View Full Version : I'm so ashamed of this video

Greg B
06-18-2008, 11:10 AM

Warning, it contains some really sick and demented sadistic acts performed by American soldiers. I had heard about these vids but could not believe them. I am so ashamed and aghast at their behavior I could just crawl under a table and scream. If I were their commanders...

06-18-2008, 11:22 AM
Let's see... 150k soldiers on the ground for what, 4 years already? There will be some unfortunate things, no different from the disgusting things that people have done to each other in America on a normal day. It is disappointing to see, but there are always a few bad apples in the mix, and that site is just attempting to broad brush the whole miltary with the actions of a very few.

At least that site makes Michael Moore look fair and balanced.

06-18-2008, 12:13 PM
those were terrible things "yes" but I have watched videos my brother has brought home..that are not so sad and sadistic..one video he gave me was terrible but it was what the people who live over there do to eachother and if you think that this was bad..I almost puked and I had nightmares for a few nights..I weep for mankind

06-18-2008, 01:19 PM
They're in a war zone, constantly having to look out for IEDs and ambushes, iraq isn't sesame street, so if a couple of guys act out of line, that doesn't surprise me. We have no idea what kind of stress those guys are under. Like Alex said it's a couple of guys and that site wants to paint a picture that all of the troops are bloodthirsty assholes, which is low and disgusting. It's easy for people to criticise what happens in a warzone from the comfort of their suburban livingrooms.