jumping the gun here? Is there another option regarding servers or are the only people who can start these sites millionaires?

Any input regarding this will be fantastic. Sorry for the simplicity of this question:wnw:



08-15-2008, 11:57 PM
I’m just about to venture into the world of adult tube sites, I was meant to do this at the beginning of the year but got delayed. Anyway, I suppose it’s a bit naive to think I can just step straight into the game without any real experience but it’s my intention to more or less copy other tube sites, maybe even steal their shit. (if that’s allowed of course)

First off there is a legal way and illegal way of running of tube site and you're not going to get much help staying in your post "maybe even steal their shit". That is HIGHLY unacceptable. Second there are tube sites that are illegal, they have stolen content or post full videos. If you want to start a tube site get permission from the sponsors you want to use and make sure they allow tube sites and ones that do, will have mpegs and/or wmv files that you can download and put on your tube site. Never steal a full movie and post it on your tube site you will start receiving C&D's and DMCA violation notices.

My question has to do with servers. I don’t really know anything about them and someone told me I would need a dedicated server to run a site like YouPorn, RedTube, YouLeak, PornHub, Tube8 etc. I looked to see what the main sites use to host the sites – RedTube uses Choopa, prices are incredible, over $2000 per month for a good spec. Same goes for YouPorn, they are with Softlayer and cost as much. YouLeak and Tube8 are even more strange because the server is their own name. How much must this cost!!!

Now getting into server pricing. What do you expect when you're going to be running all video. It's not like you're setting up a TGP and having HTML & JPEG's, you're dealing with 100% videos. Yes server prices are going to cost a lot and there is going to be a big initial investment before you start seeing any return, IF ANY return. As for YouLeak & Tube8 running on their own data center, I highly doubt it, they probably just have their own DNS servers at a host. But expect a good amount of money to be dropped on bandwidth when you're dealing strictly with video files and don't expect a return in a month or two, usually you won't see that type of return on TGP's unless you have really good traffic trades.

I’ve spent a lot of money up to now getting a script written and I might not even be able to use it because of the ludicrous server costs! Am I jumping the gun here? Is there another option regarding servers or are the only people who can start these sites millionaires?

Lastly, it seems that you didn't do proper research from the beginning. If you knew you were going to spend a lot of money on the script why wouldn't you have researched what it would cost for servers and bandwidth? That should have been one of the first things you looked into BEFORE paying for any programming and scripting, and that is how you shot yourself in the foot. But it doesn't take a millionaire to start a site, it takes somebody that is smart and nows how to bring back a return and get their money back. If you do it right and LEGAL, read that again, LEGAL, you should see a return at some point. I'm not too knowledge able with tube sites and don't know their return, I just know the legalities and copyright issues of running one since I work with a sponsor.

08-16-2008, 02:01 PM
I think you’ve misunderstood me when I said “maybe even steal their shit”. I didn’t mean steal from the company that supply the content, I meant use the content that’s already been uploaded to the tube sites, YouPorn lets the user download their videos, this is what I was thinking of using... that’s why I put “if that’s allowed”. I may not be the most knowledgeable person on this subject but I’m not totally stupid, I wouldn’t used videos that violate any copyright rules.

But thanks for not useless info on servers and criticising me. You’ve been a real help jdog.



08-16-2008, 03:53 PM
Tubie, just because other people are massively breaking copyright rules doesn't mean that you should do it as well. In fact, search here for Titan Media and read carefully - some tube sites are about to get it up the ass (so to speak). Make a business model, not just a mean to stab in the dark.

08-16-2008, 06:25 PM
If it were me Id make a tube site as a traffic pump to my own stuff. Overs the legal issues and solves the traffic one as well.

08-16-2008, 07:11 PM
I think you’ve misunderstood me when I said “maybe even steal their shit”. I didn’t mean steal from the company that supply the content, I meant use the content that’s already been uploaded to the tube sites, YouPorn lets the user download their videos, this is what I was thinking of using... that’s why I put “if that’s allowed”. I may not be the most knowledgeable person on this subject but I’m not totally stupid, I wouldn’t used videos that violate any copyright rules.

But thanks for not useless info on servers and criticising me. You’ve been a real help jdog.

Tubie, have you looked at the legalities of own a tube site yet? Maybe you should talk to a lawyer too prior to building this tube site of yours. So you're going to download these files that these sites don't have permission to use, or most likely don't have permission to use and then use them on your site?

Look at those sites, at the very least youporn & redtube. I can tell you they aren't 100% legal. I know redtube has full videos on their site, not usually what sponsors that make the content allow. Secondly, do you see any links to the sites that made the or own the license for the content? I can say that all sponsors require that you only use their content to promote them and not to promote other sites. And I also don't know of any content producer or sponsor that allows use of full movies on their sites.

You're going about this the wrong way and have started the wrong way and as I said before haven't properly researched what you're getting into.

08-16-2008, 07:12 PM
If it were me Id make a tube site as a traffic pump to my own stuff. Overs the legal issues and solves the traffic one as well.

I'd have to agree that is probably the safest way to make a tube site, and it generates a shit load of inhouse traffic too ;)

08-16-2008, 08:08 PM
Ok I’ll become a secondary producer, which is what I would be if I had my own content, then I would have all the 2257 issues to deal with, would I not?

Let’s take a look at these tube sites and compare them to the sites that actually make the porn or supply, doesn’t matter which one. I reckon that YouPorn makes more money than let’s say Brazzers... can’t remember what the traffic rank was for YouPorn exactly but it’s something like 34. It generates a colossal amount of traffic, fuck the legality of it. You show me a “legitimate” site that makes more money or even beats an alleged “illegal” porn site for revenue or traffic... I bet you can’t find one. I think some people should grow some cock and balls and do things without worrying if the DMCA are coming to get you.

I think if you are cautious in the beginning and don’t have too many videos that breach any copyright laws you will be ok. Sites like Brazzers depend on sites like YouPorn to survive so I guess they wouldn’t be too upset if one day they found one of their videos illegally uploaded, after all most of the top pay site embed their logo into the video, free advertising. If I don’t take the piss I’m sure I’ll be ok.

You need some bollocks jdog! Do something that’s risky... you may make a lot of money. I know YouTube does and they don’t seem too bothered about copyright... same goes for YouPorn.

08-16-2008, 08:30 PM
Ok I’ll become a secondary producer, which is what I would be if I had my own content, then I would have all the 2257 issues to deal with, would I not?

Let’s take a look at these tube sites and compare them to the sites that actually make the porn or supply, doesn’t matter which one. I reckon that YouPorn makes more money than let’s say Brazzers... can’t remember what the traffic rank was for YouPorn exactly but it’s something like 34. It generates a colossal amount of traffic, fuck the legality of it. You show me a “legitimate” site that makes more money or even beats an alleged “illegal” porn site for revenue or traffic... I bet you can’t find one. I think some people should grow some cock and balls and do things without worrying if the DMCA are coming to get you.

I think if you are cautious in the beginning and don’t have too many videos that breach any copyright laws you will be ok. Sites like Brazzers depend on sites like YouPorn to survive so I guess they wouldn’t be too upset if one day they found one of their videos illegally uploaded, after all most of the top pay site embed their logo into the video, free advertising. If I don’t take the piss I’m sure I’ll be ok.

You need some bollocks jdog! Do something that’s risky... you may make a lot of money. I know YouTube does and they don’t seem too bothered about copyright... same goes for YouPorn.

Excuse me for interupting but, are you seriously saying screw legalities all you care about is making a butt load of money? I just want to know what type of person we are dealing with here. :hmm:

08-16-2008, 08:46 PM
Ok I’ll become a secondary producer, which is what I would be if I had my own content, then I would have all the 2257 issues to deal with, would I not?

Let’s take a look at these tube sites and compare them to the sites that actually make the porn or supply, doesn’t matter which one. I reckon that YouPorn makes more money than let’s say Brazzers... can’t remember what the traffic rank was for YouPorn exactly but it’s something like 34. It generates a colossal amount of traffic, fuck the legality of it. You show me a “legitimate” site that makes more money or even beats an alleged “illegal” porn site for revenue or traffic... I bet you can’t find one. I think some people should grow some cock and balls and do things without worrying if the DMCA are coming to get you.

I think if you are cautious in the beginning and don’t have too many videos that breach any copyright laws you will be ok. Sites like Brazzers depend on sites like YouPorn to survive so I guess they wouldn’t be too upset if one day they found one of their videos illegally uploaded, after all most of the top pay site embed their logo into the video, free advertising. If I don’t take the piss I’m sure I’ll be ok.

You need some bollocks jdog! Do something that’s risky... you may make a lot of money. I know YouTube does and they don’t seem too bothered about copyright... same goes for YouPorn.

Nymph - I think we are dealing with somebody that wants to do illegal shit and make shit load of money.

Now Tubie, now that your intentions are clear, go make your tube site and see when all the C&D's come in and the DMCA notices come in. And I can tell you 100% that sites like Brazzers don't depend on sites like YouPorn, look at my sig you idiot. I work with a sponsor program, I know the notices that your site will end up getting. No sponsor wants their video unwatermarked on a page promoting everything but them, it's content thief you idiot. Start your own tube site, if you have a problem with paying $2000 a month, you're gonna be bankrupt really soon and it'll serve you right.

And so you know if anything is ever taken to court you know what the penalties are right? $250k per copyright violation? But I'm sure you got that covered.

By the way, risky and illegal are two different things. I'm in the middle of a risky mainstream project that might not make a penny back if I dont' do it right. Spending thousands on it, but may not bring any return. But I'm not doing anything illegal you stupid fuck.

08-16-2008, 09:30 PM
You show me a “legitimate” site that makes more money or even beats an alleged “illegal” porn site for revenue or traffic... I bet you can’t find one.

Im certain I can find 3 without even looking.

08-16-2008, 11:51 PM
It's really hard for me to believe this Tubie28 nick is for real ... after reading his discourse it seems more like he is just trying to stir up shit ... get attention ... something ... but not asking for real advice. Launch your tube site man, you got it all figured out dude, yeah. lmao

08-17-2008, 03:36 AM
Gonzo – I’m not being funny but how can you find 3 without looking?! Anyway please show me 3 that outdo YouPorn for revenue and traffic, I’m not being sarcastic here, I genuinely would like this information. BTW are you the owner of fatfuckingcash.com?

Nymph - you are dealing with someone who just wants some information but it seems that some people are exceedingly ignorant and just want to insult and get personal because they are too spineless to try something that could be risky.

Jdog – It seems I’ve hit a nerve with you. I know you work for a sponsor... a sponsor I’ve never heard of, a sponsor ranked 931,233 by Alexa and in my opinion is the most unprofessional piece of shit I’ve ever seen. You have 1 site “squirtingcarly.com” that has a traffic rank that is not entirely pathetic, still pretty shite though and the only reason it’s better than the rest is because it was owned by someone else before your company, all the other sites are struggling to reach 2 million! I’ve had parking pages that surpass these for traffic rank - behindthesites.com was ranked over 12million by Alexa! That really is pathetic! Look, the sensible side of me really doesn’t want to say anything bad about you because it’s clear you work for a retard who has clouded your judgment, you’re a young lad who needs educating in business and ethics. From what I can gather, your opinion is that “I shouldn’t break copyright laws, do everything 100% legal and forget about making lots and lots of money because it’s dishonourable to do business the way the highly lucrative tube sites do business, right!? These comments make you sound like an idiot. You’ve read an article about so and so who is going to court and being prosecuted so you think “shit, I’d better not do that because I could get prosecuted too”. Let me tell you something, if you give inaccurate information to the ownership of a site they would never find you so therefore could not take you to court a slap you in the face for 250k. All they would do in the end is insist that the website is terminated with whoever hosts the site, I know for a fact that some countries don’t even acknowledge the American DMCA so if you’re not American, which I’m not, it means fuck all. We can’t really question any ethics when we talk about porn, according to the bible it’s a sin so making money from it either way is bad. Anyway, in a nut shell your company isn’t really a good business model to back up any info you believe to be right or wrong, you should come back in a few years when you’re out of nappies, sorry diapers. Also, you really need to take that shit out of your face because you look bad enough without it... sorry I didn’t mean that, I’m being really petty now. Only PR2 too... that’s page rank.

RawAlex – I appreciate what you’ve had to offer. You’ve articulated yourself very well without insulting me, so thanks.

MRock – It’s also really hard for me to work out if you are on my side because you wrote “this Tubie28 nick" Do you mean dick or even prick? It must be dick because my name is not Nick. Why would I be trying to stir shit up? I’ve never posted on here before, I don’t know anyone, I have no reason to stir any shit. I just wanted people’s opinions on hosting tube sites and maybe how I would go about doing this properly.

Just before I finish I would like to point out I wouldn’t break any copyright laws I just wanted some advice. I suppose I’ll be kicked off now.

Ps. I’d better warn YouPorn and RedTube that the jdog is going to tell on them for violating some copyright laws... I’m sure they’ll be shaking in their boots at the thought of the “multimillion dollar business” fatfuckingcrap, sorry cash, taking them to court. Nice forum btw.

08-17-2008, 09:04 AM
Jdog – It seems I’ve hit a nerve with you. I know you work for a sponsor... a sponsor I’ve never heard of, a sponsor ranked 931,233 by Alexa and in my opinion is the most unprofessional piece of shit I’ve ever seen. You have 1 site “squirtingcarly.com” that has a traffic rank that is not entirely pathetic, still pretty shite though and the only reason it’s better than the rest is because it was owned by someone else before your company, all the other sites are struggling to reach 2 million! I’ve had parking pages that surpass these for traffic rank - behindthesites.com was ranked over 12million by Alexa! That really is pathetic! Look, the sensible side of me really doesn’t want to say anything bad about you because it’s clear you work for a retard who has clouded your judgment, you’re a young lad who needs educating in business and ethics. From what I can gather, your opinion is that “I shouldn’t break copyright laws, do everything 100% legal and forget about making lots and lots of money because it’s dishonourable to do business the way the highly lucrative tube sites do business, right!? These comments make you sound like an idiot. You’ve read an article about so and so who is going to court and being prosecuted so you think “shit, I’d better not do that because I could get prosecuted too”. Let me tell you something, if you give inaccurate information to the ownership of a site they would never find you so therefore could not take you to court a slap you in the face for 250k. All they would do in the end is insist that the website is terminated with whoever hosts the site, I know for a fact that some countries don’t even acknowledge the American DMCA so if you’re not American, which I’m not, it means fuck all. We can’t really question any ethics when we talk about porn, according to the bible it’s a sin so making money from it either way is bad. Anyway, in a nut shell your company isn’t really a good business model to back up any info you believe to be right or wrong, you should come back in a few years when you’re out of nappies, sorry diapers. Also, you really need to take that shit out of your face because you look bad enough without it... sorry I didn’t mean that, I’m being really petty now. Only PR2 too... that’s page rank.

First off, I don't know who the hell you're talking about, since I know our alexa rating is no where near 931,000. Are you sure you got the right site you idiot? I'm pretty sure people in the industry know New Sensations you dipshit. Maybe you're just a complete idiot and don't know how to read a signature.

Tell me, mister fucking hotshot that has not a single ounce of intelligence, where you plan to make this quick fucking money. I'm a programmer, I've been programming for close to 18 years, I know my math. Tell me how you expect to make "quick" money doing what you want to do when you're worried about $2,000 for a fucking server?!?!

You're going to lose a lot of fucking money before you make a fucking dime. And to attack your intelligence again, most countries do acknowledge copyright laws.

And Gonzo is right, I know of huge free sites (TGPs, MPGs) that do make more money than these sites compared. It's a matter of profits. It doesn't matter who makes the most revenue, but the one who makes the most profits. I think you're due for business 101 at the local college.

Go ahead, go and break international copyright laws, do what you feel will make you the most money. And I'm sure you'll end up with no money at all. BTW, so you know my signature is down below - NSCash, you fucking moron. Tried to be fucking nice and give you good advice and you go to the personal attacks, really, really professional.

08-17-2008, 11:38 AM
Oh dear, you’re absolutely right... I got the wrong site! I thought your site was FatFuckingCash.com! lol. I am an idiot you’re right. I didn’t even know that was a signature at the bottom of your post... oh me! I’ll have to start using forums more often so I understand what the crack is.

You keep attacking my intelligence and I can’t understand why? Just because someone has a lack of knowledge in a certain subject due to inexperience doesn’t make them an idiot. If you want to go down that road I could pick quite a few holes in your grammar young man. For example you started a new sentence with “and”. You should never do this! Doing so would relate to the previous sentence so really it should be in the previous sentence! It creates a sentence fragment. You seem to have some real issues with intelligence or lack of... I wonder why?

But I’m just being petty again! Oops! I also have made a fatal error and used the word “but” at the beginning of this sentence to create a sentence fragment! What am I like!

Let’s forget all what’s happened between us and start again James, what do you say? So you’re a programmer, maybe you can help me with a problem that’s vexing my smallish brain. What does this error mean: “cgi-bin/upload.pl? tmp sid=3fd9df888786s876767s6c5s6s7s” This problem has bugged me, no pun intended, for several months. I think it has something to do with PHP session timeout but I’m not too sure. Any ideas James?:wnw:

Anyway, it’s been a real good treat talking with you James, I think in a few years you’ll come to realise how much of a retard you are. Take that shit out of your face and maybe, just maybe you’ll be taken seriously and have the chance to make some serious money! Don’t forget to grow a spine and some balls! And remember, never argue with an idiot because they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Just before I go I’d like to point out again that I wouldn’t have broken any copyright laws, I did say that before but you seem to have missed it.



Ps. James, I see you’re from Oregon... I know a clown who lives in Oregon called Extremo... say “hello” from me should you see him.

08-17-2008, 11:49 AM
The legal way is to use sponsor provided videos (only) for your tube site and don't allow users to upload. The following urls will do what you want and keep you legal.

FuckinHorny - http://www.fuckinhorny.com
tevs - http://www.bigdotmedia.com/

08-17-2008, 12:13 PM
FuckinHorny - http://www.fuckinhorny.com

Service Temporarily Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.


08-17-2008, 02:49 PM
Service Temporarily Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.


Bummer.....it was up yesterday so maybe it's just a glitch.

08-17-2008, 06:15 PM
Hello Tubie,

LOL a thread on hosting is always something I would normally look for but this time I think I will leave it alone, in fact run the other way.

Jim, this would be the perfect thread for our mutual Brad to jump into and tubie if you get to enjoy his information, well you will know that you have been elloquently educated on the subject that you are currently researching and if my memory serves me correctly he has already written up something on this topic.

08-17-2008, 06:59 PM
Yes he did, I hope I have the correct thread. http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/showthread.php?t=89944
Should be viewed once more for good measure.:okthumb:
Hello Tubie,

LOL a thread on hosting is always something I would normally look for but this time I think I will leave it alone, in fact run the other way.

Jim, this would be the perfect thread for our mutual Brad to jump into and tubie if you get to enjoy his information, well you will know that you have been elloquently educated on the subject that you are currently researching and if my memory serves me correctly he has already written up something on this topic.

08-17-2008, 08:52 PM
Hello Tubie,

LOL a thread on hosting is always something I would normally look for but this time I think I will leave it alone, in fact run the other way.

Jim, this would be the perfect thread for our mutual Brad to jump into and tubie if you get to enjoy his information, well you will know that you have been elloquently educated on the subject that you are currently researching and if my memory serves me correctly he has already written up something on this topic.
Awaiting the rebuttal.

08-17-2008, 10:35 PM
Yes he did, I hope I have the correct thread. http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/showthread.php?t=89944
Should be viewed once more for good measure.:okthumb:

That is the one girl, dammm, you jumped in there before Gonzo, damm Jim better watch your back, on second thought as in another thread lets just watch Ali's back.

Ali, Thank you!:okthumb:

08-17-2008, 11:44 PM
That is the one girl, dammm, you jumped in there before Gonzo, damm Jim better watch your back, on second thought as in another thread lets just watch Ali's back.

Ali, Thank you!:okthumb:

No problem babe! I just pay attention!:waving:

08-18-2008, 12:37 AM
MRock – It’s also really hard for me to work out if you are on my side because you wrote “this Tubie28 nick" Do you mean dick or even prick? It must be dick because my name is not Nick. Why would I be trying to stir shit up? I’ve never posted on here before, I don’t know anyone, I have no reason to stir any shit. I just wanted people’s opinions on hosting tube sites and maybe how I would go about doing this properly.

Just before I finish I would like to point out I wouldn’t break any copyright laws I just wanted some advice. I suppose I’ll be kicked off now.

I'm not on anyones side. The term "nick" is short for nickname. I was inferring that your post could be a joke, posted by a seasoned webmaster, to stir up things. Most people do not enter a business community forum and include "steal" in their first post. If you really are new at this and seeking answers, I would refrain from using that again. It can easily be taken the wrong way. I'm a producer of content myself and we're a little sensitive about thievery ... I am glad to see you clarified that you "wouldn't break any copyright laws" with your last post. Welcome to Oprano.

08-18-2008, 12:51 AM

08-18-2008, 01:04 AM
There is an odd stench to this thread.

08-18-2008, 06:14 AM
Helix – I really appreciate how you’ve taken the time to post some useful information on a thread that turned into a slanging match. Like you mentioned the top link seems to be out of service, think this means they’ve used all their bandwidth up. I like the tevs link but the problem is that it would never compete with the already mighty tube sites that currently run. The reason for the success of most tube sites is the fact that there a bit dodgy, it makes is more exciting for the user to feel like you’re doing something wrong. Taking off the upload function would be a big mistake.

ali25extreme - I’m sorry to say I think gonzo is the biggest retard on this site. Thanks for the link though

I’m going to come clean here, I didn’t really want any info on servers, to be brutally honest I didn’t want any information on the porn industry. I know everything there is to know about servers, bandwidth, 2257, DMCA, tube sites, who’s the best sponsor blah blah blah. I did want to start a debate not an argument, you’ve got jdog to thank for that, he was the one who fired the first insult. Poeple like jdog will never have real success, so anyone that agrees with him needs a good slap. I suppose he’ll come back and say something like “You idiot, I’m already very successful you idiot, I’m not an idiot, you’re an idiot for thinking I’m an idiot you idiot”. Jdog is stupid. There are some clever people who could read through the subtext and knew... MRock and Toby... it’s nice to see some intelligence.

So the general feeling on here is that everyone hates the tube sites? And people on this forum work for or own the sponsor sites?



08-18-2008, 09:59 AM
There is an odd stench to this thread.
Stinkin to high heaven.

08-18-2008, 10:40 AM
Does anyone read the entire thread or only the last post?

08-18-2008, 10:40 AM
Does anyone read the entire thread or only the last post?
Its the internet, what do you think?

08-18-2008, 10:43 AM
I think you’re being rhetorical rhetorical

08-18-2008, 11:41 AM
ali25extreme - I’m sorry to say I think gonzo is the biggest retard on this site. Thanks for the link though

Thanks for your support!:okthumb:

08-18-2008, 12:00 PM
Don’t take it personally gonzo. You’re probably a nice guy.:thumbup:

08-18-2008, 12:13 PM
Don’t take it personally gonzo. You’re probably a nice guy.:thumbup:

Thanks for the humor. I know Im not the only one that was amused.

08-18-2008, 12:14 PM
Play nice boys!
I don't care who started it!
I am going to finish it.
We all have our differences, that's the bottom line and end of story!

08-18-2008, 01:09 PM
Thanks for the entertainment it was fun and the insults shouldn't have flown back and forth the way they did.

08-18-2008, 02:08 PM
Yeah, sorry everyone I was only messing around. Hope I didn’t offend anyone. I apologise if I did.

08-18-2008, 02:33 PM
That is much better!

08-18-2008, 04:50 PM
Damn.. missed it all.. :>)

08-18-2008, 06:16 PM
you didn't miss much.

08-19-2008, 01:43 PM
Damn.. missed it all.. :>)

We can start again if you'd like? I'm getting bored again... what say you people!?

08-19-2008, 04:50 PM
We can start again if you'd like? I'm getting bored again... what say you people!?
Not on this issue..get new material and we can go from there! Kisses

08-21-2008, 11:30 AM
We have stayed away from opening big boobs tubes type sites because of the copyright issues. No doubt they are money making machines. But its not fair to the other big boob producers to put their stuff up for free.

08-21-2008, 11:42 AM
No doubt they are money making machines.

That isn't entirely true. Tubesites (I don't run one, I am working on reports from multiple sources) are a high volume, low percentage business. Basically, you spend 10k on bandwidth, and you should in theory take in 12k of revenue. Those ratios are on a "good" one. On a bad one, you could easily swap those numbers and find yourself 20% underwater every month. Bandwidth is cheap - but movies are big files, and longer clips and such can affect the business model.

As always, my understanding is that niche tubes do slightly better initially, but the burnout factor on the content and number of sponsors is an issue. Some niches only have a handful of major paysite players, so it is rough.

The numbers on tube sites are marginally better if you are promoting your own paysite(s), mostly because you avoid the shave, lost clicks, and you control the exit consoles which can pay the bills. But even then, the programs owners that do run tube sites aren't reporting great returns, just another source of traffic that makes TGP / MGP traffic look like gold.

08-21-2008, 12:13 PM
When AEBN says that PornoTube is not a money maker for them, with all the resources they have available to monetize that traffic, it pretty much tells you what the realities are.

08-23-2008, 12:49 AM
RawAlex – I don’t know where you get your information but it’s wrong. In fact what you’ve said is the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard.:lmao1: 10k on bandwidth with a 12k return... what the fook are you talking about! If you’ve heard this from someone who runs an adult tube site then that person is either lying or their url is the most obtuse piece of flotsam in existence. A good tube site will generate more revenue, sorry profit, than 12k per day... yes per day. Let’s say my tube site was called “FuckHerTightPussy.com” then maybe you’d only just make a profit, and that’s after you’ve spent some money on SEO. 7 letter adult tube sites, especially ones with the word “you” or “tube” in them will make you very rich very fast. Do you honestly believe that the people who run YouPorn or RedTube would do so for a 2k profit per month?

A good friend of mine had a torrent site, it got shut down like they all do eventually but it was making a regular $30,000 per month in advertising. Good adult tube sites make more than that... a lot more.

What I find funny is that nearly all people... no, all people who visit forums like this one on a regular basis and have made 1000’s of posts generally aren’t rich, successful people. They are people who either work for someone else or have a website that ticks over nicely so they can make ends meet. I’ve got to admit I do know a few millionaires that visit forums but they’re all domain related and speculation is something that’s not made.

No doubt someone will contradict what I’ve said... there is no guess work here, I don’t wear glasses and have a moustache and smell slightly of vomit, coffee and shit.


Good luck people!

08-23-2008, 02:33 AM
sure, I'll contradict you. You are more presumption than substance. I suppose stating the obvious serves only to bump a very boring thread, but hey, its summer time and the fish are jumpin'

08-23-2008, 11:30 AM
No doubt someone will contradict what I’ve said... there is no guess work here, I don’t wear glasses and have a moustache and smell slightly of vomit, coffee and shit.

Sorry, but the facts are out there for almost all to see (and strange, I don't wear glasses or have a moustache or smell of vomit or shit... but coffee perhaps).

It's just like TGPs or MGPs, some people make a ton, most people get the shaft.

If you are making 12k a day profit, you probably shouldn't be wasting your precious time on a chat board, but rather you should be trying to duplicate your success over and over so you can be rich.

Go for it.

08-23-2008, 11:42 AM
Sorry, but the facts are out there for almost all to see (and strange, I don't wear glasses or have a moustache or smell of vomit or shit... but coffee perhaps).

It's just like TGPs or MGPs, some people make a ton, most people get the shaft.

If you are making 12k a day profit, you probably shouldn't be wasting your precious time on a chat board, but rather you should be trying to duplicate your success over and over so you can be rich.

Go for it.
This guy's style is very suspiciously old school Oprano......

08-23-2008, 01:53 PM
sure, I'll contradict you. You are more presumption than substance. I suppose stating the obvious serves only to bump a very boring thread, but hey, its summer time and the fish are jumpin'

If my thread is boring then why do you keep posting on it?

08-23-2008, 01:57 PM
Sorry, but the facts are out there for almost all to see (and strange, I don't wear glasses or have a moustache or smell of vomit or shit... but coffee perhaps).

It's just like TGPs or MGPs, some people make a ton, most people get the shaft.

If you are making 12k a day profit, you probably shouldn't be wasting your precious time on a chat board, but rather you should be trying to duplicate your success over and over so you can be rich.

Go for it.

Does anyone know how to read correctly? Where do I claim to be making 12k a day? All I said was “A good tube site will generate more profit than 12k per day...” I never said I was making this amount of money. The comment about smelling of vomit and having a moustache wasn’t directed at anyone, I was talking in generalities, meaning a typical forum user would be like this.

You know I'm right, you're just too scared to admit defeat.

08-23-2008, 02:20 PM
That odd stench I mentioned 5 or 6 days ago seems to be getting stronger. :eh:

08-23-2008, 02:24 PM
Does anyone know how to read correctly? Where do I claim to be making 12k a day? All I said was “A good tube site will generate more profit than 12k per day...” I never said I was making this amount of money. The comment about smelling of vomit and having a moustache wasn’t directed at anyone, I was talking in generalities, meaning a typical forum user would be like this.

You know I'm right, you're just too scared to admit defeat.

So Nick, how is vancouver these days?

08-23-2008, 03:31 PM
I only know of one person thats posted in this thread that actually works with a profitable tube site.

08-23-2008, 03:45 PM
I only know of one person thats posted in this thread that actually works with a profitable tube site.

(and it ain't me...)

The gist I get is that the majority of the profits in tube sites have nothing to do with porn, but with volume sales of ad space. There are some sales from the porn part, but the vast majority is dating and other upsells. The reality appears to be that porn has become the free give away like music where the money is made on selling something else.

Porn companies need to wake up and say "no dating sites with our content".

08-23-2008, 05:06 PM
If my thread is boring then why do you keep posting on it?
Read the post....the cotton is high...

08-23-2008, 05:07 PM
So Nick, how is vancouver these days?
Nick has never lived in Vancouver....lolololol.......
and the word is he is dancin' as fast as he can.

08-23-2008, 06:34 PM
(and it ain't me...)

The gist I get is that the majority of the profits in tube sites have nothing to do with porn, but with volume sales of ad space. There are some sales from the porn part, but the vast majority is dating and other upsells. The reality appears to be that porn has become the free give away like music where the money is made on selling something else.

Porn companies need to wake up and say "no dating sites with our content".

I don't know of my sponsors that allow using their content to promote other sites. As I said earlier in this thread is that they don't even advertise the site they are taking the content from. The legal sites will have a link to the sponsor and maybe a 2 min clip if that saying, "This clip was brought to you by XXXXXXX.com" (example).

I know sponsors including us send out C&D's and DMCA notices all the time (daily just about), not just tube sites but file sharing sites, torrent sites and newsgroup sites. But yes these illegal tube sites are making their money off dating sites like AFF, Fling, you name it. And the terms of most sponsors is that the affiliate must use the sponsors content to promote that sponsor and that sponsor only.

But just as the music industry is having problems, so are the companies in the adult industry that have all this pirated content. It's sad and it'd be nice to see it all go away so that affiliates like you (if you're a affiliate) and others can make more money the honest way instead of these people making money illegal ways. I rank these people up there with drug dealers, never making a buck a honest way. These illegal tube site owners are no better than them.

08-23-2008, 09:57 PM
jdog, I will tell you the most powerful thing you can do to change things: Send a copy of the DMCA to Google and get the sites removed from the SERPs. The biggest issue at this point is that significant amounts of the SERPs are filled with tubes, torrents, and other sites that are using porn to sell other products, and to devalue porn.

Cutting the traffic down would be a good move.

Hell Puppy
08-24-2008, 06:16 AM
Tubes, schmubes....

Everyone knows the real future is mobile.

08-24-2008, 09:44 AM
Tubes, schmubes....

Everyone knows the real future is mobile.

Yup. Nothing like a guy hiding in the back seats of city bus rubbing one out to some live cam girl. Yeah...

08-24-2008, 10:25 AM
Yup. Nothing like a guy hiding in the back seats of city bus rubbing one out to some live cam girl. Yeah...
I remember the last loud mouth on here telling us all we were fucked because of mobile. We all saw how that ended.

Come to think of it...sounds a lot like the uninformed tube rhetoric Ive been reading.

08-24-2008, 12:01 PM
Anyway, getting back to servers...

08-24-2008, 12:06 PM
So Nick, how is vancouver these days?

Vancouver? Is this some internal joke I don’t know about?

08-24-2008, 12:12 PM
Vancouver? Is this some internal joke I don’t know about?
Yeah, its like an internal cum shot, but funnier.

08-24-2008, 12:27 PM
Tubes, schmubes....

Everyone knows the real future is mobile.

This is a joke right?

08-24-2008, 12:38 PM
Anyway, getting back to servers...
What do your friends that are making 12K a day say?

08-24-2008, 12:41 PM
Yeah, its like an internal cum shot, but funnier.

... and significantly messier.

08-24-2008, 12:42 PM
This is a joke right?
I take it very seriously. Would you care to purchase some mobile domains?
Lets discuss the 12K dudes. Do they drive Bentleys and have bad habits?

08-24-2008, 12:46 PM
I take it very seriously. Would you care to purchase some mobile domains?
Lets discuss the 12K dudes. Do they drive Bentleys and have bad habits?
I hear they get little boys to spend the money mommy left them and send their ass back to england after they are broke.

Left with memories of 90 days of glory, some country club golf and a wad of G3 domains.

Reduced to asking an idiot like me for tube information.

Funny thing is - I have the answer.

08-24-2008, 12:47 PM
I take it very seriously. Would you care to purchase some mobile domains?
Lets discuss the 12K dudes. Do they drive Bentleys and have bad habits?

No, they drive minis and can't afford their habits.

08-24-2008, 01:13 PM
No, they drive minis and can't afford their habits.
and make up fab whenwe stories

08-24-2008, 02:00 PM
No, they drive minis and can't afford their habits.

We have a Miata and I buy Native smokes! :okthumb:

08-24-2008, 03:45 PM
We have a Miata and I buy Native smokes! :okthumb:
Ah, the life blood of Akwasasne.
The revenge of the Mowhawk.

08-24-2008, 06:00 PM
We have a Miata and I buy Native smokes! :okthumb:

A smart business man adjusts to economic times.

Hell Puppy
08-24-2008, 06:27 PM
This is a joke right?

Nope, I'm serious. Everytime I find the next clever idea that makes lots of money, first thing I do is go post it on the boards so everyone can oversaturate it til no one can make a penny.

So, you came to stir shit, stir it.....mate....

08-24-2008, 07:25 PM
Tubesite (http://www.vacuumtube.com/)

08-24-2008, 08:09 PM
The internet is a series of tubes...

08-24-2008, 08:43 PM
Nope, I'm serious. Everytime I find the next clever idea that makes lots of money, first thing I do is go post it on the boards so everyone can oversaturate it til no one can make a penny.

So, you came to stir shit, stir it.....mate....

Well its broonsalroond, but meynd thee divvent stomp in thon kakky, pet. Wey hew, al's tell yae this for newt, that northern accent is still naff as fuck and arrr dinna wat am ganna dee wi yae lyk, dude.

08-24-2008, 09:10 PM
Oprano: where men are men and sheep are scared.

08-25-2008, 01:00 AM

Hell Puppy
08-25-2008, 01:58 AM

08-25-2008, 02:48 AM
Basically you can start small, like youtube.

Get a single linux server running PHP & MySQL (you dont have to pay microsoft licensing), get the network port capped at 10MBPS that way you wont get hit by extreme overages on bandwidth.

A true 10MBPS server can run you about $250/month for quality (mix of providers) bandwidth and not a single provider (uplink to the internet/eyeballs).

08-25-2008, 07:39 AM
Basically you can start small, like youtube.

Get a single linux server running PHP & MySQL (you dont have to pay microsoft licensing), get the network port capped at 10MBPS that way you wont get hit by extreme overages on bandwidth.

A true 10MBPS server can run you about $250/month for quality (mix of providers) bandwidth and not a single provider (uplink to the internet/eyeballs).
Thanks for the spam.
When the goal is traffic why the hell would you cap your port at 10 Meg?
What happens to all the overage traffic?

08-26-2008, 06:03 PM
Thanks for the spam.
When the goal is traffic why the hell would you cap your port at 10 Meg?
What happens to all the overage traffic?

You would cap a port to limit the bandwidth liability for yourself.

Think about it, or call Level3 Communications and ask how much they charge per Mbit of internet. They will tell you around $60-80/Mbit for colocation.

$80 x 100Meg pipe = $8000 bill on 95% percentile billing

08-26-2008, 06:41 PM
You would cap a port to limit the bandwidth liability for yourself.

Think about it, or call Level3 Communications and ask how much they charge per Mbit of internet. They will tell you around $60-80/Mbit for colocation.

$80 x 100Meg pipe = $8000 bill on 95% percentile billing

I wouldnt call Level 3.

But congradulations - youve shown us all here you dont understand the adult market and more importantly the purpose of a tube site.

08-26-2008, 08:35 PM
Did someone say TUBES?

<object width="425" height="349"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/kP8nGNbk7oQ&hl=en&fs=1&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/kP8nGNbk7oQ&hl=en&fs=1&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="349"></embed></object>

08-26-2008, 08:58 PM
what happened to tubie?

08-27-2008, 05:50 AM
what happened to tubie?
Golf time - mate.

08-27-2008, 11:51 AM
Golf time - mate.
You mean another round of whack/fuck?

08-27-2008, 07:33 PM
what happened to tubie?

Don’t worry I’m here, I was busy making sheep porn. I’ve decided to base my tube site around farmyard sex. SheepTube.com, YouCow.com, BovineLeak.com, RedGoat.com, YouSheepShagger.com, GoatGobbler.com. Just a few ideas... what do you think? It’s quite funny actually, YouPorn did beat me to it... www.YouPornZoo.com (http://www.youpornzoo.com/).

Gonzo - We don’t play Golf in Yorkshire, it’s too confusing. What’s whack/fuck? It sounds interesting.

I’m off to felch some coal miners now, I’ll film it and send you the link.

Peace be with you.

08-27-2008, 08:13 PM
Don’t worry I’m here, I was busy making sheep porn. I’ve decided to base my tube site around farmyard sex. SheepTube.com, YouCow.com, BovineLeak.com, RedGoat.com, YouSheepShagger.com, GoatGobbler.com. Just a few ideas... what do you think? It’s quite funny actually, YouPorn did beat me to it... www.YouPornZoo.com (http://www.youpornzoo.com/).

Gonzo - We don’t play Golf in Yorkshire, it’s too confusing. What’s whack/fuck? It sounds interesting.

I’m off to felch some coal miners now, I’ll film it and send you the link.

Peace be with you.

You don't even make beer in Yorkshire, New....oops tubiedude. Why don't you just have your Canadian golf buddy give you the traffic advice you seek? If you are still way up north, I guess business ain't good enough to afford a move to civilization. Like farther north.... only a couple of hundred miles.
"Wha's like us....and they're all dead"

08-27-2008, 09:11 PM
I shoot custom goat content

08-27-2008, 09:24 PM
I shoot custom goat content

Careful now, Jebus is going to want to renegotiate his contract.

08-27-2008, 11:15 PM
You don't even make beer in Yorkshire, New....oops tubiedude. Why don't you just have your Canadian golf buddy give you the traffic advice you seek? If you are still way up north, I guess business ain't good enough to afford a move to civilization. Like farther north.... only a couple of hundred miles.
"Wha's like us....and they're all dead"

Can anyone understand this post? You really need to go back to school. I’ve read your post 10 times now and I can’t figure it out!? Lets break it down. “You don’t even make beer in Yorkshire” I understand that bit but “New....oops tubiedude” isn’t all that clear. “Canadian golf buddy” who do you mean? I don’t know any Canadians. I can sort of understand your quip with the whole civilization thing and how my business must be pretty shite to be living up North... well, if I’m honest the Tesco in Leeds is very similar to the one in London so I’d rather stay where things are cheap and somewhere I’m not going to get stabbed while I go into Starbucks for a Orange Moca Capa percolated Frappuccino with cream, 2 Flakes and some Jelly Beans. Stacking shelves isn’t all that difficult anyway. “Wha’s like us... and they’re all dead???” Are you from Newcastle? I fucking hate Geordies!!

Anyway, if you reply to any of my posts make sure I can understand... read a book, learn something, 3,876 posts is a tad much, maybe you should get yourself a hobby?

Btw, who is that person in your avatar?

God bless.

08-28-2008, 12:14 AM
Can anyone understand this post? You really need to go back to school. I’ve read your post 10 times now and I can’t figure it out!? Lets break it down. “You don’t even make beer in Yorkshire” I understand that bit but “New....oops tubiedude” isn’t all that clear. “Canadian golf buddy” who do you mean? I don’t know any Canadians. I can sort of understand your quip with the whole civilization thing and how my business must be pretty shite to be living up North... well, if I’m honest the Tesco in Leeds is very similar to the one in London so I’d rather stay where things are cheap and somewhere I’m not going to get stabbed while I go into Starbucks for a Orange Moca Capa percolated Frappuccino with cream, 2 Flakes and some Jelly Beans. Stacking shelves isn’t all that difficult anyway. “Wha’s like us... and they’re all dead???” Are you from Newcastle? I fucking hate Geordies!!

Anyway, if you reply to any of my posts make sure I can understand... read a book, learn something, 3,876 posts is a tad much, maybe you should get yourself a hobby?

Btw, who is that person in your avatar?

God bless.

Nice try.....lololol.....the Tesco in Leeds.....you gotta be kidding me. Who the fuck cares about a fucking Walmart? You made my point.
Geordie? you must be joking.........mate.

08-28-2008, 01:05 AM
A river in Egypt.

08-28-2008, 01:44 AM
A river in Egypt.
and a queen

08-28-2008, 09:45 AM
Careful now, Jebus is going to want to renegotiate his contract.

lol...you're probably right Toby :)

08-28-2008, 12:35 PM
I guess confusing is the new word for broke - mate.

08-28-2008, 01:27 PM
I guess confusing is the new word for broke - mate.
I always thought mate/dude was a little confused. That is why he is where he is, poor boy.

08-28-2008, 01:39 PM
Interesting development for tube sires.


08-28-2008, 06:55 PM
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/DBG39SLVNt4&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/DBG39SLVNt4&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

08-28-2008, 06:57 PM
Nice try.....lololol.....the Tesco in Leeds.....you gotta be kidding me. Who the fuck cares about a fucking Walmart? You made my point.
Geordie? you must be joking.........mate.
You win rhetorical, I can’t compete with your genius. You must be some sort of wordsmith.

I’m going now and I doubt I’ll post again, I’m getting dangerously close to 30 posts. I might go and post the same thread on GFY to see what happens. Thank you all for educating me and making me see the light, tube sites are a waste of time and money!

Before I go, I’d like to give rhetorical a gift, http://www.childfont.com/. Please go here, it will help you.

God bless us all.

08-28-2008, 08:28 PM
You win rhetorical, I can’t compete with your genius. You must be some sort of wordsmith.

I’m going now and I doubt I’ll post again, I’m getting dangerously close to 30 posts. I might go and post the same thread on GFY to see what happens. Thank you all for educating me and making me see the light, tube sites are a waste of time and money!

Before I go, I’d like to give rhetorical a gift, http://www.childfont.com/. Please go here, it will help you.

God bless us all.

I never said a word about tubes, mate. Just pick up your crooked sticks and head out to the zoo. Finally. And here is a gift for you, N....
God Bless us one and all.

08-28-2008, 08:29 PM
BTW, what is a wordsmith?

08-28-2008, 09:35 PM
WOW, for a real yawner of a BS thread, this now has over 1200 views!

Hell Puppy
08-28-2008, 10:09 PM
Yup, this thread doesn't deliver.

Amateur shit stirrers should stay in the minor leagues...

08-28-2008, 10:46 PM
One of Jebus's girls to save the thread

http://rss.playboygirls.com/pg13/images/194.jpg (http://click.playboygirls.com/hit.php?s=2&p=1&w=167765&t=0&c=)

08-28-2008, 10:52 PM
Jebus saves!

08-28-2008, 11:05 PM
I *heart* Jebus

08-29-2008, 12:21 AM
Yup, this thread doesn't deliver.

Amateur shit stirrers should stay in the minor leagues...
He never was very good at it. Still isn't. The glory days of Netpond are a blip on the radar of porn history.

08-29-2008, 12:33 AM

08-29-2008, 12:46 AM
What a complete waste of time. I guess when you are up at five in the morning trying to wring a few quid out of another useless tgp, then it seems like fun.

08-29-2008, 12:48 AM
I’m going now and I doubt I’ll post again,
........not. LOL

08-29-2008, 01:14 AM
He never was very good at it. Still isn't. The glory days of Netpond are a blip on the radar of porn history.
Do you believe you know me rhetorical? I can guarantee we’ve never communicated before on any level. I don’t normally associate with stupid people like yourself. Where are you from because I really would love to visit you? I bet you’ve never started work at 5am before have you... I guess Blockbuster doesn’t open till 9am.

I liked this line from Hell Puppy “Amateur shit stirrers should stay in the minor leagues...”. You Americans are funny, everything is so dramatic! IT’S A FORUM DICK HEAD! HA HA HA!!! I didn’t realise there was leagues for shit stirring, could you tell me how someone in the “Major” leagues would stir! HA HA HA! You really are a brainless turd! HA HA HA!!! I’m not stirring people, it’s just a bit of fun!

I’ve got to say Jim, you’ve created a nice social network for complete retards to feel important and experience the feeling of belonging... a pseudo kinship if you like. Most people on here were probably bullied at school and even raped by their own dads. Congratulations gonzo, you are a cat amongst the pigeons, the king of kings.

Minor leagues...

08-29-2008, 01:32 AM
I can guarantee we’ve never communicated before on any level. I don’t normally associate with stupid people like yourself.


08-29-2008, 01:38 AM
Do you believe you know me rhetorical? I can guarantee we’ve never communicated before on any level. I don’t normally associate with stupid people like yourself. Where are you from because I really would love to visit you? I bet you’ve never started work at 5am before have you... I guess Blockbuster doesn’t open till 9am.

I liked this line from Hell Puppy “Amateur shit stirrers should stay in the minor leagues...”. You Americans are funny, everything is so dramatic! IT’S A FORUM DICK HEAD! HA HA HA!!! I didn’t realise there was leagues for shit stirring, could you tell me how someone in the “Major” leagues would stir! HA HA HA! You really are a brainless turd! HA HA HA!!! I’m not stirring people, it’s just a bit of fun!

I’ve got to say Jim, you’ve created a nice social network for complete retards to feel important and experience the feeling of belonging... a pseudo kinship if you like. Most people on here were probably bullied at school and even raped by their own dads. Congratulations gonzo, you are a cat amongst the pigeons, the king of kings.

Minor leagues...

By the way, tubedude....early morning apoplexy is hard on the body. It makes it difficult to digest that fried bubble, cold toast, and rancid coffee that you people so favour.

08-29-2008, 03:35 AM
Some of you should read this. Not you rhetorical... I think it’s a little too much for your smallish brain to decipher.
http://www.thereisnomoneyinporn.com/story.php?title=Our_Position_Regarding_RedTube_and _Tube_Sites

08-29-2008, 11:03 AM
Some of you should read this. Not you rhetorical... I think it’s a little too much for your smallish brain to decipher.
http://www.thereisnomoneyinporn.com/story.php?title=Our_Position_Regarding_RedTube_and _Tube_Sites

and your point is? This has been a subject of discussion for some time. You either change or wither. Porn has settled into being a business like any other. Now what was your question, tubedude?

08-29-2008, 12:49 PM
and your point is? This has been a subject of discussion for some time. You either change or wither. Porn has settled into being a business like any other. Now what was your question, tubedude?

I wasn’t asking a question but since you ask why don’t you tell me who you work for? Maybe you work for yourself? All joking aside. I reckon you won’t tell me because you’re either embarrassed or too scared. You wouldn’t even tell me where you’re from. Scared of a girl, I can’t believe it!

08-29-2008, 01:11 PM
All joking aside.Not.....

08-29-2008, 01:46 PM
I’ve got to say Jim, you’ve created a nice social network for complete retards to feel important and experience the feeling of belonging... a pseudo kinship if you like. Most people on here were probably bullied at school and even raped by their own dads. Congratulations gonzo, you are a cat amongst the pigeons, the king of kings.

Minor leagues...
I suppose that makes it a step above "good moring Oprano".


08-29-2008, 03:25 PM
I've misplaced my drool bib again dammit.