View Full Version : Police shoot homeless man in downtown Miami

08-12-2008, 11:55 PM
Police Shoot Homeless Man In Downtown Miami

The Victim Is Only Being Identified As A Homeless Man

Shooting Happened At NE 1st Avenue and 7th Street

MIAMI (CBS4) ― A man who allegedly lunged at police in a Downtown Miami street was shot dead Tuesday evening.

According to police, an off-duty officer was working a detail at Camillus House, where a male at the facility was harassing a woman. The officer escorted the man from the premises, but following the incident, he was called outside to take care of another disturbance allegedly caused by the same man. He was allegedly holding up a broken bottle and was acting irrationally.

Officials say the officer called for back-up to arrive instead of taking action. Three additional officers arrived and at that time they tried to bring the man under control.

Police claim the man told them, "you're not taking me alive."

Despite discharging their Taser guns and striking the man twice, he allegedly continued to lunge toward them, forcing one of the officers to fire at him.

He was shot and killed on scene.

Some pedestrian on scene didn't understand how three officers weren't able to handle this man without shooting at him, but police spokesman Delrish Moss says these situations aren't simple.
"You know what, several years ago when I came on the Miami Police Department for the first time, there was a situation where a guy was about 21 feet away from two officers," said Moss. "They fired several shots, hitting him, and he managed to travel that 21 feet and still stab both of those officers in the stomach. So it seems like it's cut and dry, but the situation at that time and the circumstances dictate the outcome."

A number of witnesses were present during the entire incident and are currently being interviewed by police.

Police have not released the man's identity but do say he was homeless


Gonzo check this spot out. Look like anywhere you might know?

08-13-2008, 12:00 AM
If a taser isn't stopping the guy, there is a problem. Without knowing all of the situation, I tend to side with the police in these sorts of deals. Officers don't just randomly shoot people for fun, the paperwork is hell!

08-13-2008, 12:24 AM
If a taser isn't stopping the guy, there is a problem. Without knowing all of the situation, I tend to side with the police in these sorts of deals. Officers don't just randomly shoot people for fun, the paperwork is hell!
No, but in Vancouver, they do shoot them out of ignorance. In this case, however, I would bet on the police being the good guys.

08-13-2008, 12:29 AM
Sounds like they had no choice but to put him down. I was in this area on Sat. is was sad. There were so many homeless just sleeping and walking around.

08-13-2008, 12:44 AM
just sleeping and walking around.
I admire my cats. That is all they do and have a great life.

08-13-2008, 12:53 AM
No, but in Vancouver, they do shoot them out of ignorance. In this case, however, I would bet on the police being the good guys.

Sadly, there is a whole section of Vancouver that needs some serious cleaning, it is very dangerous to be a cop down there, especially after dark.

08-13-2008, 01:15 AM
Officers don't just randomly shoot people for fun, the paperwork is hell!

They do here in Quebec! Hell, they always have!

08-13-2008, 01:34 AM
I admire my cats. That is all they do and have a great life.

Good for your cats..but if they were on the street with out a home they would be sick and starved.

08-13-2008, 08:12 AM
Police Shoot Homeless Man In Downtown Miami

The Victim Is Only Being Identified As A Homeless Man

Shooting Happened At NE 1st Avenue and 7th Street

MIAMI (CBS4) ― A man who allegedly lunged at police in a Downtown Miami street was shot dead Tuesday evening.

According to police, an off-duty officer was working a detail at Camillus House, where a male at the facility was harassing a woman. The officer escorted the man from the premises, but following the incident, he was called outside to take care of another disturbance allegedly caused by the same man. He was allegedly holding up a broken bottle and was acting irrationally.

Officials say the officer called for back-up to arrive instead of taking action. Three additional officers arrived and at that time they tried to bring the man under control.

Police claim the man told them, "you're not taking me alive."

Despite discharging their Taser guns and striking the man twice, he allegedly continued to lunge toward them, forcing one of the officers to fire at him.

He was shot and killed on scene.

Some pedestrian on scene didn't understand how three officers weren't able to handle this man without shooting at him, but police spokesman Delrish Moss says these situations aren't simple.
"You know what, several years ago when I came on the Miami Police Department for the first time, there was a situation where a guy was about 21 feet away from two officers," said Moss. "They fired several shots, hitting him, and he managed to travel that 21 feet and still stab both of those officers in the stomach. So it seems like it's cut and dry, but the situation at that time and the circumstances dictate the outcome."

A number of witnesses were present during the entire incident and are currently being interviewed by police.

Police have not released the man's identity but do say he was homeless


Gonzo check this spot out. Look like anywhere you might know?

Wow werent we just there?

08-13-2008, 09:02 AM
I use to go down to that area years ago with friends and take food down to the guys living on the street.

Then the city of miami made it a misdemeanor to feed the homeless without a permit.

One of the reasons I dont live in dade county. They are a bunch of cluless fucktards.

08-13-2008, 09:38 AM
They do here in Quebec! Hell, they always have!

I think only because the paperwork for shooting someone and writing a j-walking ticket is about the same.

08-13-2008, 12:46 PM
Wow werent we just there?

Yep..we were! I was talking with Matt Bajor with Mojo and he told me about it. Kinda creepy, I wasn't feeling so hot so I looked outside the windows most of the time and all I saw were bums. I wonder if I saw the one that was shot.

08-13-2008, 12:48 PM
I use to go down to that area years ago with friends and take food down to the guys living on the street.

Then the city of miami made it a misdemeanor to feed the homeless without a permit.

One of the reasons I dont live in dade county. They are a bunch of cluless fucktards.

That is so sick, to make it a crime to help out those in need. WOW :scratchin Why I wonder...do you think it is for your own safety kinda thing?

08-13-2008, 12:57 PM
That is so sick, to make it a crime to help out those in need. WOW :scratchin Why I wonder...do you think it is for your own safety kinda thing?

they were/are trying to clean up the streets of the homless around the carnival center. They think the homless are like animals. remove the food and they will leave

08-13-2008, 12:58 PM
they were/are trying to clean up the streets of the homless around the carnival center. They think the homless are like animals. remove the food and they will leave
That is just wrong on so many levels.:thumbdown

08-13-2008, 01:44 PM
That is so sick, to make it a crime to help out those in need. WOW :scratchin Why I wonder...do you think it is for your own safety kinda thing?

If you help them, feed them, provide shelter for them (or at least blankets, plastic to make tents, whatever) they will continue to stay around there, and further, they will have no incentive to change what they are doing. If anything, it will attract more homeless people, and marginal people (who have a place to stay) might spend their days down their collecting free food rather than actually looking to get ahead.

The best help you can give many of these people is to stop helping them continue to be homeless or on the margins. Feeding them and keeping them just barely going makes it worse, not better.

08-13-2008, 02:55 PM
If you help them, feed them, provide shelter for them (or at least blankets, plastic to make tents, whatever) they will continue to stay around there, and further, they will have no incentive to change what they are doing. If anything, it will attract more homeless people, and marginal people (who have a place to stay) might spend their days down their collecting free food rather than actually looking to get ahead.

The best help you can give many of these people is to stop helping them continue to be homeless or on the margins. Feeding them and keeping them just barely going makes it worse, not better.

I like helping people out as long as they want to help themselves. I can understand why not feeding them but in this area..no one lived there or so it seemed..it was nest to a homeless shelter in the first place so I dont see why not help to give them food. it is hard to get off your feet with an empty stomach and with out a clean shave.

08-13-2008, 03:56 PM
I like helping people out as long as they want to help themselves. I can understand why not feeding them but in this area..no one lived there or so it seemed..it was nest to a homeless shelter in the first place so I dont see why not help to give them food. it is hard to get off your feet with an empty stomach and with out a clean shave.

It's hard to get them motivated to get on their feet and get a shave when they have a full stomach and a dry place to sleep.

08-13-2008, 05:24 PM

you are obviously clueless to the plight of some of the people on the street. many of them have sever mental issues where they are not able to care for themselevs. Yet the state has deemed that they are not worthy of govt assistance ie hospitalization. While this is not the case for all but it is for a very large %. so what are they to do? rely on the families that want nothing to do with them? Turn to the state who has said no to them with 0 recourse? where are they to go? Maybe you should volunteer at a soup kitchen sometime to get a glimpse of real poverty and social outcast.

08-13-2008, 05:45 PM
I have been to that soup kitchen helping with what I could and it is so sad. I would like to hope that if I ever were in this spot that a hand would be there to help me.

08-13-2008, 06:22 PM

you are obviously clueless to the plight of some of the people on the street. many of them have sever mental issues where they are not able to care for themselevs. Yet the state has deemed that they are not worthy of govt assistance ie hospitalization. While this is not the case for all but it is for a very large %. so what are they to do? rely on the families that want nothing to do with them? Turn to the state who has said no to them with 0 recourse? where are they to go? Maybe you should volunteer at a soup kitchen sometime to get a glimpse of real poverty and social outcast.

Forest, there are a percentage of the people who have severe mental issues. Some have marginal issues. Others have issues that they attempt to self-medicate with booze and drugs and fail badly. Those are one group of homeless.

However, regardless of their mental state, giving them food and supporting their homelessness isn't going to make them better. All the do-gooders on this track are just prolonging the misery, as these people can be functionally homeless for years and NOT get the help they need. The money spent to feed these people would likely be better spent working out some way to help them with their mental issues, such as providing better "in the community" services to help them get the medications that can help their conditions where possible, and in pushing state and federal governments to do more to help the mental ill people on the streets. The issue isn't homelessness or hunger, but rather that this class of mentally disturbed person is left loose in society to do damage to themselves and others.

Feeding them just makes it easier for them NOT to deal with the issues for another day, and another day, and another day. It might make YOU feel better, but it just prolongs their issues.

Homeless come in many classes, from the mental patients to the teen runaways to the people who "lost their homes / jobs" to people who just check out of society and decide to do it differently. To mark them all up as mental patients is sort of looking down your nose at them, isn't it?

08-13-2008, 08:03 PM
Have you ever been really poor Alex? I have and it sucks! We had help but just imagine that you didn't. Not everyone who gets help wants it but that is why it is voluntary to give help..for those who want it and need it, some might use it. I am willing to take a chance for one.

08-13-2008, 08:19 PM
Ali, I have begged for money on the streets, I have lived "nowhere", and heck, I have shoveled horse shit for a living. The difference is that I was willing to work, no matter how ugly the work was. These days, I suspect I could cage enough change on the streets and eat enough free food to live okay and actually rent a room somewhere - and none of it would encourage me to get a real job or get help for issues I might be facing.

Caring is helping people get out of a bad situation, not giving them pillows so they can be more comfortable on that park bench.

08-13-2008, 08:32 PM
Ali, I have begged for money on the streets, I have lived "nowhere", and heck, I have shoveled horse shit for a living. The difference is that I was willing to work, no matter how ugly the work was. These days, I suspect I could cage enough change on the streets and eat enough free food to live okay and actually rent a room somewhere - and none of it would encourage me to get a real job or get help for issues I might be facing.

Caring is helping people get out of a bad situation, not giving them pillows so they can be more comfortable on that park bench.

I can only offer what I could give..just figured something is better than nothing. I can see where you are coming from.

08-14-2008, 02:06 AM
If a taser isn't stopping the guy, there is a problem. Yeah, it's my understanding a taser will knock out someone no matter how high they are or what they might be on. This smells of bullshit.

08-14-2008, 02:24 AM
I can only offer what I could give..just figured something is better than nothing. I can see where you are coming from.

I can see where you are coming from too... so many people want to help any way they can, and I can't say it's all bad, all help is appreciated. I just wish there was a better solution.

08-22-2008, 01:25 PM
They had to shoot the guy? Unarmed? What a bunch of pussies those cops are.

08-23-2008, 12:26 AM
They had to shoot the guy? Unarmed? What a bunch of pussies those cops are.
He had a broken bottle babe!