View Full Version : After 7 years...I need some work!

08-01-2008, 08:54 PM
Well, after 7 long years with PMB it appears that with the recent sale of the program, my services are no longer required....some notice would have been nice.

So, I'm looking for some work...not fulltime, but ongoing would be great.

As I'm sure you're aware, I'm very reliable, so if anyone has anything that they need looking after on an ongoing basis, I'm your girl...erm...woman!

I don't want a sales position...I'm really much better at the minutiae, even boring stuff.

Drop me a PM if you have anything...I'd like to be able to stay in the industry, if only for the people. http://www.industryoldschool.com/forum/images/smilies/smile.gif


08-01-2008, 09:57 PM
Wha wha what ???

Bill sold? Who, what, why, when ??

Sorry to hear you have to go look for work Lisa. Job searches are never fun.

08-01-2008, 10:08 PM
Bill sold.

Who? Not sure I can divulge that, but given that I've been fired, not sure I'm under any obligation to not divulge it either...opinions?

What...the program...duh! :P

Why? His other business interests in the real world were taking up more time and were more satisfying than this...so he sold.

When...about 3 weeks ago.

To be honest, the job search is kinda exciting. I'm looking for some stuff here in the real world, but I'm keen to keep doing some online stuff for a couple of years until my eldest is driving and therefore more independent. If I can work part-time in the real world and part-time online, that would be ideal.

08-01-2008, 11:06 PM
His other business interests in the real world were taking up more time and were more satisfying than this.

Sound familiar? You are going to hear a lot more of this. Twice in one day.....lolololol.....
"and the coloured girls go do be do be do be doobedoo"

08-01-2008, 11:44 PM
Who? Not sure I can divulge that, but given that I've been fired, not sure I'm under any obligation to not divulge it either...opinions?

If you haven't signed anything or agreed to saying you wouldn't say then you are under no obligation to keep quiet I would think.

And that free opinion is legally worth as much as you paid for it :yowsa:

08-01-2008, 11:45 PM
I've signed nothing...nor have I been asked to sign anything.

Chris aka PornoMan is the new owner.

08-02-2008, 12:30 AM
I've signed nothing...nor have I been asked to sign anything.

Chris aka PornoMan is the new owner.

Also known as MFM.
You know the guys who sold JustBlowMen to pimproll.

08-02-2008, 12:43 AM
Also known as MFM.
You know the guys who sold JustBlowMen to pimproll.

JBM was sold too? It isn't Brad's board anymore?


I haven't been posting much but I still check in pretty often here and at the zoo. When and where has all this shit been being talked about that I am missing it?

08-02-2008, 12:46 AM
Lisa... damn it's been a long time. I miss you girl.

And I'm sorry to hear of this!

08-02-2008, 01:00 AM
Sare, in semaphore apparently. I'm almost relieved that not everyone knew already...then I'd feel even more out of the loop!

Thanks LAJ. I'm sure things will be fine...it just wasn't in my life plan to be unemployed right now...or in fact to join the real world work force for another couple of years until my youngest was driving. (I farked up in my earlier post...my eldest is already driving, she's 18...I'm old! :( )

08-02-2008, 01:11 AM
I remember you from the old days around here and you left along with Serge, Nick, Mike, Trev, Drav, CJ, Sabby and that mob. I am sure a few folks know what it is you do, but lots don't. I think if you are looking for work, it might be a good idea to tell us what it is you do.

08-02-2008, 01:48 AM
Lisa was Bill's right hand at PMB :okthumb:

08-02-2008, 01:53 AM
Lisa was Bill's right hand at PMB :okthumb:
Are those sites all below the fold pre cross checked?

08-02-2008, 05:44 AM
Are those sites all below the fold pre cross checked?

They are now, although I don't know if that's a new or a pre-existing condition.

08-02-2008, 10:41 AM
Good luck Lisa :waving:

08-02-2008, 11:48 AM
They are now, although I don't know if that's a new or a pre-existing condition.

If they had been, Bill would have likely been making enough money to keep the sites going and pay someone to manage them :)

08-02-2008, 11:50 AM
JBM was sold too? It isn't Brad's board anymore?


I haven't been posting much but I still check in pretty often here and at the zoo. When and where has all this shit been being talked about that I am missing it?
You would be surprised at what I know and what Ive told while others continue to lie about it.

08-02-2008, 11:59 AM
What?? No one lies!! We are all making more money than ever, and all our programs are converting and retaining better than ever! Our stuff converts at better than 1:1, really, honest, would I lie about that??

08-02-2008, 02:48 PM
Well.. first of all let me say for those with programs and tuff out there you couldn't find a better employee to have than Lisa!! Top notch girl you can't go wrong with. :okthumb:

And if all else fails my dear you can marry me and move to the good ole USA. Heck you can marry me no matter what. I'd be a happy man!! :)

08-02-2008, 06:42 PM
I remember you from the old days around here and you left along with Serge, Nick, Mike, Trev, Drav, CJ, Sabby and that mob. I am sure a few folks know what it is you do, but lots don't. I think if you are looking for work, it might be a good idea to tell us what it is you do.

I never really had all that much to say...all these years on Oprano...still haven't got to 1k posts! Once the people who I shot the shit with were no longer around I didn't really have anyone to talk to...and if I wasn't contributing I didn't feel entitled to post program announcements either, that isn't fair. :)

As to what I do...well what I've been doing and what I'd like to do in the future are two different things. For the last 18 months I've worked 7 days a week doing all our customer service in addition to running the program.

What I'd like to do is some menial jobs that don't require me to stress about leaving the house or wanting to spend time with the kids. I'd like to be doing something along the lines of content updates, ll or tgp reviewing. Even customer service is good if I'm sharing it with someone...answering members emails etc...the time zone thing worked really well for that until I was the only one left doing it!

The autistic in me likes doing the boring stuff...lol.

They are now, although I don't know if that's a new or a pre-existing condition.

New...pre-existing would have required Bill to be a bit more involved than he has been lately and to be honest, he's had other things on his mind. :)

I like and respect the man very much, but he hasn't been interested in this biz for a little while now.

Good luck Lisa :waving:

Thanks Robert. :)

Well.. first of all let me say for those with programs and tuff out there you couldn't find a better employee to have than Lisa!! Top notch girl you can't go wrong with. :okthumb:

And if all else fails my dear you can marry me and move to the good ole USA. Heck you can marry me no matter what. I'd be a happy man!! :)

Matt, thanks for the words of support...and no, again, I won't marry you...yet...tho I may have to keep it in mind!!! :licklips0

08-02-2008, 07:29 PM
So out of curiosity, how did the pre checked cross sales come to be? It would be interesting to hear an opinion from someone who was involved. Was it done because of declining revenue? Stiffer competition? A money grab to bail? All of these have been bandied around on lots of boards. What is your opinion?

08-02-2008, 07:32 PM
How did they come to be on PMB? Ask the new owner. I didn't know anything about it until yesterday.

08-02-2008, 07:35 PM
Sorry, I thought you were let go within the last couple of days.

08-02-2008, 07:42 PM
Yeh I was...and I believe the pre-checked sales appeared within the last week.

They weren't something Bill instituted...that would have required more involvement in the program than he's had for a while. :)

08-02-2008, 08:01 PM
So out of curiosity, how did the pre checked cross sales come to be? It would be interesting to hear an opinion from someone who was involved. Was it done because of declining revenue? Stiffer competition? A money grab to bail? All of these have been bandied around on lots of boards. What is your opinion?
Its even easier than it used to be,

Hook up wtih Epoch, CCBill, WTS or Netbilling.

Get yourself a very weak content area - hell you can used the same back end youve sold them with another cross check for that matter....

Hang out with all the cool kids - you know the ones that are mighty in this business and can make or break you...[1 Tommy Bahama is required] and beg to buy those cross sales.

Then you can buy existing pay sites where the rebills have radically declined to the point of where your not even interested in fucking with it any more....stop updating the members area if they havent... and fire as many employees as you want.

At this stage wait for one of the monthly shows and make a big splash and sponsor a party on a boat or at a cool club and feed your idiot affiliates some booze... hell its their money that helped pay for it! Sleep well at night by saying your giving back to the "little people".

Repeat cycle....

For added profits add in some cross sales of your other Tommy Bahama buddies and make the text that tells what the name of the site either none existant or the same color of the background making it take even longer for the surfer to discover who they MIGHT be able to contact to cancel the never ending charges on the credit card.

Make sure to open a bank account over seas to put your retirement fund in for when you go backrupt lke John Ip and not pay your affiliates [just your friends] or when the FTC busts your ass like Crescent or the Fed cuz you were getting cash out of that account like Joe Francis.

In the end you can sell that dead tranny site to the next Dee-lerious idiot that comes along and you can retire for 3 years on 50K and live like a king buttfucking young boys in Thailand. Of course you will have to come back and try to start it all over posting idiotic threads saying how cool you are like the top 10 things you didnt know about me [steal any good thread from another board] and search for a service to send out your herbal spam from 2003 and also offer to buy some lists on the same board.


08-02-2008, 08:09 PM
Matt, thanks for the words of support...and no, again, I won't marry you...yet...tho I may have to keep it in mind!!! :licklips0

One of these days you'll say yes!! :okthumb:

08-02-2008, 08:11 PM
Gee Gonzo.. tell us how you really feel.. LOL

08-02-2008, 08:16 PM
Gee Gonzo.. tell us how you really feel.. LOL
Hope you find it to help you be a Rockstar!

08-02-2008, 09:04 PM
Gonzo, you just posted my dream!

Little Thai boys....mmmmmm...

08-02-2008, 10:56 PM
In the end you can sell that dead tranny site to the next Dee-lerious idiot that comes along and you can retire for 3 years on 50K and live like a king buttfucking young boys in Thailand. Of course you will have to come back and try to start it all over posting idiotic threads saying how cool you are like the top 10 things you didnt know about me [steal any good thread from another board] and search for a service to send out your herbal spam from 2003 and also offer to buy some lists on the same board.



Is there a bitchslap smiley on here?

The real attractiveness of existing (but worn down) programs is the longer term credit card accounts and the ratios they have. When you find an old program with very low chargebacks, they are gold, because you can really spank that account for a while before it blows up. Doubly so if they either have multiple low chargeback accounts, or if they are in position to obtain multiple new merchant accounts / processing with different companies. Whack NATS in there, and you have an instant profit maker for at least the next 4 or 5 months until the chargebacks run up.

Party like a rockstar sailor, knowing that the bill won't come due for a few moore months.

08-03-2008, 01:31 AM

Is there a bitchslap smiley on here?

The real attractiveness of existing (but worn down) programs is the longer term credit card accounts and the ratios they have. When you find an old program with very low chargebacks, they are gold, because you can really spank that account for a while before it blows up. Doubly so if they either have multiple low chargeback accounts, or if they are in position to obtain multiple new merchant accounts / processing with different companies. Whack NATS in there, and you have an instant profit maker for at least the next 4 or 5 months until the chargebacks run up.

Party like a rockstar sailor, knowing that the bill won't come due for a few moore months.