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08-01-2008, 05:10 PM
so said Carnac......

So here are my predictions for the short term in this business:

The exodus has started and the business will be awash with cheap and free content.
The traffic kings will try and milk whatever they can out of the abandoned content which won't be a lot.
The content kings will be hurt because of said worthless content eroding their business.

It will take half a year for the surfer kings to get bored of the worthless content and the traffic kings will start whinging.

The content producers that have stuck it out, will gear up and start producing fresh content for those ahead of the curve (you probably know who they are) and they will make out like bandits.

My crystal ball is a bit foggy, but then so am I.....

08-01-2008, 05:11 PM
BTW, all this bodes poorly for the free tube sites who will be recycling the worthless abandoned content. They already are.

Paul Markham
08-02-2008, 02:54 AM
This is my predictions for the future.

Those who have something truly saleable and unique that can't be produced for $400 to $2000 a scene by anyone with a camcorder will survive. They will need to protect it from the Tube sites.

Also those who offer the surfer what he wants at a price he is willing to pay for the product will also survive. There are problems with Tube sites, like speed and quality, and I believe some surfers are prepared to pay for the service and convenience if not the product.

Those with content that appeals to the mass general unsophisticated market will lose out to Tube sites.

Those who think the surfer is a never ending stream of clueless fools who will buy what ever they are thrown at are already learning their errors.

08-02-2008, 01:07 PM
In America there were originally over 200 car companies,now there are 3.

08-02-2008, 01:39 PM
In America there were originally over 200 car companies,now there are 3.

(and 197 car magazines and TV shows).