View Full Version : Rumours of Jace's demise have been greatly exaggerated...

06-17-2008, 01:20 PM
I was perusing the zoo and it appears that Jace is off to see the world with a sack full of apple seeds......

06-17-2008, 01:28 PM

06-17-2008, 02:48 PM
I guess Oprano wasn't on his list of boards to post his story on. :whistling

06-17-2008, 03:14 PM
It was a long story... coles notes is life changing experience, dead friend, live, sell everything and wander the world. see ya later.

06-17-2008, 04:01 PM
I posted this on any board that I had business on, since I had no recent business here, I decided that I would email or IM those that I am friends with personally

but here ya go, for those that care

This is going to be a long post, so if you don't care about me, haven't worked with me or never met me, please move along. The ONLY reason I am posting this on the boards is because there are a LOT of people I lost touch with, and this is a nice form of mass broadcast.

First things first, where have I been? I have been around, but not much, majority of the time I have been beside the hospital bed of a friend who tried to take his life. This was a very close friend of mine that was diagnosed with bipolar disorder years ago. He was a doctor himself, so he understood the consequences of not taking his medication, but chose not to anyway. I have dealt with bipolar disorder for a long while now, in the form of my wife, but no one who had this serious of a diagnoses of it (not even sure if that is correct grammar, don't care). Long story short, in the time span of one year he stopped taking his medication, got fired from his job, bought a $250,000 car, bought a $500,000 house, became a pretty large drug dealer, partied all the time and towards the end stopped caring about any debts or money at all. He was living large and empty inside, and only those that were close knew exactly how empty.

About 3-4 months ago he got extremely depressed and walked away from everything, when I say walked away, i mean it literally. He packed a bag, walked out of his house and got a cab to a friends house in remote Georgia where he said his friend would help him get better. I called him once a week and he always seemed depressed, but seemed to be getting better. I tried to call him last week and it went straight to voice mail, I didn't think much of it.

I got a call last Monday letting me know that he had driven from bum fuck Georgia, up to north Atlanta (Marietta) and checked into a hotel room. After checking in he laid everything he owned very nicely in the room, laid on the bed, turned the TV on and proceeded to swallow a bottle of 80mg Oxycontin's, along with another bottle of Xanax. I am not sure who found him, but they did find him before his heart stopped, but not soon enough for his brain to stop functioning. He was taken to the nearest hospital and his stomach pumped, but at that point it was too late, he was pretty much a vegetable.
I got there Monday night and stayed all last week, my wife Sam brought me things when I needed them, but I did not leave his side. Every now and then he would open his eyes and mutter something, but it wasn't words that I could understand.

Late Friday night some friends stopped by, one of the friends who is known for being abrupt and telling people like it is said "all right asshole, you need to figure out where you want to be and stop fucking around. Stay here and get your ass kicked and tons of hugs from people that truly love you, or move on and get your ass kicked and tons of hugs from people that truly love you, but for fucks sake make a damn decision!"

The next morning I was just waking up and sitting with him, watching some tv, when he shifted a little, barely opened one eye, looked at me, opened his mouth and said "go, live", not split second later he died. I can say that moment was the single most life changing moment I have ever had, and in a matter of 5 seconds everything in my life turned upside down. A man with barely any brain activity that had been declared a "vegetable" had enough life in him to tell ME to go LIVE! We knew each other very well, well enough that I knew what he meant. I had never cried and laughed so hard at the same time, it was amazing and extremely depressing at the same time, but I absolutely positively knew what he meant and was honored that he was able to come back to life for that split second to tell me that.

He knew that I had always wanted to drop everything and travel the world, experiencing everything from every angle. I want to go to Scotland and drink til I puke, I want to go to France and drink coffee along side the Seine, I want to go to Venice and make love to my wife overlooking the water streets, I want to go to Africa and see first hand what greed and hate can accomplish when no one cares....and so much more.

So, without boring you any further, here is what is gunna happen. I owe some people work and money right now, nothing major, just a few hundred bucks all in all. I am going to be selling any sites I own that require maintenance, all together it is probably 40-50 sites, also I will be selling any domains I own that I am not using, which is actually some pretty nice ones....everything else I have set to be registered to at least 2011. I am also updating my pay sites until at least 2010, so those will not be for sale, they can run themselves. Anyone I owe money to will be paid back in full by the end of the week, I am sorry I didn't get the work done or pay you the money, it wasn't because I didn't care, anyone that knows me knows I always complete what I started, but this month has just been a roller coaster and I messed everything up, sorry, you will be compensated by the end of the week for my fuck up, in the form of money or sexual favors (just kidding). I know some of the work was due a month or so ago, that was my fuck up for being depressed and taking on too much.

We are in the beginning stages of getting ready to go, which means I am boxing everything important up in our house and whatever isn't important is being sold, either on craigslist or ebay. Then we will be renting a Uhaul and driving up to Philadelphia, were Sam's parents live, they have offered their top floor of their huge house as a "base" for us, which is much easier and convenient than renting a storage space. I have always been a traveler, and us settling down with a big house, 2 car garage, etc was just not for me...it was cool at first, but my wife and I are both getting WAY too antsy, so this is all just coming together exactly as it should be (aside from my friend dying, but maybe that was already planned out, who will ever know?). I am a firm believer that whatever was meant to happen will happen, I don't believe our lives are already planned out, but I do believe there is a reason for everything, life is a lesson, it is up to us to learn.

Anyway, that is what is going on, why I have debts and why some work never got completed. You will see a HUGE post here in the next day or so with an insane amount of sites for sale, I would prefer to sell them all as a package, but individual will be ok also. I most likely won't be on icq anymore, I just don't care for it all that much. You can always reach me at jace@justjace.com though, and most anyone who has worked with me has my phone #. Those I owe money to or have work that was supposed to be done, if you wanna take a look at the list of sites I have going up for sale let me know, I will be glad to work throw you sites in exchange for the debt, whatever will make you happy.

So, bring on the trolls, haters and idiots, let me have it! and to those that have believed in me enough to hire me or work with me on projects through the years, thanks and lots of love. This business has done very well for me over the years, and other than myself, I only have the people I have worked with to thank for that....but as with anything, it is time to move on...and no, I am not leaving the biz completely, I will still be around here and there.

06-17-2008, 04:01 PM
btw, almost all debts of money or work have been cleared, 2 more to go

06-17-2008, 04:02 PM
I absolutely love how much rhetty stalks me though, wonder if he will have a PI install a GPS on me while I travel so he can make fun of the places I go and call me a plonker behind my back...lol

06-17-2008, 05:04 PM
I am sorry to hear about your friend, I can't even imagine what you are going through right now.

I wish you and your wife the best of everything, and have a good life wherever your travels take you.

06-17-2008, 05:32 PM
I am sorry to hear about your friend, I can't even imagine what you are going through right now.

I wish you and your wife the best of everything, and have a good life wherever your travels take you.
it isn't a pleasant feeling that is for sure, i am usually crying at least once a day, and being this is the 3rd friend in 5 years that took his own life, it takes a toll on ya, just thinking about how sad they were in the moments leading up to their death is what makes me so sad

but life goes on, and even plonkers like me have to live and learn and move on

06-17-2008, 06:03 PM
I absolutely love how much rhetty stalks me though, wonder if he will have a PI install a GPS on me while I travel so he can make fun of the places I go and call me a plonker behind my back...lol
Touchy touchy......lol.....not exactly stalking when you post a honking long post like you did at the zoo.....I have seen this life changing shit before. I did it myself. I headed off with a one way ticket, two suitcases and travelled the world for ten years. If you get even close, I will be shocked. Will you be purchasing a one way ticket, kid?

I really hate to quote 12 clicks because he had more excuses than truant schoolboy both for leaving adult, then returning. But I do think he kinda summed it up...

Man, the stories of people's leaving the biz get more and more elaborate. http://www.gfy.com/images/icons/1bluewinky.gif

Coincidence????? I think not.

Oh and as for this "stalking" thing. You are kinda like Sabby, dude. No matter how loud you say it, it just ain't true. You gotta stop hanging out with people that have hyphenated disorders though I suspect you might be one of them.

But a wise man once said, even paranoids have enemies.

Y'all come back, ya hear?

06-17-2008, 06:13 PM
Touchy touchy......lol.....not exactly stalking when you post a honking long post like you did at the zoo.....I have seen this life changing shit before. I did it myself. I headed off with a one way ticket, two suitcases and travelled the world for ten years. If you get even close, I will be shocked. Will you be purchasing a one way ticket, kid?

I really hate to quote 12 clicks because he had more excuses than truant schoolboy both for leaving adult, then returning. But I do think he kinda summed it up...

Coincidence????? I think not.

Oh and as for this "stalking" thing. You are kinda like Sabby, dude. No matter how loud you say it, it just ain't true. You gotta stop hanging out with people that have hyphenated disorders though I suspect you might be one of them.

But a wise man once said, even paranoids have enemies.

Y'all come back, ya hear?

you're a joke, you know that right? even those that were so eager to meet up with you in san fran were laughing behind your back, so funny and sad at the same time

06-17-2008, 06:17 PM
god damn it, why did I stoop to his level?

oh well, anyone with any common sense knows that people that thrive on others low periods are just scum, and I hope people can see rhetty for what he is from the comments he made above

06-17-2008, 06:27 PM
yes, yes Jace. I know people are always laughing at me behind my back. Now please tell me who they were. This is just like you. Fire from the hip with nothing to back it up. Put up or shut up. I suspect you will dodge the bullet again. You post your woes on web boards along with a huge sales pitch....like we were all born yesterday...and don't think you will get any flack? Come on. So, who was laughing and did you or are you buying one way tickets?
A non answer will be Sony......soon only not yet.

06-17-2008, 06:41 PM
yes, yes Jace. I know people are always laughing at me behind my back. Now please tell me who they were. This is just like you. Fire from the hip with nothing to back it up. Put up or shut up. I suspect you will dodge the bullet again. You post your woes on web boards along with a huge sales pitch....like we were all born yesterday...and don't think you will get any flack? Come on. So, who was laughing and did you or are you buying one way tickets?
A non answer will be Sony......soon only not yet.

jesus, you really can't read can you?

the ONLY flack I have gotten is from idiot trolls and haters, which one are you? every single other person, even people I haven't paid are fully supporting me and my decision....LOL

as for one way ticket, wtf are you babbling about? oh, that's right, you can't read can you? that is why you always just make shit up after I explain everything in detail....kind of like my house on the shore, and shit, what else was there you made up?

06-17-2008, 06:55 PM
jesus, you really can't read can you?

the ONLY flack I have gotten is from idiot trolls and haters, which one are you? every single other person, even people I haven't paid are fully supporting me and my decision....LOL

as for one way ticket, wtf are you babbling about? oh, that's right, you can't read can you? that is why you always just make shit up after I explain everything in detail....kind of like my house on the shore, and shit, what else was there you made up?
Wow, was that predictable. You better go pack. You have a great journey to go on. Mountains to climb. Rivers to ford. Sights beyond wonder to gaze upon. It is the first day of the rest of your life, grasshopper. Use your time wisely as you wade through the hoi poloi and witness the misery of human suffering in Burma. Climb the mighty peaks of Tibet. Drink water from the purity that is the Ganges. Break bread with the peace loving Hutus and dance with gay abandon along the Giant's Causeway with a belly full of mead and guiness pie.
Such are the wonders of the world for you to explore. Go safely, fellow traveler, and regale us with the wonderment you encounter as you trip across the glades and glens and luxuriate in pampas grass. Many are the experiences you have yet to dream of. Sleep tight, little one and dream of all that is possible.

Hell Puppy
06-17-2008, 09:42 PM
I'll just say this... When Jace does drama, he REALLY does drama.

No offense or fun intended, just a comment on the magnitude of the post.

Let us know where the blog for all this travel is gonna be, should be a great read.

06-17-2008, 10:24 PM
I'll just say this... When Jace does drama, he REALLY does drama.

No offense or fun intended, just a comment on the magnitude of the post.

Let us know where the blog for all this travel is gonna be, should be a great read.
haha, and you KNOW there will be a blog :)

once I get to philly it might take a few to get everything sorted out, I expect a month or two, then on to the world :)

I definitely want to have one last dinner before I leave, i can't leave without saying goodbye to my adult industry friends here in town

06-17-2008, 10:26 PM
Save this fucking thread. I wanna read it in five years....lol....or more likely six months.

Hell Puppy
06-18-2008, 12:49 AM
You know we're down for dinner anytime.

Just say when and where.

Of course, after you're gone, we'll all be roller skating, firing guns, bowling, going to concerts and all that kind of stuff every night instead of just eating...

06-18-2008, 12:56 AM
You know we're down for dinner anytime.

Just say when and where.

Of course, after you're gone, we'll all be roller skating, firing guns, bowling, going to concerts and all that kind of stuff every night instead of just eating...
omg, hahahahhaa

jesus we talked about that shit a lot huh?

now I have mike south trying to get me deep sea fishing...i don't even eat fish, rofl

06-18-2008, 01:58 AM
You know we're down for dinner anytime.

Just say when and where.

Of course, after you're gone, we'll all be roller skating, firing guns, bowling, going to concerts and all that kind of stuff every night instead of just eating...

You made me laugh out loud.