View Full Version : Camera Question

07-29-2008, 02:33 PM
I hate to break away from all the great threads going on at the moment, but I do have a question about cameras. I do have a number of high end cameras I use for shoots, but I need something that is small and very easy to carry, but that will still take good pictures in lower light conditions.

I'm just not at all up to date on what's out there for the very small point-and-shoot digitals and would like to get some recommendations to narrow the search. I just need something I can carry in a pocket, and pull out in places like low lit bars for candid pics.


07-30-2008, 01:16 AM
yes look at the panasonic/Lumix cameras, the DMC-TZ4K is and similar models are very sweet

07-30-2008, 10:57 AM
I've been really happy with the Cannon Elph Powershots, I have a couple of them now and they take a great picture, are small enough to put in your pocket, plus you can get a waterproof housing for them making them great for diving or shower pictures. They recycle fast and take the first picture fast... For what it's sounding like you want it for you can't go wrong. Pick up a second hand one cheap off ebay and use it as your beat around camera.

For some real fun pick up one of these... http://sanyodigital.com/e1.aspx It's a cheap waterproof digital video camcorder and 6 meg pix camera with flash all in one. The recycle time on the cameras a little slow but it also takes a great picture is small enough to again, put in your pocket and is built solid. I bought one for my wife to put into the baby bag and she uses it with the kids everywhere now. (Think Pool, running in the sprinkler, bath time etc...) Really gives you a worry free chance to shoot just about anywhere and anything. PLLUS you don't have to worry if a bottle opens on accident and soaks everything in the bag.... (has happened ruining a lesser camera)

There are a lot of other waterproof mini handhelds out there. Another suggestion would be to find one that you think you would like and read the user reviews over at amazon... they are honest and usually right on the money.

07-30-2008, 11:00 AM
Casio has some great small cameras that take awesome pics and video.

07-30-2008, 11:51 AM
A friend of mine has a canon 6MP tiny little portable thing, mini zoom lens and all, shoots some pretty decent pictures except that the flash is a little weak so you get that sort of "bright people in a darker room" effect, which isn't all bad at times. It is super compact, about the size of a (poor mans) wallet.

07-30-2008, 01:53 PM
Thanks guys, I'll have a look at those.

07-30-2008, 04:49 PM
I have bought, and re-bought Casio Exilim. Starting with the 3.2 megapixel, to my current 8 Megapixel.
They are Excellent cameras, have a short (3X) optical zoom (Plus digital for what it's worth) and the 8 meg (as well as the 6meg had) decent video cameras.
I kid you not. For 2 years, I recorded Borough Council meetings that could be decently played back on DVD with these little darlings.
The rub was max 1 hour recording time per battery.
but extra batteries are cheap.

The best part. INCREDIBLY thin. I'm talking shirt pocket. Like elph, but better.
I ALWAYS carry my camera, and it has been handy.
They are also very durable, as i beat the hell out of them, and have only ever had one service issue, which was handled quickly by Casio, at no cost.

I will continue to buy Casio. I don't care what anyone else says. They have served me well.
It's one of the very few tech products that I actually think I've gotten my money's worth from, and don't flinch when buying a new one. (You know, being the cheap bastard I am.)

Hell Puppy
07-30-2008, 09:47 PM
Canon Digital Elphs....

They're tiny, take a great pic and handle low light VERY well.

07-30-2008, 10:04 PM
Canon Digital Elphs....

They're tiny, take a great pic and handle low light VERY well.

I haven't used my SD1100 in a low light situation yet. Good to know that it will do the job should the need arise.

I just like the fact that it fits easily in my shirt pocket.

Hell Puppy
07-31-2008, 12:10 AM
I haven't used my SD1100 in a low light situation yet. Good to know that it will do the job should the need arise.

I just like the fact that it fits easily in my shirt pocket.

All of the elphs do well in low light, if that one has image stabilization and high ISO, you can pretty much shoot in the dark without flash or tripod.

08-02-2008, 05:25 PM
I picked up the Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS Digital Elph today, and it looks like it's going to suit my needs perfectly. It's as small as my phone, so will fir nicely in my pocket. I did some very low light testing (actually no light) and the shots came out really good. I took pics of Carol at 3 feet, 6 feet, 9 feet and 12 feet, and only once I hit 12 feet in total darkness did I get any artifacts in the image. Even the 640X480 video it does is of higher quality than I would have thought.

Thanks to all who suggested that camera, it is exactly what I was looking for and hoping for.

08-02-2008, 08:18 PM
I picked up the Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS Digital Elph today, and it looks like it's going to suit my needs perfectly. It's as small as my phone, so will fir nicely in my pocket. I did some very low light testing (actually no light) and the shots came out really good. I took pics of Carol at 3 feet, 6 feet, 9 feet and 12 feet, and only once I hit 12 feet in total darkness did I get any artifacts in the image. Even the 640X480 video it does is of higher quality than I would have thought.

Thanks to all who suggested that camera, it is exactly what I was looking for and hoping for.
I love the one I got 2 years ago Danny.
I carry it and http://www.theflip.com/ on me most of the time.