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06-26-2008, 09:10 AM
I could have went all morning without seeing Mini Me getting his breed on!


A special fuck you to Dez for making me watch that.

06-26-2008, 09:11 AM
very disturbing
what's more disturbing is a chick like that would shoot me down

xPeeps Dez
06-26-2008, 09:21 AM
A special fuck you to Dez for making me watch that.

Awww, and here I thought you liked the freaky shit. Would it have been better if she was a waffle house waitress and he was a krispy kreme donut?

06-26-2008, 09:23 AM
Awww, and here I thought you liked the freaky shit. Would it have been better if she was a waffle house waitress and he was a krispy kreme donut?
REtribution is at had. Egg salad sandwitch for lunch and a deuce for you!

06-27-2008, 10:41 AM
KB quotes on the Mini Me Tape ....

“You know those souvenir miniatures they give you when you visit the Empire State Building?” asks Blatt. “Let me just say I used mine to gouge my fucking eyes after I saw this tape. It’s unbelievable.”


“As of right now I’m handling all the publicity for the girl who’s in the tape,” explains Blatt. “Her name’s Ranae. And you can imagine a lot of people want to talk to her today.”

Ranae is Troyer’s girlfriend, evidently. She’s 5’3” and 22 years old.

“She’s Persian, very pretty- the first 15 minutes of the tape, he’s eating her out,” relates Blatt. “And it looks like a fetus trying to climb back in the womb.”


“Then when he gets on top of her with his little sausage fingers and starts to fuck her and tries to hold on for dear life, he falls off her every two seconds.”


“It’s unbelievable," says Blatt. "He makes love like a real man but he’s a little man.”

According to KB, the tape’s 50 minutes long though he’s not currently in possession of it.

“The third party who came to me still has it,” he says. “But that person’s been incommunicado and I can’t even get a hold of this person. But if you had $5 million, I probably could.”

Blatt says the response has been unbelievable.

“I talked to Jimmy Kimmel’s people and Howard Stern’s people. Everybody wants to see more of the tape, obviously. Believe me, the little clip that TMZ showed was the only clip I think in the whole tape that didn’t show hardcore. It was probably the only thing they could use.”

Blatt says it’s only his opinion but he thinks there’s been a bigger clamor over this tape than the one featuring Jimmy Hendrix.

“I’m hoping in a perfect world a smart company like Vivid would be able to draft up a good proposal for Verne’s people and show them how much money this could potentially make him. We’ll see.”

According to Blatt, the tape may have been shot just a few months ago.

“I’m just wondering what went through her head,” laughs Blatt. “The guy’s 2’8”. My cock’s bigger than him. It’s just a creepy tape.”

“It’s done in the bedroom and it starts off with him having oral sex with her, going down on her,” Blatt continues.

“Then he climbs on top of her and starts pumping missionary style. He climaxes with a handjob.”

06-27-2008, 11:14 AM
" . . . . . the first 15 minutes of the tape, he’s eating her out,” relates Blatt. “And it looks like a fetus trying to climb back in the womb.”
:lmao1: Oh my fucking stomach is getting sore from :rofl:

06-30-2008, 08:33 AM
--LA Times

Los Angeles- A federal judge ordered the gossip site TMZ.com Friday to remove clips of a private sex tape actor Verne Troyer says was stolen from his residence.

Troyer, best known for his portrayal of Mini Me in the "Austin Powers" films, filed suit Thursday seeking more than $20 million in damages for posting portions of a tape the actor made with a former girlfriend.

U.S. District Judge Philip S. Gutierrez issued a temporary restraining order against TMZ and two other parties allegedly attempting to sell the video after ruling that Troyer "demonstrated a strong likelihood of success" in his suit.

According to court papers, the video of Troyer and former girlfriend Renae Schrider was stolen from the actor's residence in the last few months and "was never intended . . . to be shown to the public."

The judge's order prohibits TMZ, promoter Kevin Blatt and SugarDVD, an online distributor of adult films, from selling or distributing the video.

On Wednesday, TMZ broadcast clips from the video on its television show and posted clips on its website, according the suit.

TMZ reported that Blatt, who brokered the sale of Paris Hilton's sex tape, "is entertaining a $100K offer from Sugar- DVD to distribute the video."

Representatives for TMZ did not return calls seeking comment.

In a message on its website, SugarDVD touted the "existence of one of the most shocking and controversial celebrity sex tapes to date," but said it would release the video only "if Verne gives his consent."

07-03-2008, 12:55 AM
Los Angeles- A federal judge ordered the gossip site TMZ.com Friday to remove clips of a private sex tape actor Verne Troyer says was stolen from his residence.
Ever notice? Only in LA are there apparently thieves that break in and only steal sex tapes for the purpose of internet redistribution!!

These burglers are geniuses! How do they know which B and D stars homes to burgle? How do they sense which tape of a million actor's tape is the one? They're freaking incredible, I tell ya!

07-03-2008, 08:21 AM
Ever notice? Only in LA are there apparently thieves that break in and only steal sex tapes for the purpose of internet redistribution!!

These burglers are geniuses! How do they know which B and D stars homes to burgle? How do they sense which tape of a million actor's tape is the one? They're freaking incredible, I tell ya!
I think they buy KB's maps to the rich and famous.
Fuck LA. I was out there in November and I see the places where most of them all live.