View Full Version : ClipClinic.Com Gives Power, Control to Grassroot Content Producers

08-04-2008, 02:46 PM
Charlotte, NC – August 4, 2008 -- Offering a powerful new platform for the fetish amateur producer, ClipClinic.com comes out of private beta this week and opens its doors to grassroots producers of adult content looking to sell their video clips.

ClipClinic was created specifically with the amateur content maker and homespun fetish video producer in mind, and it is a powerful resource for anyone who wants to sell homemade content online. Producers sign up and create stores through which clips are presented to consumers, all for free. ClipClinic makes it easy by hosting sellers' content, sending traffic to the stores, and securely processing the sales. ClipClinic sends sellers payments for profits earned for every clip sold from their stores and, since one account can have several accounts associated with it, sellers are free to create different stores for each type of content they have to sell.

"When people ask me what I do on the internet, I tell them that I teach studios and webmasters how to make money," says Amber T. Myers of ClipClinic.com. "This is what is so exciting about ClipClinic.com - it's a modern day web site with a grassroots philosophy."

An industry veteran who has run adult sites and affiliate programs since 1995, Amber T. knows of what she speaks. Over the years, she has managed some of the largest affiliate programs on the net, and also acts as coach to site/program owners, teaching them how to be successful with their own businesses. From her experience, Amber T. understands that part of a grassroots philosophy is leaving the power in the hands of the content makers.

Producers on ClipClinic have total control over the presentation of their material. With one account, amateur producers can set up as many stores as they need in order to most effectively market their content. Sellers even have complete freedom over the pricing of their clips, although ClipClinic does have recommended pricing to guide those who need the help.

ClipClinic also has a unique system pertaining to "products." A product may have up to seven different clips attached to it, which means a seller can offer buyers movie clips in a variety of file formats and resolutions, then price each clip accordingly. However, unlike when each file is considered separate product even it isn't, this system creates a cohesive presentation, and makes buyers aware of their options immediately.

All of the features available on ClipClinic point to the site's dedication to helping amateurs and grassroots fetish producers make money. "I get to do what I love," reveals Amber T. "I help producers and upcoming webmasters promote themselves, market their sites and ultimately make new friends while providing a means for them to earn a large income online."

Grassroot producers interested in ClipClinic can visit the site or contact Amber directly.

Amber T. Myers
Director of Business Development
Direct: 540-353-3161
ICQ: 3742113

08-04-2008, 09:29 PM
An industry veteran who has run adult sites and affiliate programs since 1995, Amber T. knows of what she speaks. Over the years, she has managed some of the largest affiliate programs on the net, and also acts as coach to site/program owners, teaching them how to be successful with their own businesses.

Since 1995? Who has she worked with? I knew just about everyone back in the day, and I've never heard of her (I don't think).

Did they give any info on pay-out percentages? It sounds like a Clips4Sale clone.

08-04-2008, 09:57 PM
Since 1995? Who has she worked with? I knew just about everyone back in the day, and I've never heard of her (I don't think).

Did they give any info on pay-out percentages? It sounds like a Clips4Sale clone.
Im pretty sure you know Amber over the years. She runs thru here all the time and Id introduce you to her if you were coming to Miami.

In the meantime Ill send her this thread.

There should be some obvious strategies that can be used to make money with this.

08-04-2008, 10:55 PM
I was waiting for this to go live. I have a lot of clips on C4S already. Too bad ClipClinic can't match their 60% payout to the studios. Guess I should make my account and start uploading to ClipClinic too.

08-05-2008, 08:33 AM
I'm there already. It's a clone of clips.com 40% to producers, 20% to affiliates. Now if they can get some big traffic affiliates signed up it has the possibility to seriously rock. :okthumb:

08-05-2008, 12:49 PM
I like my sixty percent too much to move over.

08-05-2008, 01:40 PM
Since 1995? Who has she worked with? I knew just about everyone back in the day, and I've never heard of her (I don't think).

Did they give any info on pay-out percentages? It sounds like a Clips4Sale clone.

Hi Danny! We used to run around back in the day at several shows...not always together, but pretty much within the same crowd. My ex-married name was Amber Fisher, and Rett's my ex-hubby (and still great friend). One time that immediately comes to mind when we were all hanging around together at a show was at a Gameworks party. Do you remember that? Weren't you good friends with M. Fold too?

And Yes Ma'am, I've been running adult sites since 1995...my first site was selling porn videos, CD's and laser-disc's (am I showing my age yet? ;->) to the public. I grew from there into membership sites, link sites, TGPs, free sites, etc. I've contracted for many friends along the way too...notably, I trained Epoch/Paycom's customer service staff the first year they opened their doors. I'm proud that they still use many of my written canned email replies for customers to this day and I still love that crew! I also was the affiliate manager of CashQuest which my main cartoon porn site was a part of - and I still adore the WebQuest team! I grew from there and trained/consulted for National A-1 (was pink4free.com site at the time, and now HotMovies is their main property) on how to run adult sites and affiliate programs. From there, I became the affiliate manager of Hustler.com, related sites and affiliate program where I remained for the first three years that they grew online.

I worked with other great companies and people along the way too...but my style is typically to lay low on boards, hit a few shows every year, and assist friends along the way when they ask, while continuing to run my own sites.

Fast forward to present day...............I've been working on ClipClinic.com for the past 6 months; the pay out to studios is 40% of every sale. The affiliate program is up on our test servers right now and will be live as soon as we confirm everything's working well. The affiliate program will pay out 30%. So, a studio who also wants to be an affiliate and send traffic to their own stores will earn 70% payout - The highest payout in the clips market.

We are also not a clone of clips4sale. I give them many props for how well they've done and how huge they've become...but they pay out 60% to studios and do not offer an affiliate program of additional monies.

We also have many upgraded features...
- a robust keyword/tag search engine
- you can have as many stores in your one ClipClinic account as you want; with just one login, you can track all of your traffic and sales.
- You can have up to 7 clip files in one product to offer customers varying file formats and resolutions of the same file, and charge accordingly for them (i.e. higher resolution you may charge more than for the same clip at a lower resolution).
- You have complete freedom to price your clips. The only limitation is that you cannot charge less than .99 cents total for a clip. Although we recommend (only in text) that you charge around .99 cents per minute; you still can charge more for a super high quality clip...or less for a lower quality clip.

Our focus with ClipClinic is to provide an avenue for grassroots amateur producers to make money...and to offer this service better than anyone else does.

Danny, will you be at Internext? If so, let's get together and talk. :)

08-05-2008, 02:08 PM
Sorry Amber, now I know who you are! My daughter's name is Amber, and I was racking my brains trying to remember an Amber Myers.

If I set up an account with ClipClinic, and refer my own traffic, we can get the full 70%? That is a good deal. My only real problem with Clips4Sale was pushing traffic to it that in many cases was buying someone else's clips! That is why, while we do use the site, we don't push our own traffic there. I always thought they should fix that.

We'll definitely set something up with you guys.

We won't be in Florida for the show as we just can't travel these days.

Say hello to Rett for us ;)

-- Danny

08-05-2008, 02:37 PM
I'm there already. It's a clone of clips.com 40% to producers, 20% to affiliates. Now if they can get some big traffic affiliates signed up it has the possibility to seriously rock. :okthumb:

LOL, right on MRock! Not a clone of clips.com actually...for several reasons:

- we payout 40% to studios; and the affiliate program that's being tested will offer 30% payout...a total payout of 70% (not 60% like clips.com and c4s)
- we are not bound by, or limited to, any VOD parameters. Typically, VOD costs a lot less per minute than clip sites pricing.
- you have complete flexibility over the pricing of your clips.
- unlike clips.com, we will not be accepting any professional porn stars...the site is 100% amateur produced content, we will be keeping the site authentic so the user has a true user-generated experience.

Those are just some of the things that makes us different.

Although, I'm one to never put all of my eggs into just one basket, and I recommend to everyone to diversify. We all have different traffic sources and one type of store might do better on clips.com or c4s, and the other type of store will do better on ClipClinic. So I say work with all of us and get the most....er...buck for yer bang...if ya dig what I mean. ;)

08-05-2008, 03:23 PM
Sorry Amber, now I know who you are! My daughter's name is Amber, and I was racking my brains trying to remember an Amber Myers.

If I set up an account with ClipClinic, and refer my own traffic, we can get the full 70%? That is a good deal. My only real problem with Clips4Sale was pushing traffic to it that in many cases was buying someone else's clips! That is why, while we do use the site, we don't push our own traffic there. I always thought they should fix that.

We'll definitely set something up with you guys.

We won't be in Florida for the show as we just can't travel these days.

Say hello to Rett for us ;)

-- Danny

That's the bad thing about marriage...name change. ;)

Yes, if you refer your own traffic you will get the full 70% payout...However, the affiliate program is not live on the site yet, but we are working our butts off to ensure it's ready to release and get it up before Internext. So at this very moment, it's only 40% payout...but the affiliate program is nipping at my heels and will be available very soon, which will offer you the full 70% (40% as a studio and 30% to send traffic to your stores).

You might want to go ahead and sign up and start uploading your clips and preparing your stores to be ahead of the game. You'll earn 40% from our traffic even before you send any traffic of your own.

And I'm sad to hear that you won't be at the show; I would have loved to see you both and catch up in person. I will definitely tell Rett that you say hello too - he'll be so flattered that you remembered him. :)

Do you icq? If so, please add me and hit me up there...let's chat. My #'s 3742113. If you don't use icq, please email me your # and I'll give you a call. My e's amber at clipclinic.com

Thanks & Hugs!