View Full Version : Did a stupid thing.....

08-04-2008, 09:57 AM
I was working in my backyard and hoped over my 4 foot retaining wall. My foot when one way, my leg the other. Now Im on crutches for the next few weeks. Emergency couldn't find any breaks but, even the doctor said there is most likely a fracture and it will require an MRI tomorrow to find it.

All I have to say is I have a new understanding for people that have to use these damn things. (Crutches) They suck. Getting around with them sucks. Stairs suck. Basically the worst time I have ever had considering all the sucking... :thumbdown

08-04-2008, 01:24 PM
Ouch, sorry to hear it. I dislocated my right shoulder real bad several years ago, required surgery eventually, and having my right arm on an immobilizer really really sucked, it's more than a sling, it keeps your whole arm strapped to your ribs, and since I am right handed it was hell, so I know what you mean, hey, at least you can work on the PC . . .