View Full Version : An affiliate with principles on GFY...

07-28-2008, 09:36 PM
Finally, they are seeing the light and standing up for what is honest and right...

Nikad....Traffic Cash Gold does for example. The thing is, if sponsors are going to ruin the whole rebill thing by putting pre checked sales, well, I wanīt some of that $, as they probably wonīt rebill much after they figure out they are being charged 3x a membership.

No wonder everybody says that sales are sucking lately, between the illegal tube and torrent sites, and a big % of sponsors running these pre checked stuff ( some donīt even put a price to what is prechecked, others take it even further by putting these below the " proceed " button), well, who would risk their credit card? If the surfer will get ripped off and will never rebill or buy anyth again, I want some of that ;)


Paul Markham
07-31-2008, 02:27 PM
Just another way to convince the surfer not to spend money. But people will keep doing it and others will keep sending traffic. Sadly.

07-31-2008, 02:51 PM

How is Eva? If there is anything I can do dont hesitate to send me an icq or email

Paul Markham
07-31-2008, 03:38 PM

How is Eva? If there is anything I can do dont hesitate to send me an icq or email

Eva's doing a lot better now. She has been moved to ICU and on the road to recovery. A very scary couple of weeks.

Will try to write something up over the weekend and submit it to Xbiz. Will try to show how we value things differently after an event like this.

07-31-2008, 05:18 PM
Eva's doing a lot better now. She has been moved to ICU and on the road to recovery. A very scary couple of weeks.

Will try to write something up over the weekend and submit it to Xbiz. Will try to show how we value things differently after an event like this.

So glad to hear Paul. She was definitely in all of our prayers

07-31-2008, 05:44 PM
Eva's doing a lot better now. She has been moved to ICU and on the road to recovery. A very scary couple of weeks.

Will try to write something up over the weekend and submit it to Xbiz. Will try to show how we value things differently after an event like this.
I have not heard what happened Paul, but I do hope all goes well. You both have my best wishes.

Paul Markham
08-01-2008, 02:05 AM
I have not heard what happened Paul, but I do hope all goes well. You both have my best wishes.

Eva had a very bad car crash on the motorway. She veered from the left hand lane to the right, onto the hard shoulder and on to the grass verge. She turned the car back and flipped it many times. Then carried on, on the roof. The top of the car was crushed. Eva sustained multiple injuries to skull, spine, lungs, arm, kidney and jaw. Plus bruises.

She was not expected to live and they could not operate on her or would not, for 8 hours. She was in a bad state. But the good news is she's up and well now. Well not up and well but getting a lot better a lot faster. She is now in ICU and on the road to recovery.




But the good news is she's awake and they will fix the jaw today, she phoned me. She will be out soon.

http://www.paulmarkham.com/temp/evah4.jpg The latest one.

08-03-2008, 06:39 AM
sorry to hear that news paul, hope she makes a full and complete recover soonest.

Paul Markham
08-03-2008, 09:23 AM
Thank you.

Saw Eva yesterday and the prognosis is she will be in ICU until Thursday/Friday and then into a general ward where she will need some therapy to get back on her feet and then they will have a better idea of when she will be home.

She did say to me on the phone Friday night she will home sooner, but I think she was confused. Probably a bit dazed. She also broke her jaw again yawning Friday night. So that's being redone Monday. Tighter this time.

Good news is she's on the mend.

But I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. LOL