View Full Version : Penthouse sued for breech of contract

08-11-2008, 02:00 PM
Bob Guccione Suing Penthouse and Marc Bell for Breach of Contract

--on the web

WWW - Penthouse Media Group Inc. must face former chairman Robert Guccione's lawsuit challenging his dismissal, a judge has ruled.

Guccione sued Penthouse Media Group and its principals, Marc Bell and Daniel Staton, claiming breach of contract for not keeping him on as a $500,000-a-year consultant after they brought the company out of bankruptcy in 2004, when it was known as General Media International Inc.

Bell and Staton offered to give Guccione the post for 10 years in exchange for his conveying ownership of Penthouse trademarks and not filing a claim for severance, according to the complaint Guccione filed in 2005. Shortly after GMI emerged from bankruptcy, Guccione was fired for not giving up his rights to U.K. trademarks.

08-11-2008, 02:15 PM
Last I heard Bob Goochie Goochie was on the skids! Penthouse to the outhouse kinda thang! . . . Pardon the pun.

Hell Puppy
08-11-2008, 11:46 PM
Last I heard Bob Goochie Goochie was on the skids! Penthouse to the outhouse kinda thang! . . . Pardon the pun.

How many people have we seen pass thru this board who were making anywhere from mid-6 figures on up and netted a couple of million or more back in the day? And now they're scrambling for a few bucks to pay their Party Poker tab.

The industry moves a ton of cash but creates very little wealth. Lots of sports cars, big mortgages, bling and every vice celebrated to success. But so few actually create any true net worth for themselves. The money stops, they're broke.

08-12-2008, 10:31 PM
How many people have we seen pass thru this board who were making anywhere from mid-6 figures on up and netted a couple of million or more back in the day? And now they're scrambling for a few bucks to pay their Party Poker tab.

The industry moves a ton of cash but creates very little wealth. Lots of sports cars, big mortgages, bling and every vice celebrated to success. But so few actually create any true net worth for themselves. The money stops, they're broke.

wiser words have never been said

08-12-2008, 10:37 PM
those scumbags ibill are named in the suit http://www.bizjournals.com/southflorida/stories/2006/02/27/story3.html

08-12-2008, 11:18 PM
How many people have we seen pass thru this board who were making anywhere from mid-6 figures on up and netted a couple of million or more back in the day? And now they're scrambling for a few bucks to pay their Party Poker tab.

The industry moves a ton of cash but creates very little wealth. Lots of sports cars, big mortgages, bling and every vice celebrated to success. But so few actually create any true net worth for themselves. The money stops, they're broke.

Many of the people I have met in the more than 10 years I have been doing this are financial Mr Magoos. They can't see even the end of their noses, let alone past them. Make $50,000, buy a $100,000 car and hope like fuck you make enough to pay for it. Guys living in houses they couldn't afford, driving leased cars they can't even afford an oil change for anymore... many of them back flipping burgers or worse.

A few people (even some that post here) have ridden the waves up and down, diversified, managed expenses, expanded when things were good and turned turtle when things are headed down, and have come out the end with some cash, some retained value, and the potential to move on to something else if and when this circus folds it's tent. Most people don't have enough cash on hand for a couple of months, let alone year(s).

This summer has proven it more than ever, as soon as things got even a little lean, literally hundreds of people disappeared overnight, domains stopped working, hosting got dropped, and domains go un-renewed. These are people who didn't even have enough money on hand to get over the "summer slowdown" let alone anything else.

More left for the rest of us, which at this point is 100% diametrically opposed to the help the newbie mentality we all have 10 years ago.

08-12-2008, 11:27 PM
The industry moves a ton of cash but creates very little wealth.
That about says it all. This is a very bad time for business. Not just porn, but imagine if you owned a restaurant. I am seeing wines available in stores that were only sold at restaurants last year. The restaurants and their clientèle can't afford them. I know that I am a restaurant guy and my eating out has dropped by thirty per cent. The upside is that I am cooking more and enjoying it a lot more. However the restaurateur suffers.
Interestingly, at the moment, I am spending a huge amount (in my little world) on a totally new site and a huge amount of magazine advertising as well as a bunch of new site design. It is counter intuitive, but I think the time is right. Those who fold their tents, never had much of a tent anyway.
Only time will tell if this is the right decision.

08-13-2008, 08:32 AM
Interesting isnt it.

Alex your right.... not muich help for the newbie at least not like 10 years ago when they were welcomed with open arms. And for free.

Now if you want it youd best pay for it.

08-13-2008, 04:38 PM
I'm in good shape :nana9: cause I ain't got no money too lose!

08-13-2008, 05:09 PM
Interesting isnt it.

Alex your right.... not muich help for the newbie at least not like 10 years ago when they were welcomed with open arms. And for free.

Now if you want it youd best pay for it.

Even then, the funniest thing is seeing all these "SEO" firms that haven't got any more of a clue than the rest of us, selling these people a service that isn't much of a service in many cases, and proudly misleading them down the garden path. Most of SEO seems to involve seperating people from their money, rather than anything else.

08-13-2008, 05:22 PM
I know someone (who shall remain nameless) who is making a killing in SEO in the non-Adult sector. All he really does is search engine placement and keyword and description refinement, and he's getting anywhere from $1K to $10K a pop (depending on who the client is).

There are still numerous companies out there that spend stupid money for websites and directory placement


We don't make the money we once did, but I think that being older and more experienced when I got into this game, I made sure to invest wisely and not just blow the cash. I did make the mistake of returning too much money back to the company for things like trade shows and the like. That did eat a big chunk of cash that I could have much better invested.

We weakness is sailing though, and boats are a big money pit. But at least I'm blowing my money on something that I do enjoy ;)

08-13-2008, 10:54 PM
I know someone (who shall remain nameless) who is making a killing in SEO in the non-Adult sector. All he really does is search engine placement and keyword and description refinement, and he's getting anywhere from $1K to $10K a pop (depending on who the client is).

I have to laugh when I read this as well as when I read people buying letters of the alphabet as keywords.

I know 2 people on this planet that are qualified to do that in any sector. And neither of them are giving up one scrap of a clue as to how it works.

One of the 2 has been to both the google and yahoo offices.
Ask that fucker which one hes been to.