View Full Version : The silence is deafening

08-02-2008, 09:12 AM
With all the talk lately about the prechecked cross sales, I decided to put my little tush on the line and make a post over at the board owned by DC, and moderated by a few of his sales reps. I really thought I was going to have to take a dry one, but seems no one affiliated with their programs has anything to say.


08-02-2008, 09:50 AM
I don't think that they are paying attention to any of the boards / resources / things that they picked up that are not directly making them money (aka tons of cross sales). They made a deal with GFY to allow them to run promos for each of the programs they own, often at the same time, and this in direct violation of the standard GFY rules for contests and stuff. It seems like a whole slice of the business has decided to drop their pants and take it up the ass for cash right now, thinking there won't be any more soon enough.

If you check the Alexa rankings for GFY, you can figure out why they are doing it, pretty soon they won't even be in the top 100k for sites, a scary drop for a site that was in the top 10k not long ago.

08-02-2008, 11:52 AM
I don't think that they are paying attention to any of the boards / resources / things that they picked up that are not directly making them money (aka tons of cross sales). They made a deal with GFY to allow them to run promos for each of the programs they own, often at the same time, and this in direct violation of the standard GFY rules for contests and stuff. It seems like a whole slice of the business has decided to drop their pants and take it up the ass for cash right now, thinking there won't be any more soon enough.

If you check the Alexa rankings for GFY, you can figure out why they are doing it, pretty soon they won't even be in the top 100k for sites, a scary drop for a site that was in the top 10k not long ago.

And with Playboys stock continuing to be below $5 whos crying now?

08-02-2008, 12:11 PM
GFY missed their true calling, they should have admitted to being a surfer board about 2 years ago and really pushed it, and they would likely be a top 1000 site now. Instead, they waffled, they continued to allow non-webmasters to come in an insult people, and have allowed the very worst of the scammers to pretty much take over.

It's almost killed boards before, and it will do it again.

08-02-2008, 12:59 PM
GFY missed their true calling, they should have admitted to being a surfer board about 2 years ago and really pushed it, and they would likely be a top 1000 site now. Instead, they waffled, they continued to allow non-webmasters to come in an insult people, and have allowed the very worst of the scammers to pretty much take over.

It's almost killed boards before, and it will do it again.

You are right.

08-02-2008, 01:12 PM
The silence is deafening

Quite often, that which isn't stated speaks louder than that which is.