View Full Version : Blowjob Moms Face Charges In Teen Sex Party

06-16-2008, 09:39 AM
--Fox News

Lower Makefield, Pa- Two Pennsylvania women are facing charges stemming from a sleepover involving six teenage boys.

Angela Honeycutt, 38, and Lynne Long, 45, both of Bucks County, Pa., are accused of a series of allegedly sexual incidents April 14 as the teens, ages 14 to 16, attended a sleepover at Long's Lower Makefield home.

Honeycutt, a mother of two young children, is accused of having sex with a 14-year-old and performed sex acts with a 15-year-old, CBS3.com reported. She also allegedly open-mouth kissed some of the minors, exposed her breasts to the teens, entered a shower with a juvenile and engaged conversation of a sexual nature, the station reported.

Long is accused of watching, listening and instructing the teens not to say anything.

Honeycutt is charged with statutory sexual assault, unlawful contact with a minor and related charges. Long is facing charges of endangering the welfare of children and corruption of minors.

"What is so particularly outrageous about this is the violation of trust," Lower Makefield Twp. Police Chief Ken Coluzzi told CBS3.com. "You think you've seen everything and then all of a sudden, another report of an outrageous crime comes in."

Authorities were tipped off to the incident after one of the boys involved told his parents, the station reported.

The women surrendered to authorities Wednesday and were released on bail.

06-16-2008, 10:54 AM
Damn! I was never invited to those parties when I was 14-16


06-16-2008, 11:03 AM
I would have to hurt someone if they ever did that to my son! Such a shame..

06-16-2008, 11:36 AM
Sounds as though these old broads needed some luvin!

Next time call 1 – 404 - FUCKBWHEAT :bananal9:

06-16-2008, 01:06 PM
And just a year ago, that would have been perfectly legal in Canada. Now we have to wait until the boys are 16 ;)

06-16-2008, 02:04 PM
they will get no jail and a slap on the wrist, just like my best friends uncle got when he raped his 8 year old daughter

yet, I have a friend that sold 100 ecstasy pills in 1999 and is still in jail, and another friend had a weed pipe and got a year in jail

baby raping and teen rape = ok
getting high and having fun = not ok

06-17-2008, 11:11 AM
they will get no jail and a slap on the wrist, just like my best friends uncle got when he raped his 8 year old daughter

yet, I have a friend that sold 100 ecstasy pills in 1999 and is still in jail, and another friend had a weed pipe and got a year in jail

baby raping and teen rape = ok
getting high and having fun = not ok

you have to love our justice system! :clapping:B/S

06-17-2008, 02:37 PM
Damn! I was never invited to those parties when I was 14-16


Me neither.

06-18-2008, 10:41 PM
This must be fake. Its more like a dream come true to a 15yo boy.
Someone is going to get his ass beat for ruining the party.
Oh wait, maybe he was home schooled. That would explain it.

06-18-2008, 11:36 PM
Reads more like a bad penthouse letter.

06-19-2008, 10:05 AM
Damn! I was never invited to those parties when I was 14-16

same here :)
and i love moms:okthumb:

06-19-2008, 02:30 PM
they will get no jail and a slap on the wrist, just like my best friends uncle got when he raped his 8 year old daughter

yet, I have a friend that sold 100 ecstasy pills in 1999 and is still in jail, and another friend had a weed pipe and got a year in jail

baby raping and teen rape = ok
getting high and having fun = not ok

its sad all the protect children shit is just talk when you look at the sentences handed down.