View Full Version : Sales upswing...blogging looks like the answer

Greg B
07-25-2008, 07:52 PM
I've been learning more and more about blogging over the past 10 months. It's really turning into a money maker on two fronts for me. At first I thought it was all bs and hype but I shut up, built some blogs both mainstream and porn and things have been going upward.

The mainstream blogs sometimes get outstanding traffic and attention ( science, news, law, comic books related ) but the porn blogs take care of themselves. Just update now and then and they do just fine. Looks like blogging is a smart addition to one's sales. Some of my traditional sales sources dropped but others picked up fast to take their place. Looks like some products do better by blog than others. Very interesting observation indeed. I've always had success with adding toons to blogs and did some editorial toons to ad to my news blogs and got picked up by dozens of newspapers. My old pals in the news business emailed me to say they were happy to see me back in the biz but I told em' it was an experiment.

Some webmasters blog like there's no tomorrow and I can see why now. Done right they can be quite the sales and promotional venue. ( I can't believe I've had time to post something on the board of length in the past two busy weeks. )

07-25-2008, 08:11 PM
porn blogs are like anything - you put enough material in the right place that is on topic, and in theory the porn gods will smile on you. it isn't and differrent from a niche tgp, picpost, or any of the other things we have run in the last 10 years.

07-27-2008, 02:34 PM